King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 680: The Embers of "Monopoly"

Chapter 680: The Embers of "Monopoly"


After Ember made some comments about both Xisha and the man in black robe, the air fell into silence.

The only sounds in the valley were the gentle breeze and the sound of the rushing stream. In the end, Ember himself came over quietly and broke the silence.

He walked up to the man in black robe, took out the poster in his hand, raised his head and asked:

"The same to you……"

He quietly stretched out the poster in his hand to ensure that the man in black robe could also see it.


As expected, the man in black robes also took out a wrinkled poster from his cloak.

But what surprised Yi Yan was that the exposed palms of the man in black were unexpectedly white and tender.

She looks like a girl and a baby at the same time.

This made him look at him sideways. Originally, Yi Yan thought that the figure under the black robe would be a strong man. But now it seems that he may not be a strong man, but looks like a woman with a voice changer.

Of course, it might not be a woman, maybe Xiao...Da Nanliang!

Shaking his head to throw away the random conjectures in his mind, Yi Yan silently took a few steps back.

This made the man in black robe feel so inexplicable. He didn't seem to have done anything just now, right?

"Why are you two looking for the organization on the poster? They are not human beings. Aren't you afraid of them?"

The man in black robe was only confused for a moment about Yi Yan's strange movements and then didn't care anymore. He put the poster in his hand back into his large cloak and asked without turning his head.

"I've dealt with them several times, and I don't think it's fake? What's more, why should I be scared if I'm not a human being? I'm not a human being next to me. Will I be scared?"

Ember said, and shook Xisha beside him, causing her to murmur indistinctly.


"Interesting." The man in black robe turned his head and looked at Xisha who was dizzy and still thinking about something.

If the matter to be done this time wasn't very important, he would still be very interested in learning about this strange combination in front of him.

"I would like to advise you to leave as soon as possible. The Abyss Order cannot be trusted, especially the Abyss."

"What's more, it's going to be here soon..."


The words of the man in black robes suddenly stopped. A space crack with twinkling stars suddenly appeared on the calm water, and then a frost-white apostle stepped on the ice.

However, unlike other apostles of the abyss, this apostle came out with a pamphlet in his hand and read it carefully.

"Huh? Two people?!" The Ice Abyss apostle raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of the two people in front of him, and suddenly exhaled in surprise.

But after exclaiming, it immediately started flipping through the book in its hand.

"Let me see, when you meet a human being, you should..."

"Have it!"

The apostle of the abyss turned to a certain page, and all kinds of praises came out of this monster's mouth without hesitation.

"Welcome both customers to choose Abyss Service. I wish you both good luck and good luck, and may you have a baby soon..."

"Huh..., next is..."

After finishing speaking, the apostle took a deep breath. It recalled the words taught by its own training time and space and started a new performance.

"Our sect has the most professional mages and warriors. We can take risks, divination, and commissions. We can do anything and everything!"


"Only the guests can't think of it, no religious group can do it! What kind of service do you two guests want to book?"

After somersaulting forward on the water, the Abyss Apostle jumped in front of Ember and the black-robed man and asked flatteringly.




Ember, the black-robed man, and Xisha looked at the movements of the Abyss Apostles and felt that the Abyss Order must have taken the wrong medicine.

But Xisha is different. She simply thinks that this organization called "Abyss Order" is quite good at handling things.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" Ember expressed high praise for the performance of the Apostles of the Abyss. He applauded and asked:
"May I ask, who came up with these things?"

"Fusami and Your Highness, they said that the most important thing for the Order right now is to get its reputation out there, and also to eliminate the wariness of you humans."

"Very good, you did a great job." Yi Yan nodded and asked no more questions. I can only say that Kazuo Fuchigami’s brother is truly a genius, and this set of movements perfectly meets all the above requirements.

If an ordinary person sees the apostle of the abyss giving him such a blow, it is guaranteed to leave an unforgettable impression!

"Excuse me, but Abyss and His Highness are indeed geniuses." Apostle Abyss nodded.

Fuchsami is now considered a big celebrity in the Abyss Cult, and everyone is looking forward to him coming up with new gadgets.

"Can the apostle of the abyss still read?" The man in black robe was more concerned. He looked at the book in the apostle of the abyss and frowned.

If the apostles of the Abyss, who are always known for their recklessness, start reading, then the current strength of the Abyss Order will have to be re-evaluated.

After all, wisdom is also part of strength.

"Look, otherwise the business will go bad and I will be beaten by the sinner and His Highness." The apostle of the abyss nodded very naturally, and then he lowered his head again and flipped through the booklet:

"This book was compiled by the cult to communicate with you humans. Let me take a look, the next step should be..."

Hearing the sound of turning books, Xisha quietly came over and asked softly: "My master, is this the person you are looking for even after abandoning the Eternal Oasis?"

"Of course, I think you are good at talking. Get ready later, it's up to you!" Yi Yan nodded, and then patted Xisha, her encouraging tone made her a little confused.

"Look at me?"

"So it turns out that the next step is to confirm the business time?" The Abyss Apostle closed the booklet and then nodded as if he suddenly understood.

It took back the pamphlet, rubbed its hands and said, "Who are you two going to hire? One or two? A mage or an apostle?"

The black-robed man and Yan Yan looked at each other after hearing this. Then Ember took a step forward and asked boldly: "How many people are there in your cult?"

"Oh oh oh! This smell... smells of big business!" The apostle of the abyss suddenly became excited when he heard Yi Yan's tone full of "nothing short of money".

The Abyss Cult is difficult. The first thing all members see when they open their eyes every day is countless big mouths waiting to be fed.

But they live deep underground, and the area within the sect's sphere of influence is desolate, with nothing.

Before the underground is completely transformed, this barren situation will probably accompany the Abyss Order for a long time.

How can the Abyss Apostle not be excited when seeing a big business now?

"Dear guest, please let me contact the cult." The apostle of the abyss took a few steps back, stretched out his hand and opened a space crack the size of a palm and came out.



After an encrypted call that Ember and others could not understand, the space crack in the hands of the Abyss Apostle disappeared.

"Can space cracks be used like this?" The man in black robe said with a hint of doubt in his tone. Unfortunately, the Abyss Apostle ignored him at all.

Now the ember is the focus of its service!

"Dear guest, I just communicated with the Order. Now the Order can draw out the Abyss Mage..."

"Abyss Mage doesn't want it, he's too useless!"

"Okay... ok, in addition to the Abyss Mage, we have 27 free apostles, and there are 3 sinners. What do you think..."

Ember looked at the face of the apostle of the abyss. The twisted face that was completely different from that of human beings could actually see smiles and flattery at this moment.

"The power of money is not much worse than strength." Yu Jin sighed. Anyway, he felt that the personality correction fist alone would not be able to make the apostle of the abyss show such an expression.

"You are absolutely right! I think so too, so how many do you want to hire?"

The Abyss Apostle echoed. No matter what Ember says, just follow him.

Such a big dog must not be offended!

"Do those 27 count as you?"

"It doesn't count. After all, I'm working."

"Okay! In addition to you, I'll cover all the people I just mentioned!"


In the glowing eyes of the apostle of the abyss, the plate armor on Ember's body had changed from black gray to dazzling golden yellow.

(End of this chapter)

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