King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 656 Desert Mental Hospital

Chapter 656 Desert Mental Hospital
"Oh la la——"

"Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!"

"The sun in the sky is red, and the moon below is bloody, la la la!"


Yi Yan squatted on the street of Aru Village. He looked at the lively scene in front of him and felt that the world was so noisy and he could not fit in.

Crazy scholars wearing scholar uniforms swayed their limbs in Aru Village. Some of their hands showed strange postures and ran wildly on the roof. Some of them seemed to be possessed by Qiuqiu people and were digging for something on the ground. Some even Some even had a bunch of unknown things in their hands and were feasting on them.

The sight of demons dancing in front of him made Yu Yan understand one thing - it turned out that he was still a long way from a true mental illness.

"The red mushrooms and tree roots are delicious. Do you want it?" A mad scholar noticed Ember, and he immediately shared more than half of the "food" in his hand with Ember.

"Thank you." Yi Yan took the crushed "red mushroom" wrapped around the roots of an unknown plant and had a black hand print on it, and swallowed it in three strokes.

"It's delicious. You're a genius." Even though he couldn't taste it, it didn't stop him from praising this mad scholar who was willing to share.

"La la la~"

Unfortunately, the mad scholar didn't hear what Ember said at all. He just hummed an unknown song to himself, and then took out a pile of shriveled plant roots and shrunken red mushrooms from his pocket.

In front of Huo Yan, he showed off his cooking skills without hesitation. And this also successfully attracted Yan Yan's attention. After all, in terms of cooking skills, he really had floor tiles.

As long as his limbs are intact, even if he is just a nerve, he can cook better than Ember. In other words, anyone can teach Yu Yan how to cook - even if he is mentally ill.

"Here comes someone! Araka is eating randomly again!" The voice in the distance paused, and then seemed more urgent.

"He even gave his own food to outsiders!"


Exclamations came from the distance, and then a large group of desert people with dark and rough skin ran over.

"Ah! Someone wants to destroy my research!" Araka, who was concentrating on squashing the mushrooms, saw the villagers from Aru Village running over. He immediately put away the miscellaneous things on the ground, spread his arms and ran away.

Not only him, but the other mad scholars that Yi Yan saw just now, no matter what "good things" they were doing before, they all now ran away.

Aru Village suddenly became more lively. The villagers were chasing the mad scholar. Looking at this situation, they might not be able to stop for a while.

"To whom did Alaka give what was in his hand?"

"Give it to this guy!"

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and soon Yi Yan saw a blue-haired woman with strange eyes rushing over with three or two guards.

"Huh..., it's okay, it looks like I haven't eaten yet." Candice couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the ember standing straight on the street.

Alaka always likes to stuff people with strange things. The key is that he always keeps saying that these things are delicacies.

The villagers in Aru Village naturally wouldn't believe it, but they couldn't stand the fact that there were still outsiders here. Maybe someone saw Araka eating so happily and couldn't help but try it?

This happened several times, and it turned out that he was the only one who ate the food made by Alaka without any harm. Every one of the other outsiders who had tried it was lying on the hospital bed.

"I've eaten it, but I didn't taste anything."

"What? Have you eaten?!"

Candice, who was in the distance, came to Yu Ember's side in an instant, and was about to take off the helmet on his head.

"Hey, hey, you can't take this off casually." Yi Yan jumped back and distanced himself from Candice. Good guy, the desert is indeed more open and atmospheric than other places. You lift your helmet as soon as you get up. How could you do that?
"Candice, I am the guardian here. In addition, I am also one of the few doctors in the village."

"I just wanted to see if you were foaming at the mouth or rolling your eyes. According to past experience, people who eat Arak food are often poisoned without knowing it."

"But judging from your appearance, it should be nothing serious. Please forgive me for the offence. We welcome outsiders."

Seeing how energetic the ember was, Candice believed that he really had an extraordinary physique. After introducing herself a bit, she smiled and nodded to Ember.

"So that's it, it doesn't matter. Hello, dean, I would like to ask where all of you mentally ill patients come from. Are there too many?" After hearing Candice's introduction, Yi Yan stepped forward to shake her hands eagerly. Got up.

"What kind of dean? What kind of mental patient?"

"Aren't you the director of this mental hospital? As for the mental patients..."

"Ah lulu~"

On the roof next to him, a manly figure ran past quickly, and then several villagers who were equally fast also ran over following the trace of the man.

"Uh-huh." Yi Jin didn't say anything anymore, he just spread his hands. Because the facts have been told for him.


"Huh..., has there been any problem with the Teaching Institute recently? More and more village guards have been sent."

Candice also saw the scene in front of her and covered her forehead tiredly. Raising her head, she braced herself and explained to Ember:
"I am not the director, and this is not a mental hospital. This is Aru Village. Also, this traveler..."


"Well, Yi Yan, you'd better stop calling them mental patients. Most of these people have helped our villagers in Aru Village. You can call them village guards."

"Listen to you."

Ember made a "no problem" gesture to Candice. Unexpectedly, these crazy village guards could actually help Aru Village. It was unexpected.

"I would like to ask, has Aru Village always been so lively?"

Meaningless shouts like a pack of monkeys in the rainforest came from all around, causing Yi Yan to pick his ears.

Candice twitched her lips when she heard this "vital" movement. She shook her head and sighed:

"There seemed to be some problem within the Aru Village a few days ago. More and more village guards were sent to Aru Village, which also led to the scene in Aru Village today."

"I think the Order Academy may be doing some research on the brain. Otherwise, why would there be so many village guards all of a sudden?"

Ember added on the side.

"Then this research may have ended now. The situation of frantically sending away villagers has improved a lot in recent times."

Candice led Ember to wander out of Aru Village. She agreed with Ember's statement, but it seemed that she didn't take it to heart.

"If you are leisurely, you can wait. The village guards only made a fuss when they first came to our Aru Village. After a while, they will calm down."

"By then, Aru Village will become as quiet and peaceful as usual."

Candice led Ember to a relatively tall building in Aru Village and stopped.

"Where is this?"

Ember asked, scratching his head.

"B&B, you won't just stay in Aru Village for a while and then leave, right?"

"of course not."

"That's good. Goodbye. I'm going to inspect the village. If you need anything, come and see me. I wish you a pleasant time in Aru Village, foreign traveler."

Candice left in a hurry. It seemed that she was very busy under the dual pressure of patrolling the village and the excessive number of village guards.

"B&B." Yi Yan looked up at the very desert-style building, and then suddenly reacted.

"I seem to have no money. Besides, did I forget something to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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