King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 678 Zhenling’s past events

Chapter 678 Zhenling’s past events

"Huh? Why didn't you speak? Continue talking?" Yu Yan took back the straight sword in his hand. Something with an elm head cannot speak even if you knock it a hundred times.

"Oh...oh?! My master, please calm down, Xisha will tell you everything now."

Xisha shook a few times, and then she fell into long-lasting memories.

"My master, I wonder if you have heard of the Eternal Oasis."

"I've heard of it, it seems to be a rumor."

"But what if I were to say that the Eternal Oasis is real?"

Yi Yan was no longer as careless as before. He straightened up and his aura became serious. If the Eternal Oasis really exists, then...

Then wouldn’t the Abyss Religion want to become his beast? Judging from the appearance of the Abyss Cult, they must be worried about the people who are waiting for food.

Eternal oasis...

"Endless water, rivers of honey, and rich fruits, just a small part of them, nourish the three canals and the five oases."

There was a hint of joy in Xisha's tone, whether it was because she thought of the abundance of the Eternal Oasis or simply saw the change in Ember's expression.

Along with Xisha's narration, a piece of pie, an extremely delicious and fragrant pie appeared in Yi Yan's mind.

This is not for people to eat, but for the Abyss Cult. Such a big piece of cake, why don't you make them fragrant?

"Are you sure you know the location of the Eternal Oasis?"

"If a slave lies to his master, he will be bitten by snakes and scorpions."

"In the chaotic past, I lost the last of my intelligence in the huge water pipeline."

Xisha tried hard to think about the intermittent memories in her mind. It was a time of ignorance and a time of being ravaged at will.

The prosperity of the desert benefits from the generosity of the Eternal Oasis, so she wants to expose the Eternal Oasis to the wolves.

As long as the Eternal Oasis is not in the hands of the desert people in the end, her countless resentments can be resolved.

"So you used to be a plumber?" Yi Yan scratched his head and couldn't tell. How could a machete clean water pipelines?


My lord, you have summed it up very well. My mother gave birth to me as a slave, so the lightless days occupied most of my life until I met you. "

Xisha's tone was complex and changing. First there was resentment, then pain, and finally admiration.

Her feelings are very sincere. As long as ordinary people stand next to her and listen, they will be angry because of her anger and happy because of her joy.

But Yu Yan is not a normal person. He always feels that this little thing talks as if he is wearing a looming white gauze. Whether he is excited or in pain, it all seems to be deliberately performed.

What is the emotion underneath the white gauze is unknown.

Shisha fell silent, waiting for Ember's next answer and action.

"The past is past, you have to look forward. As far as I know, there should be no slavery in the desert now, and you are a free man now... No, freedom knife? That's not right yet..."

Seeing Xisha's silence, Yi Yan thought she was depressed by her past experiences, so she comforted her with a few words.

"My master, I am Zhenling."

"Yes! You are now a free spirit! Go and do whatever you want! Whether it is the rainforest or the desert, it has changed greatly now."

"You can go and see where you live. No matter whether you cry or spit over the ruins, no one will be able to control it!"

Ember patted the handle of the scimitar and encouraged Xisha to see more of the world after the vicissitudes of life.

"My master, is Gul City still in the desert?" Shisha asked.

"I have never heard of this place. There should be no cities in the desert now. The largest places are only villages and towns, far from the size of cities."

"Maybe this place has been buried in the sand. I'm sorry."

Ember thought about it in his mind. He had been traveling with Rahman and Samer these past few days. The two of them talked about many forces in the desert in front of the embers, but they did not mention the name "Gul City". It can be called a "city" because it is probably a city established by an ancient civilization.

Ember thought that Xisha would feel sad after hearing the news, but what she didn't expect was a burst of sharp laughter:


At first Xisha was restrained, but later the laughter became hysterical.

"Hahaha! What a pity, why can't I hold on for a little longer? If I had held on for a little longer, wouldn't I be able to see the cries of the humans there?"

"My mother, I really hope that the collapse of Gul City happened while you were still alive..."

Mutterings and wild laughter alternated from time to time, and Ember successfully dragged Xisha's floating body to the sacred branch on the outskirts of Sumeru City.

"Mother... mother..., are you still alive..."

"It seems that you have a deep resentment towards your mother." Yi Yan glanced at Xisha, who was dazed in her eyes. In such a short time, she had already imposed countless verbal curses on her mother.

"Indeed, it is precisely because of this woman that my thousands of sisters and I were trapped in the fate of slaves from birth."

"Thousands of people?! Are you..." Yi Yan almost blurted out the word "insects and ants". In my mind, only insects have such terrifying fertility.

"There will only be more of my sisters."

"Mother... mother..."

"Fang is already old since he was born, and his broken sanity supports infinite strength..."

"I have never tasted the sweetness of milk, nor felt the warmth of amniotic fluid..."

"The tears were evaporated by the scorching sun, and the moment of joy was crushed by the gears..."

"We are not born out of a union of love, but born of hatred and alienation..."

"Hee hee hee……"

Ember's words seemed to make Xisha think of something, and she chuckled grimly while humming a creepy ballad.

"You are quite artistic. Leaving aside the lyrics, this song sounds good." Ember listened to Xisha's past and nodded in praise.

Although the lyrics and the singer sound creepy, the accent sounds pretty good.

"This is the circuit engraved in the movement by the king of Gul City. The pain of my sisters and I was exchanged for the power to drive the eternal machine."

"My master, if you still have an enemy. Please hand him over to Shisha, and I will imprint the same circuit on his body to make him regret his disrespect."

"My enemy? My enemy can't see the sun tomorrow, okay? There's no need to trouble you."

Yi Yan spread his hands towards Xisha. He looked at the scimitar that was shaking slightly in front of him and making a cold laugh from time to time. He just felt that Xumi was really a "good place".

How the hell can it lead people’s brains in extreme directions? Could it be because there are too many mushrooms?
"Xisha, are you a little too indulged in the hatred of the past? Nowadays, Xumi has changed a lot. I'm afraid there aren't many of your former enemies left, right?"

"It's not much, but my master. You probably don't know that Zhenling's anger and hatred need to be repaid three times, and this is still..."

"then what……"


Xisha didn't continue talking, and Yi Yan didn't pay too much attention. It's just a twisted personality, he's seen it all too often.

It's too soft, so you can try two punches when the time comes. Judging from his own "education" experience, generally after two "!!" sounds, even the chaotic and distorted eyes will become clear and transparent.

Xisha fell into silence, and Ember felt that this guy might be recalling the past again, so he took out the map that he passed from Catherine.

"Come on, let's put aside these past grudges. Here is the current map of Xumi. Point me to the location so I can find the Eternal Oasis."

"No problem, my master."

On the branches of the holy tree, among the lush green leaves, a man with two swords was lying on the ground, not knowing what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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