King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 641: Doctor Explosion

Chapter 641: Doctor Explosion
The stagnant deepness in mid-air turned into bits of dust and shrank inwards, and the parts of the abyss apostle's body that did not belong to it also gradually disappeared.

The bloated armor collapsed, and the tattered turban was nowhere to be seen. They re-formed the distinctive decoration on the abyss monster—but it was not that of the abyss apostle.



Waking up from a trance, the apostle of the abyss suddenly found that his arm had turned red at some point.

"Have I really become a chanter?!" The Apostle of the Abyss... No, he should be called a chanter of the abyss now. He quickly stood up from the ground and looked at his changed body in shock.

Looking up at the doctor with a gloomy expression on his side, the Abyss Chanter began to have a good impression of other humans besides the remnants of Kanria for the first time.

"Miracle doctor, wonderful rejuvenation! If your companions want to change forms in the future, I will definitely ask them to come to you!"

The Abyss Chanter didn't know what happened to it. It only knew that it seemed to have had a dream, and when it woke up, it had changed from the Abyss Apostle to the Abyss Chanter.

So in its view, the doctor is a proper miracle doctor, a miracle doctor who can easily change the form of abyss monsters!

"It's not me you should be grateful for, but this thing." The doctor took his palm out of the wide chanter's palm and pointed to the ground in the corridor.

On the ground, a dark object was rolling. Finally, it rolled in front of the skirmisher and stopped moving with a "pop" sound.

As soon as the skirmisher woke up from the doctor's kick, he saw the "Heart of God" underneath him like a tarsal maggot.

The big "five" began to mock him again. The skirmisher felt his eyes darken, and he suddenly didn't want to wake up.


The Abyss Chanter also saw the black lump at the feet of the skirmisher, and its head was also a little down. What use can this thing... be used for?

But something else soon woke up its brain from its downtime.

"It's an emergency, I'll leave first." The Abyss Chanter seemed to suddenly notice something. It stretched out its arms with great skill, and a huge abyss channel appeared in front of it.

"It is a pleasure to work with you. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." Before leaving, the Abyss Chanter also praised the experience of cooperation with the Fools.

"Phew! If it happens a few more times, I won't be able to bear it."

The doctor sighed, but the Abyss Chanter obviously couldn't hear it - because it had already passed through the abyss passage and ran to nowhere.

The messy underground corridor fell into silence for a while. In the end, the skirmishers silently picked up the "Heart of God" like a weight on the ground and spoke first.

"The movement this time is bigger than the previous ones. I hope your harvest will be the same." The skirmisher casually stuffed the strange thing into his pocket and came to the doctor's side.

He definitely couldn't get rid of this thing. Now he just hoped that the doctor could come up with a good solution.

"That's a good guess. The harvest is indeed great." The doctor nodded, and then he looked at the skirmishers.

The doctor's eyes were covered by a mask, and there was no expression on his face. He just stared at the skirmishers like this for a long time.

"What do you mean?" The soldier frowned. There was no expression on the doctor's face, and there was no change in his breath, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"It's not interesting." The doctor finally came to his senses. He turned his head away, patted the straggler on the shoulder, and said meaningfully:
"Put this thing away, and remember not to let it touch the power of a person like the abyss."

After leaving a few unclear words, the doctor quickly left this underground stronghold.

"Put it away? It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk!" The soldier glanced at the direction where the doctor disappeared and showed annoyance.

It's a shame he said such a thing. Sooner or later, the skirmishers will tie the doctor to a time bomb. Will he be able to remain as calm as he is now?


"Ta! Tat! Tat!"

The doctor has more than one stronghold in Xumi. At this time, he is walking as fast as flying, skillfully shuttling through the underground tunnels like a spider web.


The heavy door closed, and now he had arrived in a brand new secret room.

Looking around, this place is big enough and empty enough.

"Huh...huh..." After taking a few deep breaths, the doctor stretched out his arm as if he had made some important decision.

Then, an extremely strange thing crawled out of the void.

First there was an uncomfortable slender hand, then there was an extremely distorted human face, and finally there was the whole shriveled and collapsed body of the "person". The doctor looked at the "person" lying on the ground. Judging from the huddled facial features, this thing was him.

After a brief silence, the doctor calmly took out a journal.


"Confusion..., something... is replacing me..."

The skin of the slender "man" is getting whiter and thinner, and now the skeleton exposed under the skin can be seen.

The doctor glanced at his slice. He could have directly connected with the consciousness of this slice, but by some strange mistake, he chose the simplest method.

"Concrete feelings."

"Complex..., a lot of... negative emotions..., and... my... emotions are... draining..."

The abnormally white skin began to have a sludge-like sticky substance, and the contrast between black and white made both of them extremely prominent.

Not only that, scabs began to form on his twisted face. The scabs hid his shrunken facial features, and countless black and yellow curly hairs grew out from underneath.

"What do you mean? Haven't we abandoned useless feelings long ago?" The doctor was puzzled by Slice's words. Emotions, etc., he had abandoned them when making the slices.

"Meat..., eat...meat..., I...want to be...completely...devoured..., my little...heart..."

"Mosi Mita!"


Slice completely lost contact with the doctor. It lay on the ground like a trembling stick insect.

The twisted "person" pounced on the doctor, causing the latter's pupils to shrink under his mask.


A huge buzzing sound with a specific frequency sounded in the huge secret room, and the real sound wave swept across, and the flying monster instantly turned into powder.

Fine white powder slowly fell from the sky. The monster's body disappeared, but some things did not.

Silt seeps out of the powder, and the silt surges, with a strong tendency to merge.

"This thing..., what exactly is it?" The doctor looked at the mud on the ground that was crawling like a caterpillar, and inexplicably felt that the thing just now looked like both a worm and a Qiuqiu man.

[I became a Qiuqiu person? 】As soon as this idea came out, he was instantly shocked.

The doctor shook his head quickly and quickly threw out the terrifying thoughts in his mind, trying not to think about this possibility.

The doctor raised his palms and forced himself to shift his attention. He looked at the ashes that appeared on the palm of his hand at some point. This was the ashes that his arm had turned into.

"Will the abyss separate the bonding power of that thing?" He tilted his hand, and all the ashes in his hand flew away.

"Fire, a flame of this level..." The doctor recalled the scene when his arm came into contact with the heat. The blazing heat made him feel dangerous.

Such a terrifying flame is very powerful, and of course, it is also very useful.

"Haha, there are so many things popping up, it seems like I won't be bored anymore." The doctor covered his forehead and smiled softly.

When he caught a glimpse of a small lump of something similar to silt that had been aggregated on the ground, he naturally took out a special test tube.

However, when the mouth of the test tube was about to approach the mud on the ground, his movements suddenly stopped.

Look at the sludge-like sticky substance on the ground. It's not like an abyss with flowing starlight, it's pure darkness., the doctor's eyes narrowed slightly. The other thing he saw in the darkness was a Qiuqiu man, a Qiuqiu man who looked very much like himself.

The palm holding the test tube trembled unconsciously a few times, and then the doctor straightened up.

He looked down at the squirming mud on the ground. The wailing and twisted version of himself just now seemed to be an illusion.

"Forget it, just throw this thing out. Its destination is outside the world."

The doctor discovered that the previous experiment was not perfect. At least in theory, he should have eliminated all unnecessary emotions, but he actually had an emotion called "withdrawal" at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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