King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 659: Pull and lure

Chapter 659: Pull and lure
The desert is extremely silent late at night, if you ignore the embers running nearby.

Today Ember didn't lie on the sand counting stars like before. He wandered around the outskirts of Aru Village, trying to choose a suitable departure direction for tomorrow.

Although the scene near Aru Village almost looked like a copy and paste, Yi Yan still enjoyed comparing the differences.

He especially cares about things like visions. After all, as long as there are such things, it means that fun is inevitable.

Soon, in the northwest of Aru Village, he saw a vague and looming shadow. Judging from the appearance of the shadow, it should be some kind of huge pyramid.

"It's a good place. Make a note of it first." Yi Yan nodded. His guess was indeed correct. How could there be no novelty in such a large place?

But just when he was about to change direction and go to the other side to investigate carefully, he saw a shaking figure appearing in Aru Village late at night.

"Come out to relieve yourself?" Yi Yan scratched his head. Because he had such an experience in the previous night, he didn't pay much attention at first.

But as time went by, things became a little strange - mainly because the man passed the public toilet in Aru Village and was about to run outside the village.

"There is a problem." Yi Yan decisively gave up his work of surveying the terrain, approached the figure and shrank behind him.

What surprised him was that the figure running out in the middle of the night was not anyone else, but the village guard who had been making a lot of noise during the day.

In complete contrast to the energy he had during the day, the village guard was now stumbling and muttering. It looked like a gust of sand could blow him away.

"Sleepwalking? Mental patients can also sleepwalk?" The appearance of the village guard reminded Yi Jin of some of the symptoms of sleepwalking.

"Does that mean we can't disturb him?" As he squatted in the back and pondered, Yi Yan felt that this was a difficult question.

I heard that sleepwalkers cannot be woken up. Once they wake up, their brains will be completely destroyed. Although the villagers' brains have become a little difficult to use, if possible, Yi Yan still hopes to prevent their brains from being further damaged.

"Are you leaving the village soon? This is not easy to handle." For a moment, the village guard in front was about to leave Aru Village.

And because of his wide field of vision, Yi Yan was surprised to find that there was more than one "sleepwalking" village guard.

"I heard that you went crazy because you absorbed the knowledge of the gods in the World Tree."

"So..., this thing should be very useful, right?"

Ember touched his chin and came to a fairly open place.


Just as Yi Yan was thinking about countermeasures, on the other side of Aru Village, there was a sinister smile that sounded like his plot was about to succeed.

"Jie Jie Jie, since the soft one is not good, then don't blame us for using the hard one!"

In the gap in the valley outside Aru Village, a group of people wearing the robes of scholars from the Jiaoling Academy were squatting behind the rocks furtively.

Next to them, on the road beyond the rocks, a huge incense burner was emitting large tracts of white smoke.

This is the spirit phenol incense that scholars often use when meditating, but the lethal dose is used here.

The aroma of phenol can stabilize the spirit of scholars, improve their inspiration, and allow their consciousness to connect with the World Tree more easily.

For the mad scholars who have been deeply connected to the World Tree, this fragrance means the opportunity to connect to the World Tree again. They cannot bear this temptation.

"But are our methods really tough? Why do I feel like we are like mice?" Another scholar behind the rock raised objections to the leader's remarks.

"You talk a lot of nonsense. We are scholars. We don't rely on our muscles, but our brains. Do you understand?" The leading scholar pointed to his head and reminded his companion who raised objections.

"I understand, but I am from Shiluo Podan College. Can you be more precise with your words? It sounds very uncomfortable to me."

After finishing speaking, the leading scholar glanced at the constipated companion in front of him. Shiluo Podan Academy was really amazing, with some weirdos coming out of it.

First there was the old monster who didn't know how to live for hundreds of years and wanted to be called "senpai" all day long, then there was the secretary with a withdrawn and eccentric personality, and now there is such a sensitive scholar.

The leader thought of all the things about Shiluo Podan College and felt that this kind of college must be severely punished, starting with the guy in front of him! "What happened to Shiluo Podan College? Is Shiluo Podan College great? It produces some weird talents, right? Beat him up and endure the discomfort!"

"Bang! Bang! Boom! Ta!"

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I was wrong."

Apart from anything else, the Jiaolingyuan is very good at rectifying its own family members. Amidst the faint sounds of punches, kicks and screams, the village guards got closer and closer to the incense burner.


"Hangchi! Bangchi!"

The gravelly red soil flew into the sky and then piled up on the ground. As the sand piled higher and higher, the holes dug in the ground became deeper and deeper.

"Crash!" Yellow water mixed with sand spurted out, bringing out the embers from the ground.

Looking at the groundwater that quickly filled the hole, he scratched his head and said, "The groundwater here is quite rich, and we can actually dig a well."

After a little emotion, Yi Yan no longer cared about the presence or absence of these things. He dug the hole not to dig a well, but for this!

Ember raised his arm, and on it was a broken white branch. If you cut off such a small part, World Tree will definitely not care.

If he hadn't wanted to avoid waking up these "sleepwalking" village guards, he could have just bombarded the ground with his fists instead of carefully digging the hole.

"Burn incense, burn incense! Are you afraid that you guys will run out after hearing this?" After briefly looking at the branches of the world tree in his hand, the embers immediately ran to a place downwind.

I saw him holding up a white branch of the world with one hand, and lighting a tiny flame with the other.

When the flame touched the branches of the World Tree, the branches just curled up and did not burn.

"It's a good thing. I'm sure many people will buy it if it's used as a firewall." Ember extinguished the flames on his fingertips and inserted the World Tree into the ground.

He clapped his hands together, and a large and raging fireball appeared between his hands.

The orange-red flames burned, and the white on the branches of the World Tree finally turned into charred black, and then a spark appeared in the scorched black - the branches of the World Tree started to burn.

Seeing that the world tree was burning, Yi Yan immediately took back the flame in his hand. Burn incense. Is there anyone who lights the incense directly on fire?
Wisps of green smoke rose from the branches of the world where sparks were burning on the ground. They dispersed in the direction of the wind and rushed towards the place where the village guards gathered.

When the village guards who originally stepped out of the village smelled the green smoke coming from the World Tree, they immediately turned around and ran towards the branches of the World Tree as if they had been beaten to death.

Its speed was so fast that even the scholars in the distance who were enjoying themselves and beating their companions almost had their jaws dropped.

"Who knows what happened?" The scholars looked at each other, wondering what happened.

The dose of Lingfenxiang was precisely calculated by them, and logically it should be enough to lure most of the madmen out of the village. But now, let alone luring them out, the village guard who was still visible just now disappeared without a trace.

"No, there is a serious deviation in the plan. What should we do next?" The scholars looked anxiously at the incense burner that was still releasing large plumes of white smoke.

"Don't worry, don't forget that we still have the Void Terminal." The leading scholar waved his hand, and the restless crowd calmed down.

Yes, they do have a void terminal. It is precisely because of this thing that they, a group of scholars, were able to cross the vast desert and come to Aru Village.

As long as the Void Terminal responds, everything will be fine.

"How? How did the Void Terminal respond?" Everyone around them turned their attention to the leader who closed his eyes.

Only he has the highest authority here, and the answer given by Void is also the most complete.

"Pretend to be like those lunatics and go in!" The leading scholar opened his eyes and spoke the answer Void gave him.

(End of this chapter)

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