King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 672 Disagreement

Chapter 672 Disagreement
"The new god of the Order is not completely completed yet. If you want to destroy it, seize the opportunity!" Ember knocked on the wooden table and said boldly.

"But in addition to the New God, there is also a Grass God in the Order. We don't know her position."

"If she was the one who initiated the plan of the Order to create gods, we would be facing two gods and the entire Order."

Rahman had a sad look on his face, and he felt suffocated when he thought about the worst possibility. Immediately afterwards, he finally came up with a plan:

"So let's find a way to resurrect Lord Red King. The news came from Xumi City. You can go there to find out the news and collect information on resurrecting Lord Red King."

"Why are you thinking about that old guy who doesn't even have a body? Can you trust yourself?" Hearing this, Yi Yan flew over.

This man was already in a daze and could not think of anything but resurrecting the Red King.

"I think we can dedicate some of our manpower to find the Golden Dreamland. There is the legacy left by the Red King. There may be some power to deal with the gods."

Sameer raised his hand and expressed his thoughts, but soon he was kicked far away by Ember's kick.

"I finally understand why you desert people have been stepped on by the rainforest people." Looking at the two people getting up from the ground, Yi Yan silently touched his head.

The education problem of desert people is very serious. What are everyone thinking about? Come up with some unreliable ideas.

"Then what do you think we should do? The opponent is too powerful and there is nothing we can do!" Rahman sat on the chair, his face even more sad than before.

For the sake of the desert, the slogan was shouted loudly, and it was indeed exciting to hear it. But as soon as the special operation came to light, Rahman felt like he was shrouded in a dark cloud.

The thirty-man group alone could overwhelm him, let alone the entire Order and other higher-level forces.

"Same feeling." Sameer sat with Rahman. Normally he would not joke, but now he could only think of the unreliable idea of ​​"finding the power to fight the gods from the golden dreamland".

"How about we break up? What if a new god emerges from Sumeru? Can the desert get any worse?"

Sameer stood up and wanted to break up.

"Hey, don't forget that we have destroyed part of the Order's plan. Do you want to run away now?"

"Be careful not to be caught doing crazy experiments by the Order!"

Ember plucked his ears. Sameer is now considered one of the "heroes" who destroyed the body of the Order and turned it into a den of evil. Will the Order let him go?

"..., the biggest mistake of my life was getting entangled with you." Sameer was silent for a while, and then sighed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just as the discussion fell silent for a moment, there was a loud knock on the door.

Rahman and Sameer stood up quickly, and Rahman even instinctively drew out his weapon.

As for Sameer..., he fumbled behind his back with his hands for a while before he realized that he had no weapons at all.

"..., alas!" After sighing, Sameer could only clenched his fists and recalled the boxing skills he had not used for a long time.

"Please come in!"

Unlike Rahman and Sameer, who were vigilant, Yan Yan ran directly to the door and opened it.

The person knocking on the door was none other than Candice, who had previously been determined not to get involved.

"why you?"

"I thought the descendants of the Red King had much determination? It seems that it is nothing more than that."

When Rahman and Sameer saw that the person coming was Candice, they put away their weapons and fists.

"It is precisely because Aru Village is the last peaceful place for the heirs of the Red King that I want to come here all the more."

Candice closed the door slowly and then said to everyone:

"The sound of your discussion was a little too loud, and I heard a lot. I want to ask you, are those words really not your drunken bragging?"

"for example?"

"The Red King is resurrected or something like that."

Candice looked around. Of all the discussions she heard, this was the one that concerned her the most.

If the Red King is really resurrected, how will Aru Village face this ancestor who has passed away for thousands of years?
"You have really good ears, and what you heard happened to be the most unreliable of the several questions." Hearing this, Yi Jin couldn't help complaining.

How do the Big Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King do things? It has been so long since the death of the Red King that the desert people still believe in the Red King. What about their faith? "Does that mean the other ones are reliable?" Candice didn't have too many surprises. Resurrecting the Red King seemed impossible at first sight.

But that's not necessarily the case for other things. The Golden Dream does exist, but no one can find it. As for the rest, she actually didn't really believe it in her heart.

"This is a long story..."

Next, Ember, Rahman and Sameer took turns to show off to Candice what the "big evil in the Order" is.

The expression on the latter's face also changed from casual at first to disbelief.

"That is to say... the Order Council has really started to create new gods?"

"It's not the beginning, but the divine body has already been created!"

In order to show the urgency of the crisis, Rahman also deliberately emphasized it.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

Candice suddenly changed the topic, and the expression on her face changed from disbelief to calmness.

It turns out it was just a false alarm created by the Imperial Academy to create a new god. As long as Aru Village remains the same as before, even if a new god is born in the Order, it will not affect Aru Village.

"What?! Are you still a desert person?!" When Rahman heard this, he immediately shot up the case in shock. He thought that Candice would definitely take the initiative to join them after understanding the urgency of the matter. Who would have expected such a result?
Candice slapped the arm Rahman pointed at her.

"Calm down, of course I'm a desert person."

"Then why don't you join us to stop the Order's plan! When the rainforest becomes stronger, you won't even think about having a good life!"

"Why don't you try to get along with the sand wall?" Candice turned her head and looked elsewhere.

When Rahman heard this, he became even more angry: "Candice! Are you awake?!"

"Want to coexist? Then get rid of all the restrictions Xumi has on the desert people first! The rainforest people have free medical care, but what about the desert people? Nothing!"

"Their children can acquire a lot of knowledge in the Void Terminal when they are born, but what about us?"

"Don't forget! There are still many tribal children in the desert who will be thrown into the snake and scorpion pot after birth!"


The bright sword light interrupted Rahman's passionate speech, and Ember was seen holding a straight sword, looking ready to go.

"Excuse me, where is such a tribe? I'll go and come back."

Other things can be discussed and changed slowly, but this won't work. This needs to be dealt with heavily!
"Uh..., don't get excited, don't get excited." When Sameer saw it, he immediately pulled the embers back with sweat on his face.

"This was a custom from a long time ago, and it has long ceased to exist..." Samer faced Yu Yan's direct gaze and explained bravely.

"You desert people are really fierce." Yi Yan took back his weapon and was shocked.

"No, the desert resources are scarce and cannot support so many people. Select the strongest babies to raise...the probability of survival is high and the burden on the tribe is small."

Rahman turned around and took off the teapot and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Candice..., let me ask you again..."

"Okay!" Samer waved his hand and interrupted Rahman again.

"How can we represent all the desert people? Since Aru Village insists on easing relations with the rainforest people, we can't force it, right?"

He looked at Candice who lowered her head and said with some fun.

Rahman also fell silent after hearing this. He put down the teapot in his hand, sighed and said, "Let's go, let's do it ourselves."

"and many more!"

"Is there anything else?" Hearing the request behind him, Rahman looked back at Candice.

"If you are exposed, you can come here."

"It won't be exposed. After all, there are many people dying in the desert, including us."

Rahman left here without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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