King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 671 Aru Village Income Generation Project

Chapter 671 Aru Village Income Generation Project

Aru Village is much quieter than before. There are many outstanding people here. A madman will become quiet after staying in Aru Village for a few days. This is why the Aru Village always liked to exile madmen to Aru Village in the past.

"You... have really brought me a big trouble!" Candice looked at the madman nearby who was about to attack... No, it should be the village guard now, with a sad look on his face.

"What? Aru Village won't accept it? Then I'll go find someone else." Seeing Candice's worried look, Yi Yan immediately waved his hand and prepared to go to the Great Merciful Tree King.

She must be willing to take in this group of homeless people.

"It's not like this. It's just why you didn't tell us in advance. Their accommodation and food will take some time to arrange."

Candice shook her head. Although there were many people, they had not exceeded the burden of Aru Village. They could only be said to be troublesome.

Shaking her head and forgetting about the madman, Candice looked at Rahman and Sameer next to Ember, as well as the group of dusty mercenaries behind them.

The village guards just make Aru Village more noisy, but it is unknown what Rahman and Sameer can bring.

"[One-eyed Sand Lion] Rahman and [Thutmose's Double Swords] Sameer, both of them are famous."

Candice's heterochromatic eyes were all wary of Rahman and Sameer. Fortunately, Rahman was a man of justice and had a good reputation, but Sameer was different.

He perfectly fits all the characteristics of a desert mercenary, ruthless, dark, and capable of selling everything for profit.

Candice has to pay more attention to this kind of person in Aru Village.

"My eyes are actually very good. I wear an eye patch just because the sand is too harsh during the day." Rahman heard his widely circulated wrong name and took off the same eye patch from Kaiya's face.

Under the eye patch is an intact eyeball, which is not the one-eyed one the title says at all. Being inexplicably treated as half-blind, Rahman said that he was also very distressed.

"..." What else can Candice say? She could only respond in silence.

"You don't need to be so wary of me. I have no weapons." Samer turned around. His back, which should have been carrying two scimitars, was empty at the moment, with nothing on it.

The [One-eyed Sand Lion] with both eyes still alive, and the [Thutmose Dual Swords] without the double swords, these two successfully made Candice touch her forehead again.

"Huh..., forget it, what are you guys doing in Aru Village? If you are traveling, remember to spend a lot of money. If it is for other things, please forgive me for not accompanying you."

Candice just wants to get out of here quickly. What is this? She now suspected that all the titled mercenaries in the desert were unreliable.

"Wait! Find a secluded and soundproof place, we have something to talk about." Seeing Candice turning to leave, Rahman said immediately.

"Concealed and well-soundproofed..." Candice stopped, glanced at the people behind her, and then said, "Then come with me."

Everyone ran up and down Aru built on a huge rock pillar for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a house that was much larger than other houses.

"Is it really here?" Rahman seemed to have seen this place before, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Have you been here?" Sameer asked Rahman.

"That's right, if my brothers and I had any major issues to discuss before, we almost always discussed them here."

"Conference room, ten thousand Moras an hour." Candice stood in front of the door, like a door god.

"Does this still cost money?" Yu Yan scratched his head and asked.

"What do you think? Aru Village seems to be a very wealthy place?" Candice responded with a raised eyebrow.

No one knows that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. As the largest human settlement in the desert, Aru Village cannot live without Mora.

However, due to the barren land here, the people of Aru village only rely on tourism and farming in the middle zone between desert and rainforest to earn moola.

The tourism industry is easy to understand. Aru Village is located in the desert and is well-ordered. Many rainforest people or scholars who want to study in the desert will choose to stay here.

As for the middle ground, that's it. Provides a safe place for the Gilded Brigade to discuss important secrets and negotiate with each other.

"Here, give it a day." Rahman threw a bag of mola to Candice with a blink of an eye.

After taking Maura, Candice felt the concentration of the medium in it. After confirming that the amount was correct, she ran to the door and knocked on it.

"Old man! Old man! Come out! Someone wants to use your house!"

"Come on, come on!" The door opened, and a hunched old man ran out from behind the house.

"Please come in, a few guests. There are beds and food inside. I hope you are satisfied." The old man said a few words to Yu Yan and the others, and then ran away quickly.

"There are still people living here?!" Ember looked at Candice and asked in surprise.

"This house is so soundproofed and comfortable inside. It cost a lot of money to renovate it. Naturally, it can't be used just as a conference room."

Candice seemed to be thinking of the difficult times when building this house, and Candice felt a little emotional. Then she continued:

“So this also doubles as the village chief’s office and our village’s auditorium.”


"Genius!" Ember gave Candice and the villagers of Aru Village a thumbs up for their wit.

"By the way, Candice..." Just when Ember praised Aru Village, Sameer's eyes moved slightly. He looked at Rahman and Ember, but hesitated to speak.

"Me what?" Candice asked.

"I think it's okay. Didn't it mean that the guardian of Aru Village is a descendant of the Red King, and the weapon still has the power of the Red King. It must be trustworthy."

"Candice is also a citizen of the desert. Now is the time when the desert needs strength, okay."

Both Ember and Rahman nodded. Ember just felt that there were more people and more fun, while Rahman took into account Candice's good reputation.

Even if she disagrees, she will not reveal it. Everyone agrees that the neutrality of Aru Village is inseparable from Candice's behavior.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Aru Village is not harmed.

"What riddles are you playing?" Candice frowned after hearing the words of several Riddlers.

"Want to know? Then come in!" Yi Yan suddenly knew why so many people liked being the Riddler, because it was really fun.

After leaving a sentence that left Candice confused, he ran into the house.

"The desert needs your power now, Candice!"

"Remember, even if you don't want to join us, don't reveal the news to others, otherwise you will be a sinner in the entire desert!"

After leaving two equally confusing words, Rahman and Samer also ran in.

After taking a look at the empty steps, Candice silently closed the door.

snort! joke! She, Candice, has been the guardian of Aru Village for so many years, and has been the doorkeeper outside the conference room for so long. What secrets has she not heard?

To try to impress her with such empty words would be to underestimate the determination of the guardian of Aru Village.

"The new god of the Order..."

"I think it's better to resurrect Lord Red King..."

"Maybe we can go to Golden Dreamland to find..."

The soundproof conference room carefully built in Aru Village seemed to be of no use. The sound of Yu Yan and the others talking passed through the thick walls and directly entered Candice's ears outside.

The New God of the Order Academy, the Resurrection of the Red King, the Golden Dreamland... any one of these would be enough to shock the entire Sumeru, but now they pop up one after another in this small conference room.

What hasn't Candice seen? Sorry, I haven't seen this before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Open the door quickly. I'm sorry. I admit that I spoke a little loudly just now."

Outside the locked door, Candice knocked on the door one after another for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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