King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 657: Good-hearted Order Academy

Chapter 657: Good-hearted Order Academy

"Seno..., I have heard of this person. The great wind discipline officer is known throughout Sumeru. His reputation is not small in the desert."

"As for Garura... I don't know about this. Could it be that the Disciplinary Officer Da Feng, who has always been a lone wolf, has also accepted students?"

In a house in Aru Village, Candice nodded to the two names mentioned by Ember, while the other shook her head.

"Do you know where they are going? Someone told me that they are near Aru Village." Ember asked Candice.

After realizing that he had forgotten the important matter, Ember immediately ran over to find Candice.

Candice also didn't expect that just after she had gone far, Yan Yan actually came over with something wrong.

"You really think highly of me. I am just the guardian of Aru Village and never leave here. As for the traces of Officer Dafeng, if he enters Aru Village, maybe I can provide some clues, but the key is that he is not there at all. I have never entered Aru Village.”

Candice shook her head at the embers. The actions of the Disciplinary Officer were always known to be confidential, let alone the Discipline Officer.

If such a person really wanted to sneak into Aru Village, he might not even be able to find his traces.

"Why are you looking for the Gale Disciplinary? Everyone in the rainforest seems to be avoiding him, right?" Remembering that she had heard about Xeno's fame in the desert, Candice couldn't help but look at the ember with some curiosity.

"Do you think I look like a rainforest person?"

"Not like."

"Isn't that okay? I'm not from the Rainforest. Why should I be afraid of him? I'm looking for him to discuss some educational issues."

Ember knocked on the table. He was looking for the Gale Disciplinary Officer purely because of educational issues!

I don’t know if Garura is as crooked as Kelai, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to have two crooked-necked trees at once.

"Are all the scholars from other places dressed up so strangely?" Candice heard that Yu Yan was so unafraid and just thought he was a scholar from other places who came for exchanges.

But why are the foreign scholars dressed so strangely, and why do they have to communicate with the Dafeng Disciplinary Officer?
Seeing the embers swirling in the hall of the house, Candice said with relief:
"Perhaps you can wait for a while? If Seno is really near Aru Village as your friend said, there must be something important that he needs to deal with."

"I think with his ability, it won't take long for the matter to be settled. Aru Village is the nearest stronghold. Whether it is to replenish supplies or contact the Order, he will definitely come."

"Hmm... that seems to make sense." Hearing this, Yi Jin nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, thank you. I'll just stay here for a few days!" After shaking hands with Candice, Ember began to wander around Aru Village without any worries.

Time passed quickly, with the embers wandering aimlessly, and soon the sun disappeared into the sea of ​​sand.

At night, the embers of the thorn that had been used by the villagers no less than a hundred times to help the villagers of Aru Village were found lying on the sand at the entrance of the village.


The sound of footsteps came, and Candice blocked the starlight above Ember's head.

"Why are you lying here? The desert is very cold at night, and there are wild beasts out there. It's very dangerous."

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Ember patted his armor, his voice was clear and crisp.

"Because I don't have a penny on me."

"Uh..." Candice was surprised when she looked at the embers on the ground looking up to the sky. Judging from his performance during the day when he ran wildly around Aru Village and grabbed the village guard, his strength was definitely not weak.

But even with such a powerful person, there is not even a single mora on him. How can Candice not be surprised by this?
After thinking for a while, Candice took out a bag of Mora from her pocket.

"You helped us a lot during the day, this is your reward, here it is."

"Forget it, let's keep it for yourselves. The stars in the desert are pretty good. I'm here to watch them. As for the cold and wild beasts you mentioned, it's trivial."

Ember waved his hand. In fact, he couldn't be considered as penniless. After all, his Mora was stored in the Adventurers Association.

It's just that Yi Yan found it troublesome and was too lazy to go to Xumi City to get it out. It was cool and refreshing to lie down in the desert anyway, not to mention there were stars in the sky that were brighter and clearer than anywhere else.

