King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 663 Vitality House

Chapter 663 Vitality House
The desert is not only an endless sea of ​​sand, but also the main theme here is the barren rock canyon and the desolate Gobi.

At this moment, Yu Yan and the others were walking among the canyons with countless barren mountains.

There are raised cliffs on both sides and a valley bottom without any green in the middle. This unchanging landscape is enough for most people to get lost in it.

Of course, it would be different if you brought a guide.

"You guys are quite good at finding a place. By the way, what exactly is this Vitality House? Is it so hidden?"

Yi Yan looked at the barren mountains in front of and behind him. He couldn't remember where he came in, and he didn't know where he came out.

Is there any place that must be built in this natural labyrinth?
"Hospital." The scholars scratched their heads and laughed. They previously only knew that Vitality House was a hospital used to treat patients with demonic scale disease, but after working in it these days, they had a pretty good guess as to the previous purpose of Vitality House Hospital.

"A hospital built in a place like this? Used to treat Qiuqiu people?" Yi Yan looked around. For such a remote hospital, he could only say that the Teaching Order would find a place.

"It was a hospital used to treat demon scale disease, but it has been abandoned a long time ago." The expressions on the faces of the scholars were very distorted. They just hoped that Ember would not be able to see the previous purpose of this hospital after entering.

"By the way, I heard that Demon Scale is a disease unique to your Sumeru. How are you doing now?"

"It's much better. Not only are there fewer new patients, but many patients with magic scale have begun to recover themselves."

A smile finally appeared on the faces of the scholars. The demon scale disease is showing signs of being suppressed, which is something that makes the entire Sumeru happy.

In the past, this strange disease has always been the Sword of Damocles lingering over the heads of the Sumeru people. It has no cure, the mechanism of the disease is unknown, and the onset is completely random.

This kind of disease is enough to make the people of Sumeru change their expressions.

"It seems that Xiao Huang is quite useful." Yi Jin nodded with satisfaction. He once gave Seno some prayers.

But, praying requires enough faith. With the Church of the Order like this, Yi Yan really can’t think of what kind of faith they have. Belief in the Void Terminal? That is useless for golden prayer.

Fortunately, he planted the golden tree, otherwise Sumeru's demon scale disease would definitely be more serious now.

"Here we are, the Vitality House is ahead." The scholars pointed to a dilapidated building in front of them. It was hard to believe that people could still live here.

"Vitality House? Are you sure this is not a garbage dump?" Yi Yan ran forward and touched the weather-beaten wall. With a "pop", a large piece of wall peeled off.

"Ha...haha." When the scholars arrived at the Vitality House, they hesitated. Their eyes were wandering around, as if looking for an opportunity to escape.

"It's pretty good, and there's access control." Arriving at the entrance, Yi Yan found that there was no gate, only a grass-green elemental barrier.

Generally speaking, there must be an elemental monument near this kind of barrier that controls it. As long as it is stimulated with elemental power, the barrier will disappear.

But Yan Yan couldn't wait that long. He placed his palms on the elemental barrier and exerted slight force.


Cracks appeared in the integrated elemental barrier, and then these cracks spread quickly, covering the entire surface of the barrier.


The elemental barrier turned into fragments and dissipated in the air, and a cool breath hit his face, making Yu Jin's armor that had been hot outside in the sun for a long time quickly cool down.

"What are you guys doing mooting? Come in quickly!"

Standing at the door, Yi Yan noticed that several scholars behind him were reluctant to come in, so he waved impatiently.

When the scholars saw what Yi Yan had done just now, their faces turned ashen. They forced themselves to pace and followed.

"Where are the people? Didn't you say that all the mad scholars collected by the Order are here?"

The Vitality House is very open, with nothing here but walls, floors, and ceilings.

"Here..." The scholars seemed to have had their souls sucked out. They hung their arms feebly and brought the embers to an inconspicuous ward.


A tooth-breaking friction sound was heard, and there was a tunnel under the small ward.

The colder air is rushing in, and the temperature can already give people goosebumps, but this is a desert, and there are no sun protection measures on the Vitality House.

The air under the tunnel smelled of expired disinfectant, which was nauseating. Of course, he didn't feel these embers. He looked at the dark basement, and he didn't know when a shiny straight sword appeared in his hand.

"Come on, come on, for the sake of guiding me, I can let you choose a way to die."

Ember used the straight sword in his hand to stab the wall next to him crazily. The blade of the sword was inserted into the wall made of bricks and stones, and it was as smooth as cutting slime. "Spare your life! Please don't do what's going on here! We're just a bunch of bastards who want to go to Port Olmos to buy papers after graduation. Who knew such a horrible thing happened down there!"

"That's right, if we knew that Vitality House had conducted human experiments, we wouldn't dare to come here at all!"

Seeing the hornet's nest on the wall, the scholars on the ground immediately fell to their knees. They scrambled to explain, barely holding onto Ember's thighs.

"Look what you look like!"

The leader was furious when he saw his companions groveling to Ember. When did the students of the Teaching Academy become so greedy for life and afraid of death? !
"We are scholars, not soldiers. Just treat us like cattle and horses, and we are not allowed to beg for mercy..."

A few people kneeling on the ground were muttering, maybe because they felt that their lives were in danger, they simply vomited out all the depression they had been feeling these days.



The sword light flashed, and the leading scholar suddenly felt a chill in his head. After touching his head, the hair on his head and the bachelor's degree were gone.


"What did you just want to say?"

Ember blew the hair on the sword and made two gestures and asked.


"It's nothing. I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now."

In the ward, no one could be higher than Yan Yan's waist - because everyone else knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Spare my life!"

"I was forced by those old men, you have to learn from it!"

"roll roll roll!"

Yu Yan got a little annoyed, so he kicked them into the basement one by one. He himself followed the scholar who rolled down and entered it, and also closed the lid.

There are no openings except for the closed basement manhole cover. Looking around, only the fluorescent stones inlaid on the ceiling and the oil lamps hanging on the walls gave off a gloomy green light.

"Why don't you change the green light in this place?" Yi Yan asked doubtfully as he pulled the oil lamp on the wall that glowed green.

Anyway, he felt that people who used green lighting were suffering from some serious illness.

"If the Order Council doesn't approve it, we can only make do with it. Even if it's a device for extracting the knowledge of the gods, we made it by hand ourselves."

"Well... you finally look like a bit of a scholar."

Yu Yan's impression of the Order Academy was even worse. He asked his subordinates to do things, but they didn't provide anything. They were quite good at squeezing the labor force.

"Where are those scholars? Why is there no movement here?"

Looking around, Ember noticed something unusual. Logically, a place like this should be dark and quiet, but I couldn't stand the thought that this was a place where the villagers were kept.

It's definitely not normal if it doesn't have a primitive sound.

"They should all be resting." Several scholars shrank their heads.


"Extracting the knowledge of the gods is not an easy task for us... nor for them."

"If anyone wakes up, it means they can continue to extract the knowledge in their brains..."

Facing the gaze of Ember, the scholars had no choice but to reveal the truth with numbness.

"Okay, okay, you guys are really talented. You can calm down mental illness by you."

"Take me to take a look! Otherwise, you guys are going to mass-produce that damn godly knowledge!"

"Use your brains!"

(End of this chapter)

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