King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 677 The perfect scimitar

Chapter 677 The perfect scimitar

"Toward the stars and the abyss!"

At the entrance to the main street of Xumi, there is a pagoda-shaped dome wooden house. The signs hanging on it all indicate that this house belongs to the Adventurers Association.

"It seems that Mr. Ember has indeed come to Xumi City. Is there anything you need my help with?"

After the formulaic slogan, Catherine asked Ember with a smile.

"We are missing Mora, come and get Mora!"

"It's really rare. Let me check the balance." Catherine naturally agreed. She nodded and lowered her head slightly.

After a while, she raised her head again.

"Mr. Ember, the balance of Mora you deposited in the Adventurers Association is: 24115673. Do you want to withdraw all of it?"

"Twenty million?" Yu Jin touched his chin. He took out the poster he had brought over from his pocket and looked at it carefully.

The Apostle of the Abyss costs 5 million, which is still the reservation price. Ember doesn't like the Abyss Mage at all. These fluffy guys should go play in the mud with the Qiuqiu people.

As for Sin Baptizer, the poster says price interview.

He looked at the poster and then at Catherine. At first, Ember thought he was a rich man when he heard about his deposit, but now it seems that it is only enough to hire four Abyss Apostles?

Considering that the price on the poster is still reservation, it may not even be possible to hire four Abyss Apostles.

"Uh..., forget it, let me think about it." Yi Jin rolled up the poster and put it back. He went to the counter and asked:

"I think I need to save money now. Do you have any of the most difficult and highest-priced commissions? Pack them all for me!"

Ember patted his chest, extremely confident that he would entrust all Xumi's difficult tasks to wrap them up.

"Understood, Mr. Ember, wait a moment, I'll go look for it right now." Catherine heard this without any hesitation, and started rummaging through the file cabinet behind her vigorously.

Soon, Catherine ran back with a pile of scrolls.

"It's all here, Mr. Ember has a look."

"Let me see..." Yi Yan took a scroll, opened it, and started reading.

"Escorting cargo hot air balloon? It's long and smelly, so I won't do it!"

"Hmm... Escorting the caravan, the price is 100 million? It's a bit low."

"Knocking on mushrooms? Is there such a strange commission?"


Ember rummaged through a pile of scrolls for a long time, but could not find any commission that satisfied him.

"Catherine, although she is not the previous Catherines, she shouldn't be tricking me, right? No, right?"

Ember stuck his head into the counter and almost stepped in with his whole body.

"Of course... of course not, but this is all the entrustment of the Xumi branch. As you know, Mr. Ember, the first consideration of the Xumi people is always the major gilded brigades, followed by our Adventurers Association. "

Catherine took a few steps back, her ever-smiling face showing a bitterness that is hard to see in ordinary people.

"Okay, I know I thought the Xumi Adventurers Association was having a miserable life, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable."

Ember retracted his head, he lay on the counter and sighed. I don’t know who the branch president of Xumi is. Maybe we can discuss with him a way out for the Adventurers Association in Xumi.

"Actually, it's not bad. At least I'm not as busy as others." Catherine rarely talked about other things with Yi Yan during working hours.

The Xumi Adventurers Association has fewer commissions, but the workload is correspondingly smaller. Therefore, Catherine's vacation time here is also the most among all branches.

Most of the other flowers and plants that Catherine saw were uploaded by her.

"Let's not talk about it. Goodbye. I wish you a happy job." After saying something that Catherine couldn't understand, Ember turned around and left here.

"I also wish Mr. Ember a happy journey." He waved at Ember's back, and Catherine's trademark smile appeared on her face again.

After leaving the Adventurers Association, Yi Yan was confused and confused, not knowing what to do for a long time.

Hiring four apostles of the abyss is a bit unsatisfactory. No matter what, it has to be four of those baptized sinners, right?

Although Ember has never met the Sin Baptist, but looking at the transition in strength from the Abyss Mage to the Abyss Apostle, the Sin Baptist, who is one level higher than the Abyss Apostle, is not much different.

However, the idea was wonderful, but Maura was not strong enough to support his idea.

"Perhaps we can dig into the pockets of the Fools?" After thinking about it, he turned his mind to the Fools again.

Just as Yi Yan was gearing up to make the fools in Xumi feel what "pain" was, he suddenly noticed something strange. "Buzz——"

He took out the two scimitars "gifted" to him by Sameer. The scimitars were now covered with gleaming white light.

"call out!"

The next moment, two ordinary-looking scimitars broke away from Yi Yan's hands and floated in the air.

"My master, in your body, I seem to hear you worrying about money?"

A flattering and trembling female voice came from the scimitar. The appearance of this voice successfully excited Ember.

"I'm super, the scimitar has become a spirit! This guy Samer must have something good!"

When Ember saw the scimitar becoming a spirit, he wished he could join Sameer right now. Since this guy has a perfect scimitar, he must have a perfect dagger, a perfect straight sword... and even a perfect small sickle!

"Samer, is he the guy who touched me with dirty hands before..."

"Indeed, I also think his hands are dirty. It should be caused by digging in the ground for too long without washing them."

Ember nodded in agreement, not only Sameer, but also Rahman. Most mercenaries in the desert don't care much about these details.


The two scimitars shook, as if they were shocked as to why Ember really thought that the "dirty" it meant was dirty in the physical sense.

This owner seems a bit strange?

"Master, I know a place with endless treasures that can satisfy your desire for treasure."

Ember didn't respond, he was just thinking about how to make his weapon as refined as this scimitar.

"Master?" Scimitar approached the silent embers.

"Ah? Are you talking about me?" Seeing the bright blade in front of him, Yi Yan realized that the owner of the scimitar was himself.

"Of course, you used the water to wake me up from the pain. Shisha, I am willing to serve you."

"But I can take care of myself, so let's become sworn brothers. You will be the sixth child from now on, and you have four more..."

Yi Yan thought for a moment, and it seemed that Yusu and the others had no gender at all. Trouble, gender-neutral sworn marriage is also a problem!

Xisha was speechless. She couldn't believe the scene she saw in front of her.

There seems to be something really wrong with the owner she believes in!
But so what if there was something wrong with him, it was because she recognized Ember as her master, and it was not because Ember betrayed her, so she could only accept it with tears.

"Master, let's discuss the treasure." Seeing Yi Yan take out the long incense from nowhere, Xisha quickly ended the topic.

"Don't call me master, it can easily lead to misunderstanding."

"No problem, my master."

"Didn't I tell you to stop barking?"

"Your orders are obeyed, my master."

Yi Yan turned to look at the scimitar suspended in the air in front of him. How could this guy learn so quickly?

In just a few words, I actually learned some of his essence.

"Forget it, do whatever you want. Just to remind you, don't put any responsibility for the 'master' in your mind on me."

"Understood, my master."

"Okay, now we can talk about the treasure. I won't take advantage of you. When it is done, we will split it 50-50."

Yi Yan took Xisha to a remote corner and discussed the matter of "treasure".

"My master, everything about Xisha belongs to you. The treasure is naturally your exclusive possession."

"That's a lot of nonsense. Even slaves have their own property, so you're so humble to me."

“Slaves in the desert had no property, everything they owned belonged to their masters.”

"Oh ho, that's it. It doesn't give any sign of improvement. They are definitely going to rebel."


Xisha looked at the ember that was beating the straight sword, and she didn't know how many times she was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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