Candice glanced at the embers and silently retracted her arm that had been hanging in the air for a long time.

"Well, I hope you have fun." After leaving a blessing, Candice left here.

The world of the strong is puzzling.


In the next few days, Yu Yan stayed in Aru Village with the mentality of waiting for Saino. During the day, he and the village guards appeared in various strange corners of Aru Village. Generally speaking, after walking together, Ember will take the village guard with him to the villagers of Aru Village.

This made the villagers of Aru Village couldn't help but praise him as a good player in chasing and guarding the villagers.

At night, the embers would lie on the sand at the entrance of the village, watching the stars and the moon, and preventing Seno and Garura from running into Aru Village in the dark.

Ever since, the villagers in Aru Village could see such a scene:
When you wake up in the morning, you can see the embers stretching at the entrance of the village. When you are busy during the day, you can see the embers running around on the roof carrying the village guards. When you return home at night, you can see the embers lying on the sand at the entrance of the village and looking up at the stars. Now there are quite a few of them. The villagers of Aru Village feel that Yan Yan is the real village guard!

Although he has not been to Aru Village for a few days in total.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained for several days. Not to mention Dafeng Disciplinary Officer, not even the scholars from the Teaching Order Academy saw it.

"Hey, hey, hey! Listen, you people, the Order is showing kindness. Where are those lunatics? Now send them to the Order for custody!"

No, I see it now.

Early in the morning, Yi Yan saw a group of little green men coming to the entrance of the village. Not an adventurer, but a scholar of the Order Academy.

Although they were wearing scholar uniforms, they did not have the humility and rationality that scholars should have. Their faces were full of disgust and arrogance.

The voices of the scholars were very loud, and it was about the villagers. So the entire Aru Village was alarmed.

Crowds from both sides gathered and faced off at the entrance of the village. One person's skin is fair and delicate, while the other person's skin is brown, black and rough. It is easy to distinguish.

Ember stood on the top of a tree behind the crowd, overlooking the confrontation between the desert people and the rainforest people.

"Sir Scholar, what do you mean by what you just said? Weren't those village guards sent to Aru Village by the Teaching Order?"

Uncle Anpu, the village chief of Aru Village, is an old man. As the village chief, he was the first to come forward and communicate with the scholars of the Teaching Council.

"Now that it has been changed, the Order Council sympathizes with your Aru Village's difficulties. Those crazy scholars won't bother you anymore. Just hand them over!"

The scholar pointed at Uncle Anpu, his face showing half questioning and half disdain.

"So crazy? It looks like there's going to be a fight." Yi Yan squatted on the top of the tree and saw the flamboyant movements of the scholars from the Order Academy.

"Crash! Crash!"

The trunk of the tree shook, almost causing embers to fall from the top.

"Stop shaking! You can't crawl?" After peeling away the leaves, Yi Yan saw a figure wearing a scholar's robe below.

However, his eyes were relatively innocent, and he was obviously not the same group as the arrogant people outside.

"High..., afraid..."

"I'm afraid you still want to have sex. There must be something wrong with you..." Yi Yan looked at the village guard below and silently stretched out a long tree stick.

Sorry, there is something really wrong with me.



"Come up!"

Ember pulled the tree stick upward, and the village guard below was dragged to the crown of the tree.

"Everyone..., what are you doing..." Lying on the tree crown, the village guard saw a large crowd of people at the entrance of the village, so he curiously asked Yi Yan.

"It seems that we are discussing moving you guys?" Yi Yan touched his chin. The distance had turned into a meaningless scolding battle, and the scholars of the Academy of Teaching had completely fallen below.

"Move? No! Don't..., this place... is very good..., don't move..."

When the village guard heard this, he immediately rolled on the spot on the tree crown.

"Do you want to blow a hole in your head and become a real fool? Who said we are moving? Did you agree or did I agree?"

The embers restrained the village guard who was rolling in the tree crown. If he hadn't taken action, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

The village guard became quiet because he heard that there was no need to move.

(End of this chapter)

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