King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 661 Ideological Seal

Chapter 661 Ideological Seal
"What's the noise? You scared me!"

After wiping the big footprints on his breastplate, Yi Yan glanced at the scholars who fell on the ground and gasped in surprise.

Seeing how excited they were just now, he almost thought that these guys had some incredible power.

Unexpectedly, I just learned some three-legged cat kung fu. The technique is barely passable, but the strength and speed are really terrible.

"Get up! Don't pretend to be dead!" Yu Yan stepped forward, picked up a person's collar, and lifted him up on the spot.

"Let...let me go...



Before the flailing scholar could finish speaking, he fell from the air.

"The clothes in your teaching academy are not very good." Mo Mo looked at the cloth in his hand, and then Yi Yan threw it out casually.

The scholar whose buttocks were hurt by the fall heard this and arched his body back, tightening his open clothes at the same time.

In the desert at night, the cool breeze is still very cold on your body.

"Stop talking nonsense, what does the Imperial Academy want these village guards to do? I don't believe in such talk as discovery of conscience."

Yan Yan crossed his arms and asked the scholars who were gradually standing up in front of him.

The Apostolic Council was so eager to get the village guard of Aru Village that they even started taking action at night after being rejected during the day. With such eagerness, I'm afraid there is something fishy involved.

"Huh..., although we are not your opponent, you can't get any useful information from us!"

Several scholars unexpectedly refused to answer. They snorted coldly, looking like they were willing to die generously.

"You really don't want to tell me?" Ember walked around the scholars with their heads raised several times. Didn't you see that they still had such tenacity?
"Kill or behead him, please do as he pleases!" The leading scholar watched Yu Yan's movements with cold eyes, unmoved.

"Arak! Come here!"

"Hey hey hey!"

In the distance, a dancing village guard ran over. When he came near everyone, he just kept giggling, whether it was to Ember or others.

"Where are your mushrooms? Give me a few, there are new friends who want to try them!" Yi Yan stretched out his hand to the giggling Alaka.

"It' good! There' eat...good!"

When Alaka heard this, the smile on his face paused for a moment, and then the smile became even brighter.

He hurriedly took out his large robe and rummaged around, and finally succeeded in pulling out several mushrooms that had been hidden for an unknown amount of time.

"It's none of your business, what are you doing?" After taking the mushroom, Ember turned Alaka's body over, and with a push, the latter successfully forgot what had just happened, and ran back to the dancing crowd in the distance. middle.

Weighing the shriveled but still brilliantly colored mushroom in his hand, Yi Yan looked at the scholars retreating in front of him.

"Since you are so strong-willed, I won't waste my time. Give it to me!"

His figure quickly disappeared from the sight of the scholars. When he reappeared, Ember had inserted the mushroom in his hand into the mouth of a scholar.


The miserable scholar used his strong will to hold on for three full seconds, and then he lay down on the ground foaming at the mouth.

"I thought you could last a little longer. It seems I overestimated your will."

Seeing this, Yan Yan spread his hands helplessly.

Several other people swallowed involuntarily when they saw their unconscious companion on the ground with mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Damn... Damn it! What did you do to him?! I'm warning you, if anything goes wrong with us, the Order will definitely let you go!"

The leading scholar mustered up his courage and scolded the embers. He looked at his companion on the ground who was definitely suffering from food poisoning, with a look of surprise and sadness on his face.

Taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and said firmly: "Even so, you won't get any news from us!"

"Really, I don't believe it." Yi Jin expressed doubts about this. He leaned close to the scholar who was lying on the ground foaming at the mouth, and said to him slowly and coaxingly:

"Tell me quickly, what is your purpose of returning to the village to guard the village?"

"The village guards... they... they..."

The vague scholar murmured subconsciously, but just when he was about to tell the most critical information, the silent void terminal next to his ear suddenly lit up. “The medical office would like to remind you that if you are in the [Forest Dwelling Rage Period], please do not use Lingfenxiang alone...”

After that, what he said became something like this.

Suddenly, Yi Yan's head was covered with black lines. Looking at the scholar who was foaming at the mouth but still diligently popularizing health knowledge, in order to prevent him from choking to death on his own saliva, Yi Yan decisively hit his head.


After the crisp head-knocking sound, the scholar on the ground really fell unconscious.

"Hahaha! I said you can't get any news from us. How about it? How does it feel to have wasted effort?"

The scholars burst out laughing when they saw the embers returning in vain. Finally, I saw this strange guy deflated, so I must vent out the bad energy in my chest!

With this thought in mind, they laughed even more wildly.

However, Yi Yan showed no signs of being angry. He took off the Void Terminal from the ear of the unconscious scholar, played with it for a while, and then put it directly next to his ear.

The scholars stopped laughing because they suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in their hearts.

"It's useless. The Void Terminal is bound to a person. Even if you snatch it away, it's impossible..."

"Didi! Didi——"

Before he finished speaking, the scholars saw the void terminal next to Ember's ear light up.

"How can it be?!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Yan Yan held down the void terminal with his hand, and his consciousness began to invade it.

Within the Void Terminal is an extremely complex network structure, in which each node is connected to higher-level nodes.

These hierarchical nodes are stacked up to form a huge pyramid of consciousness.

At the top of the pyramid is knowledge as vast as the deep sea. This is also the legacy left by King Daci Shu - Void.

But it is a pity that only a small group of people at the top of the pyramid can mobilize all the knowledge in the void.

What surprised Yi Jin was that the node position of his temporarily "borrowed" void terminal was actually in the middle level.

This is either because the original owner of the Void Terminal has a certain status in the Order, or someone has deliberately elevated their authority.

Judging from the performance of these people, Yu Jin feels that the latter may be greater.

"It seems that commands can only be issued to the nodes below, and there are many restrictions." Yi Yan tried it. The hierarchy within the Void Terminal is extremely strict, and the nodes at each location use specific functions within their authority.

"Then, climb higher!"

Yi Yan never likes to think about too many complicated things. Since there are barriers, then break through them.

The huge consciousness began to impact on the stable pyramid structure. He successfully opened one hole after another and rushed to a higher position with this node.

"It should be almost there." Yi Yan feels that his position should be almost high - now the Void Terminal is constantly instilling all kinds of miscellaneous knowledge into him.


Ember looked around, and then his eyes fell on the cactus standing nearby.

"Yes! You guys, let me show you how to climb a cactus with your bare hands!" With a slight movement of consciousness, an order was issued.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? We just listen to what you say? Climb the cactus with bare hands. If you have the ability, do it yourself!"

The scholars snorted coldly and did not pay attention to Yi Yan's order at all. But soon they no longer thought so, because an order came from the Void Terminal.

[Go climb a cactus. 】

Several people's eyes widened instantly, but before they had time to think about it, they found that their bodies were involuntarily running towards the cactus standing in the distance.

"Wait...wait, hurry...stop!"


(End of this chapter)

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