King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 664: Device for Extracting Knowledge

Chapter 664: Device for Extracting Knowledge

"Ta! Tat! Tat!"

There was only the sound of a group of footsteps in the quiet basement. Advancing in the narrow corridor, Yi Yan looked to both sides. He couldn't tell whether the room next to him was a cell or a ward.

Bad memories began to creep into Ember's mind, and he recalled his experience in the underground prison of Irushil.

It was very similar to here, only bigger, darker, and held more people.

The underground prison of Irushil is where Sullivan studied dragon transformation. The so-called "research" actually meant splicing various materials into human bodies.

The scale of Sullivan's experiment was so large that it made the entire Irushil underground smelly and weak.

But it is a pity that this ambitious man did not get the results he wanted in the end. Those still alive in the prison are either living corpses or irrational big-headed dolls.

Of course, the most surprising thing was Ember who ran out of prison and was eager to take a bath.

"Hurry up!"

After retracting his thoughts, the somewhat irritated Yi Yan couldn't help but kick the scholars who were dawdling in front of him. The soles of their feet seemed to have thorns and they could not move forward at all.

"I know...I know!" The commotion scholars rubbed their butts and responded in a low voice.

No matter how good the scholars are, the size of the vitality house is limited. After crossing the prison-like ward, everyone's eyes became slightly wider.

"What is this?"

What appeared in front of Huan Yan were several iron chairs, with a green hood hanging on the chairs.

At just a cursory glance, he felt that this thing was not a good thing.

"A device for extracting knowledge from the gods." The scholars shrank their heads and responded tremblingly.

"Is that so?" Yi Yan turned around the chair a few times, not knowing what he was thinking.

He was wandering around, and the scholars were not idle either. They approached each other and covered up a companion behind them.

"By the way, this batch of divine knowledge will be delivered soon. Others from the Order Academy will come over by then. If you want to know more information, you can wait here for a few days."

Seeing that Ember was bored, the scholars took the initiative to talk to him.

"You guys are quite familiar with each other, but this makes me a little confused."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Yan's attention was indeed attracted. But despite the surprise, he also showed tangled emotions.

But the scholars don't care so much. They only know that their chance to escape is coming.

"Hehe, that's right, just stay here with these lunatics forever!"

"Everyone spread out!"

The leading scholar shouted loudly, and the scholars around him quickly disappeared. At the same time, a flash of dark purple flew out from behind them and hit the direction of the embers.


The glass shattered, and the purple color spread around his feet.

"The resentment of the devil? It's a bit like it, but it's not." The purple enveloped the embers, and he grasped the strange power around him and let out a confused sound.

This power is very similar to the devil's residue, but the resentment in it is smaller, replaced by a stronger corrosiveness.

"The combination of the dead domain...and the remnants of the demon god...I understand. It turns out that this place was used to study demon scale disease."

Soon, Ember reacted. This power is the power that once remained in Kelai and Garura.

"Did they come from here? But weren't the two of them kidnapped by the Doctor? Is it possible that they have something to do with the Order Academy?"

Yi Yan was a little confused about the relationship, and he was too lazy to figure it out. Anyway, from the current point of view, the Imperial Academy and the Doctor are both things that he will use to sharpen his sword.

The power mixed with the devil's residue and forbidden knowledge is spreading, but there is no one around the ember.

"There are a lot of clever things, but if you want to stop me, little cleverness is not enough. You have to have great wisdom to convince me."

After finding the right direction, Ember sprinted and knocked out human-shaped wall holes one after another in the multiple walls along the route.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Walking out of the broken wall, the embers stopped the scholar who was advancing in the secret passage.


"Stop talking nonsense!" "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground shook again, and every time Ember found someone, he grabbed one. In a short time, he had destroyed the specially reinforced walls and foundations.


With one kick, the wall in front of them was kicked open, and everyone who had dispersed was back to where they started.

Ember counted the number of people, and there were not enough, which he expected.


He punched the ground, and the whole building trembled more violently than before. Cracks appeared on the ground, and then the place collapsed.


The originally connected ground collapsed into several parts. Among the peeling rubble, a cry for help and a scream could be vaguely heard.

"Help... help..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Ember quickly cleared away the gravel under his feet, and soon, a head with blood oozing from his forehead appeared next to his feet.

This person is the leading scholar.

Seeing the figure above his head, he forced a smile.

"I said just now..."


Before he could finish speaking, a big black footprint was printed on his face. The blood on the scholar's forehead seeped even more, and his consciousness became blurred. But that doesn't stop Ember from ripping him out of the tunnel.

"I have to thank you, at least you don't have to worry so much."

This guy is smart, and I'm afraid he hasn't told anyone about the tunnel that was destroyed by embers. Otherwise, everyone wouldn't have run into the underground passage and no one would have gone underground.

He glanced at the people hanging on the ground behind him, but unfortunately they had no reaction to what Yu Yan said.

After all, under such a strong impact, they were either unable to think about other things due to physical pain, or they simply suffered a concussion.

Walking out of the depression in the ground, Yi Yan saw that the strange power had spread to the corridor, but there was still some distance to go from the ward.

"It seems there is still plenty of time."

It was obviously impossible for it to spread to the ward.


Yan Yan puffed up his chest and sucked in hard, and the escaping power seemed to be pinched by invisible hands and pulled into his body.

While inhaling, he was not idle. The unconscious scholars in his hands were all sitting upright on the iron chairs after following him and inhaling a few mouthfuls of the mixture of demon residue and forbidden knowledge.

"How to activate this thing...? I forgot to ask." Yi Jin looked at the green leaf helmet covering the leader's head and scratched his head.

"Forget it, it's probably useless to ask. Just press everything you can!"

But he soon gave up thinking. After seeing the various buttons on the helmet, Ember pressed them all without any hesitation.


The green leaf helmet emits emerald green light. If it is outside, this thing must be very handsome, but underground in the Vitality House, it only makes people feel inexplicably scary.

"Oh slightly..."

The limbs of the scholar sitting on the chair immediately seemed to be electrocuted and out of control, and the helmet on his head also began to shake.

Very thoughtfully, the guys took this into consideration when designing the device, installing restraints on the hands, feet, and neck.


The restraint belt was buckled, and the scholar who almost slid off the chair immediately "sit upright".

"I'm considerate, how can something you created work if you don't experience it yourself?"

Ember kept up his efforts, and finally brought everyone down once again.

In an instant, there were many "enthusiastic people" producing canned knowledge in the entire basement, but they just didn't know whether the canned knowledge produced in them was God's canned knowledge or some other strange thing.

(End of this chapter)

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