King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 660 Quick Master

Chapter 660 Quick Master
"Oh oh oh!"

"Knowledge! Familiar knowledge!"

"Ah la la, sand, so much sand!"


In an open and deserted land near Aru Village, a group of figures wearing the robes of scholars from the Order Academy were performing a strange dance around a slowly burning tree branch.

They raised their hands, their eyes were crooked, and their tongues were lolling out, making them look like they were going crazy.

"Are you so energetic?" Yan Yan also joined in this strange dance, but his eyes did not squint and his tongue did not stick out.

Taking a deep breath of the green smoke blowing in the wind, there was nothing special about the embers.

But something strange entered his mind along with the smoke. With a little more concentration, Ember realized what was in the smoke.

This can be said to be memories, or some kind of knowledge. Although this change is magical, Yi Yan is really not interested in the extra things in his mind.

There is no other reason. Everything contained in this earth vein branch is all about sand and soil. It is located underground at an unknown depth, and all it can record is the changes in the sand over time.

In just a few thousand years, earth and stone are only a snap of the fingers. Therefore, everything in Yi Yan's mind is pitch black, and nothing will change.

"It's so boring. Sure enough, I still can't understand the world of mental illness?" Looking at the dancing and energetic village guards, Yi Yan yawned and exited this weird ceremony.

Squatting on the ground, he began to count down to dawn. With so much energy during sleepwalking, he felt that maybe these guys wouldn't have to wait until daytime to wake up.

In the distance of the mysterious ceremony, the scholar from the Order Academy pretending to be mentally ill gradually came closer.

They saw the strange movements of the village guards in the distance and took a few steps back involuntarily.

One of the scholars wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked with a trembling voice: "Senior, is this really okay?"

"Absolutely... absolutely no problem! The answer given by Void Terminal must be correct!" The leading scholar swallowed unconsciously, nodded and replied firmly.

In order to be more realistic, this group of people has temporarily disconnected from the Void Terminal. Now their ears are empty and their hearts are empty.

Without a void terminal, the scholars suddenly felt as if they were stepping on ice in whatever they did, fearing that they would fall into the abyss if they were not careful.

But the final response from Void Terminal was still vivid in their minds, which gave them the final courage. After cheering each other up, several people imitated the appearance of mad scholars and ran in with swaying limbs.

"What does it smell like? It smells good?"

As soon as a few people entered the vicinity of Aru Village from the outside, a strange fragrance penetrated their nostrils.

"Keep your voice down, don't get caught!"

The leader learned to take a few deep breaths, and then whispered to his companions behind him. After scolding him, he took a few long greedy breaths.

Not to mention, this smell is much better than the scent of Lingfen, no wonder it can attract crazy people.

"Damn it! What am I doing?! The most important thing now is to find out what happened. We can't indulge in this kind of thing!"

After shaking his head to wake up from the aroma, the leading scholar pinched his thigh hard, and he muttered in a low voice, blaming himself.

He was almost immersed in this strange fragrance just now. If that were the case, he would be ashamed of the sage's trust in him!
It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. Although the scholars consciously reminded themselves not to indulge in it, they ran against the wind.

This meant that most of the aroma emitted by the burning branches of the world hit their faces.

The scholars who let themselves go quickly became quiet, and many things appeared in their minds.

These things look pitch black to the embers, but in the eyes of these scholars carefully trained by the Order Academy, they are absolutely excellent materials for studying the geological changes in the desert.

Their minds were filled with the knowledge contained in the smoke of the World Tree, and now they seemed more like sleepwalking than the village guards in front of them who were so excited that they howled.

"Huh? What a quiet village guard?" Yu Yan was surprised when he saw a few quieter "village guards" walking in the distance.

Unexpectedly, there are village guards who are not tempted by the knowledge of the World Tree. How could they be tempted by the knowledge of the gods based on their determination?
Ember walked to the scholars, and he found that the group seemed to be still mumbling something.

"The rock and soil layers are moist from top to bottom, and there are underground rivers above..."

"The joints in the soil are broken, and there are many earthquakes here..."

"The degree of weathering does not match. Maybe this place was once the surface..." "????"

Ember took a few steps back and looked at the white branches that were still burning behind him in surprise. Could the waste gas produced by burning the World Tree cure mental illness?
“What does one plus one equal?”

Leaning in front of a few confused scholars again, Yu Yan immediately stopped them and asked.


The scholars replied subconsciously in unison.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human!" Hearing the normal responses from the people in front of him, Yu Jin immediately realized that these guys were not village guards at all.

The village guards will give all kinds of weird answers, such as Chuqiu people, slimes, etc., but it is absolutely impossible to give the correct answer neatly.

The ruthless iron hands rubbed the faces of several people, and the ashes temporarily wiped by the scholars from the Imperial Academy were wiped away by the embers.

Under the moonlight, several people's faces were clearly revealed in front of him. These people were none other than the scholars from the Imperial Academy who had been scolded after unsuccessfully searching for the village guards during the day.

The scholars on the opposite side were also startled to wake up by the loud roar from Ember.

"What? Was it discovered?!"

Rubbing their inexplicably red and sore cheeks, the scholars of the Order Academy quickly backed away and distanced themselves from the strange guy in front of them.

On the one hand, this is because of the panic after being discovered, and on the other hand... a big black lump suddenly appears in the middle of the night. Who wouldn't be confused?

Seeing the panicked look of several people, Yi Yan raised his eyebrows. What should these guys say? Courage is commendable, or do you know how to live or die?

"Okay, you dare to sneak in secretly. Aren't you afraid that you will be caught by the villagers of Aru Village?"

Almost all the people in the desert are armed with weapons, and their martial virtues are not very strong. This group of scholars ran into Aru Village with the little disguise on their faces, which was no different from a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

"Huh..., do you really think we are afraid of you desert people during the day?" Several scholars looked around. Apart from the village guards dancing around the branches of the Burning World, there was only one normal person, Yi Yan.

Although Ember is not normal in the eyes of the scholars of the Order Academy.

After groping around in their robes, several scholars put on the Void Terminal that they had taken off from their robes.


A flash of green light appeared in the dark night, and then Yi Yan felt that the momentum of the cowering guys in front of him suddenly became stronger.

"Don't think that we can't do anything to you just because you're hiding in a tin can. Come and see what you desert people will never get!"

[Give me a copy of the combat skills of the strongest gilded brigade! 】

[Combat skills of the second strongest gilded brigade, quick! 】

[The combat skills of the third strongest gilded brigade, the situation is urgent! 】


The scholars closed their eyes slightly. As soon as the thought of becoming stronger flashed through their minds, Void Terminal responded to them generously.

Suddenly, a large number of memories about the battle poured into the minds of the scholars through the green leaves beside their ears. These memories were extremely profound, as if they had really experienced countless battles.


"Eat my punch!"

"Akhmar flying kick!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of fists and kicks sounded in the dark night. Obviously, Ember's armor would not make such a dull sound.

There is only one source of these sounds, and that is the scholars on the ground who were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

(End of this chapter)

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