King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 640: Forbidden knowledge is here

Chapter 640: Forbidden knowledge is here

"Damn it, I can't hide from it!" Seeing that the dagger-like sickle was about to stab him, the skirmisher had no choice but to shrink his stomach, thinking that a little protection was better than nothing.

"Squeak!" The small sickle held in both hands hit the skirmisher's abdomen without any accident, causing the puppet's body to make an overwhelmed squeaking sound.

Just the right position, just the right power, immediately made the skirmisher bend down and take a few steps back.

There was no tearing feeling as expected. The skirmisher only felt that his abdomen was hit hard by a narrow hammer. The huge force caused him to lose his balance and he could not stop his retreating movement.

He was retreating step by step, but Yousui had no intention of letting go of the stragglers. Because now is the time for the little scythe to show its true power!

He obviously has the body of a fat boy, but he is extremely flexible. Yousui approached the skirmisher again with a small step and repeated the stabbing action with the small sickle just now.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The doll's body kept retreating, and the obscene fat boy pressed forward step by step.

It's not that the skirmishers don't want to get out of the way, but that You Sui's moves are too weird. Each thrust allowed his fallen body to stand up again, but it did not allow him to regain his balance.

The skirmisher was stabbed several times in a state where his body lost balance but could not fall down.

This is the real power of the wet scythe - as long as the attack force and frequency are appropriate, this thing can cause unlimited stiffness.

If you are hit by it, you can either pray that the person holding the small scythe is very chivalrous and let him go after a few pokes.

Or you can only use your health bar to resist until the attacker runs out of energy.

Apparently, Deep has neither chivalry nor green stripes. So if nothing else, it can poke the skirmishers back and forth in the corridor without stopping.

But how is that possible? Know that there is more than one person here.

"Boom!" Vibrations and loud noises were accompanied by rising dust and smoke, and a fat human mark suddenly appeared on the wall of the underground corridor.

"How is your body?"

"Nothing serious."

The skirmisher took off his clothes, and the fleshy skin surface fell off, revealing his true wooden body underneath.

Although his body was experiencing severe pain, to the skirmishers, it was just drizzle.

He's not that fragile of a guy.

The doctor glanced at the skirmisher's abdomen and nodded. It seems that although that guy is strange, his strength is not that great.

He couldn't even break through the defenses of skirmishers, so the threat to him was even smaller.

"It's getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect that I could meet strong people just by running out."

In the hole that was made, You Sui, who had been kicked, did not show any anger. On the contrary, he was a little excited.

"Such precise power control really makes me look forward to more and more what your body is made of."

The doctor looked at the fat boy-shaped pothole and was equally excited. Who knew that there would be such a strange thing lodged in that ordinary weight?

"Let you also have a taste of the spirit of chivalry!" The strong wind blew through his hair, and the fat figure instantly stepped over the large hole of unknown depth and came closer.

When you came to the doctor's side, Yousui raised his short legs and gave a fierce kick!

The strong air waves were visible to the naked eye, blowing away sand and rocks on the ground. What is surprising is that the doctor who suffered such an impact did not make any move to retreat.

He stood there quietly, as if his body was strong enough to withstand this terrifying blow.

"It's my turn next!" The doctor lowered his head and glanced at Yousu, who was still kicking.

"You're a little strange." The doctor's movements caught Nether's eyes, but it had no intention of dodging.

I just came out to relax, so when I saw such a strange guy, I naturally wanted to play with him.

"Let me see what's different about you!" Meeting the doctor's palm, Yousui stopped poking the person with the back of the sickle. It finally used the sickle in its hand correctly.

At the same time that the curved sickle tip penetrated the doctor's body, the doctor's clawed palm also penetrated the fat winged knight's breastplate. "Wow!"

The sharp blade easily pierced the doctor's coat, creating a ferocious gap between his chest and abdomen.

Blood spilled out, and the wound healed instantly in just a moment, so fast that Yousui didn't even have time to draw out his weapon.

On the other side, after a burst of gold and iron, the doctor also opened a gap in the deep and thick breastplate and inserted his palm deep into it.

The wound on the abdomen did not affect the doctor's movements at all. He first felt a sense of nothingness, and then his palms touched a layer of skin similar to goosebumps.

With a fierce heart, the doctor turned his finger into a knife and penetrated this strange-feeling "skin".


Under the strange skin, there was unimaginable heat. In just a moment, this heat flowed up the doctor's palm and straight into his body.



The doctor made an immediate decision. He twisted his arm and shoulder, and blood spurted out like a column - he twisted his arm off.


The weak arms hanging on Youshen's chest turned into ashes not long after the doctor stepped away and floated around.

The doctor's face was gloomy, his broken palm began to sprout and heal, and the wound on his abdomen had long since disappeared.

Looking at You Sui, who was also gradually repairing his armor, he felt palpitated and surprised.

"Looks like you're not the only one in that thing."

"smart people."

Yousui nodded, and then threw a few more "good things" at the doctor.

"But what I hate most are smart people!" After saying that, Yousui rushed towards the doctor with a roar.

"I'll hold him back, get out of here quickly!" The doctor dodged the excrement, and when he saw Yousui rushing towards him again, he immediately turned around and yelled at the stragglers.

This time, he was unable to deal with the skirmishers and sacrificed his life to cover the retreat of his companions. This could happen to anyone, but it would not happen to the doctor.

"Momochichi, get away!" Seeing the lack of response from the stragglers, the doctor rarely swore.

He hit the skirmisher with a big flying kick and successfully made the skirmisher leave far away.

Just as the skirmishers flew out, the shadowy shadow also stopped.

"I just say that smart people are the most annoying." Yousui kept moving forward motionlessly, as if he was frozen in time.

"It seems that my guess was correct." The doctor saw this and grinned.

But Yousui didn't care about this anymore. He just asked the doctor: "Do you want to become stronger?"

"Stronger?" The doctor didn't react, and there was a clear look on his face.

"I'll tell you the forbidden knowledge you crave."

"Do not……"

"Want to become stronger? Let's do this. When you come to the bonfire in the Ring City Street, go out and walk northeast and you will see a small dragon hunting armor. After defeating him, a set of molten iron dragon hunting armor will drop. Then Go northeast and go up a staircase. There is a lobbyist bug there, and a weapon called the Ring Knight's Straight Sword is nearby. Then come to the painting world and go to the tower guarded by the Mirwood Knight. There is a side of it inside. Spirit Tree Shield, then climb up to the top beam to get the ashes of the Knight Commander. Return to the turkey farm and give it to the old lady to buy a set of Millwood Knights. Be sure to buy the Millwood Knight Armor and the other three pieces. It’s not important. Then go to the bonfire outside the Frank Pit Fortress, open the shortcut door connected to the Punishment Forest and go straight forward. Repeat the Black Salon King until you get the Black Knight Shield, then put on the Molten Iron Hunter Dragon Head and Mir Wood knight armor, arm guards and legs are optional, then equip the black knight shield or spirit tree shield on the left hand, equip the ring seal knight straight sword on the right hand, practice ring fetching..."

"Damn it! Can you let me finish what I'm saying..."

Yousui just wanted to retell the story of Yi Yan's corruption in the Five Soul Bibles to the doctor, but unfortunately there was not enough time.

Its voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared. The doctor, on the other hand, looked dizzy at this time - because he had heard true and forbidden knowledge that did not belong to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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