King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 655 Flying to the Desert

Chapter 655 Flying to the Desert
"Ke Lai leaves it to you!"

"I know~"

From above and below the huge buds, the angry shouts from the embers and the feeble response from the Daci Tree King came.

But soon, she calmed down her emotions. What Yi Yan said was right, Kelai was one of his own people. It would be okay if he didn't find out. Now that he found out, he couldn't just watch her slide into the darkness.


The Daci Tree King raised her finger and pointed at the flower bud that had closed again. As her arm rose, the flower bud began to swell again.



Just like before, the bud suddenly exploded, and the wind it stirred up and the accumulated power blessed Ember, allowing him to fly high into the sky.

In the air, after the embers were spit out by the flower buds, the whole body was wrapped in a dense circle of flowers.

These nectars are more viscous than ordinary ones. They are like amber, tightly wrapping the embers, leaving only the head exposed.

"I didn't expect that you thought it through quite well?"

The embers in the air crawled out of the amber of nectar. The function of this thing should be to buffer strength, but he obviously does not need these things.

The scene below was retreating rapidly, and the dense forest turned into blurry green lines, which had a unique flavor.

"The anti-sand wall, after this is the desert?" The scene in front of us suddenly changed. It was an extremely tall wooden wall.

It is inaccurate to say that it is a wooden wall. It should be called a wooden mountain. This solid wood mountain range is hundreds of meters high and I don’t know how long it is.

On both sides of it are completely different scenes. Desolation and lushness, the sand sea and the dense forest are all isolated by this huge sand wall.

"Does every country need some miracles?" Looking at the sand wall, Yi Yan suddenly remembered this.

Mondstadt, Liyue, Daozhu and Xumi all seem to have wonders that are not natural but are better than nature. Without exception, they are all miracles.

After admiring the sand wall, Ember flew over here and officially entered the desert.

He had been to the desert once before, but since it was led by King Daci Shu, Yi Yan still didn't know anything about the terrain of the desert, so he didn't know where he flew to.

But he fully believed in the Great Merciful Tree King, so Yi Yan lay in the air and watched the scenery with peace of mind.

The scene of the desert is far less eye-catching than the rain forest. Sand, sand, sand, sand is still sand.

Yi Yan only looked at it for a while, then became a little confused. If he were thrown in there, he probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between east, west and north.

Fortunately, Daci Shuwang can distinguish them clearly, and so can her big flowers. After a period of yellow sand, a piece of red land that was different from the surroundings finally appeared in front of Yi Yan.

The land there seemed to have been washed away by running water, forming a huge depression. But in the center of the sunken pit, there is still a part of the land that has not been washed away and still stands in the pit.

As a result, a scene like this was formed here: an equally huge piece of land protruded from a huge pothole, and water gurgled through the sunken gap between the pothole and the land.

Wherever there is water, there will be life, and a prosperous village is built on the raised land in the center of the depression.

There is finally green in the desert. Although there are only some cacti and sparse shrubs and green plants, it is still interesting to Ember.

Then his eyes darkened.

"What?!" After struggling hard, Ember crawled out of the darkness.

Taking a closer look, he found that the flower that "ate" him was an equally huge flower.

"Is this the response that King Daci Shu said?" Yi Jin scratched his head, this should be close to the truth.

His current location is on the outskirts of the village. The desolation here is almost the same as the sand sea outside. If a big flower suddenly grows, it can only be the work of King Daci Tree.


The flower bud took a few breaths, and then spit out a few full and round coconuts. Then, such a huge flower bud retracted into the earth.

Hu Yan ignored the coconut. He looked at the bud's retracted figure and felt more and more familiar. "This thing... seems to be an enlarged Earth Vein Flower?"

After scratching his head, Yi Yan didn't care so much anymore. Picking up the coconuts on the ground, he turned around and looked at Aru Village behind him.

He was now at the edge of the sunken pit, with Aru Village in front of him.

But there is a river in the middle. The river flows quietly between Aru Village and the sunken cave wall, like a moat here.

Standing on the edge of the pothole, Ember quickly ran around here. Sure enough, he discovered the entrance to Aru Village.

Aru Village is hidden among the sand dunes and barren mountains, with only an inconspicuous gap leading into it.

Passing through the gap, a dirt road leads directly to the bustling Aru Village.

Of course, the prosperity here is compared to the desert. There are very few human settlements in the desert, and as far as the few seen when Ember flies into the sky, they almost all exist in the form of tribes.

In comparison, Aru Village, which has developed into a large village, is already a huge city in the harsh desert conditions.

"Wuhu, Aru Village, here I come!" Looking at the quiet and peaceful village in front of him, Yi Yan swung his limbs and ran over in a hurry.

But before he arrived at Aru Village, he found an arrogant guy just like him.


The man wearing the robe of a scholar from the Order Academy bared his teeth and claws and ran faster than the embers. Not only that, he kept mumbling something incomprehensible, and he was even crazier than Ember.

"Hey! Did you come here on purpose to steal my limelight?" Looking at the flamboyant figure next to him, Yi Yan poked his body.

It's a pity that he was not moved at all, he seemed to be immersed in his own world.

"Suborman! Why did you run out again?!" Yu Yan ran wildly with the unknown man, and then he saw a red-skinned guard running out of Aru Village.

His skin was not the kind of pinkish red, but the red of being exposed to the sun, which even made Yi Yan think it was a little red and black.

The guard ran forward and hugged the running scholar. Soon, several more villagers ran out of the village, and together they took the scholar, whose limbs were still swaying, back to the village.

And Yan Yan quietly watched the scene in front of him without saying a word. In fact, he had already discovered that the guy next to him was a lunatic.

But what made him a little strange was that the villagers in Aru Village seemed to be accustomed to the behavior of the man just now.

"Is this Aru Village, you guys?" After patting the guard's shoulder, Yi Yan asked as if he was unsure.

"Yes, traveler, follow the rules of the village and you will have a quiet and peaceful night."

When the guard saw that Yi Yan was dressed strangely and ran in from outside, he explained the most important thing about Aru Village to him.

"Phew! Is it really Aru Village? I almost thought it was a desert mental hospital!" Yi Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Congratulations, congratulations. The accuracy of the Great Ci Tree King is still very good.

The guard twitched his mouth when he heard this. Although he didn't want to admit it, Aru Village did have some signs of this.

He sighed, and then added to the embers:

"The village guard who just came from the Xumi Order, please don't pay attention to the traveler. Also, for your safety and his, please don't get close to him."

"Crazy scholar? Can you learn knowledge and make yourself crazy? Do you want to work so hard?" Yi Yan was shocked when he heard this.

Are the students of the Imperial Academy so cruel? You can actually drive yourself crazy!
"I don't know about this, but there are indeed students in the Imperial Academy who are going crazy, and there are more of them recently."

"Let's not talk about this anymore, traveler. I would like to ask you why you came to Aru Village..."

The guard looked at the ember. He was an outsider and dressed strangely. He looked like a black marketeer.

Black marketeers don't matter, as long as they abide by the rules of Aru Village, anyone can enter it.

"Looking for someone to come over and have fun with."

Yi Yan threw the big coconut to the guard and ran into Aru Village to wander around.

(End of this chapter)

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