King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 681 The pancake maker is busy

Chapter 681 The pancake maker is busy

"Huh--, is this... the aura of wealth?" The Abyss Apostle was shocked by Ember Trench's inhumane speech.

The Abyss Cult's small flyers have been distributed for a while, and several businesses have been made. So the monsters all know that the pricing of the sect's business is not low, but even so, Ember didn't even frown when he spoke just now, which is enough to show how wealthy he is.

[What a rich human being, if only...] A fierce look flashed across the face under the Abyss Apostle's robe. For such a rich man, if he raised a knife and dropped it, wouldn't his things belong to the cult?

Evil thoughts were brewing in the apostle's mind, but were eventually suppressed by another memory.

It was a painful memory. The apostles, who were clearly born for fighting, had to learn how to receive the humans they hated most.

【Remember everything for me! When you see a wealthy customer, don’t think about grabbing them directly! Let the water flow slowly! 】

[After robbing, you can only get a short-term pleasure, but if you entertain them well, it will be an inexhaustible resource! 】

The sound of Kong knocking on the blackboard echoed in the apostle's mind, knocking away the evil in his heart and the harshness on his face.

"Dear guest..., what I want to say is...the funds required to hire so many members of the cult are not a small amount..."

"Xisha, come on!" Hearing this, Yi Yan pushed Xisha out without saying a word.

"Huh? Shall I go?"

Shisha shook the vial, obviously not understanding what Ember wanted her to do.

"Tell it the information about the Eternal Oasis." Seeing that Xisha couldn't figure out the situation, Yi Yan reminded him softly from behind.

"Eternal Oasis? Tell me about this thing again?" Xisha didn't know how serious it was, but considering that this was Ember's order, she still cleared her throat.

"The owner of the flower sleeps peacefully in the eternal dream, and the king of the yellow sand cannot bear his best friend to sleep in the scorching sun..."

"So the pillars in the sky turned into the support of the big bed, the flowers and grass clung to the sleeping owner of the flowers, and the pure water shielded her from the scorching sun..."

"This is the pure land in the desert, an eternal oasis flowing with endless milk and honey."


Xisha slowly told the legend about the eternal oasis in the desert, leaving Ember and the apostles of the abyss stunned.

"After listening to your story, isn't this place a bit unlucky?" Ember touched Ba and said thoughtfully.

According to Xisha, why does this eternal oasis look like a blanket of flowers and plants growing on the tomb?

"It's a pretty good legend, so what?" The Abyss Apostle didn't think so much. It just nodded and then spread its hands.

There are countless legends about the Pure Land Paradise in the world. Everyone hopes that there will be a real paradise on earth in the corner of the world, but few people can actually find it.

"So you, the Abyss Cult, have made an announcement." Yi Yan saw the Abyss Apostle's unconcerned look and immediately puffed up his chest with confidence and said.

"Do you know why I'm so proud? That's because I know the exact location of the Eternal Oasis!"

"As long as you send people over from the Abyss, I will give you half of the things from the Eternal Oasis!"

Yu Yan seduced the apostle of the abyss, but unfortunately he only received suspicious looks from the apostle.

"Although I haven't read many books, I'm not stupid. Don't lie to me."

"I have a great reputation, but I don't even know how to write the word 'liar'!"

Ember assured as he patted his chest.

"Evidence, I can't believe you just based on your empty words."

The apostle of the abyss stretched out his palm towards Ember, asking for evidence from Ember.

"This is the evidence!" Yi Yan grabbed Xisha flying in mid-air and placed her in the hands of the Abyss Apostle.

"Do not touch me!!!"

Xisha flew out from the hands of the Abyss Apostle as if she was stressed. The moment she approached the apostle of the abyss, she felt as if she was about to be swallowed up by something.

"My master, Shisha begs you, don't put me in the hands of others." Shisha said while feeling the fear that had not completely dissipated in her heart, trembling towards the embers. "So sensitive? Then I won't do it next time." Yi Yan scratched his head. He didn't expect Xisha's reaction to be so strong. Why not just touch it?

But since Xisha doesn't want to, then he just won't do it in the future.

"A talking bottle. I admit that she is very strange, but what does it have to do with the eternal oasis you mentioned?" The apostle of the abyss heard the conversation between the two and was confused.

"A talking bottle? That's it?" Yi Yan pointed to the two eye spots in Xisha's bottle with a look of disbelief.

Now Xisha's appearance has perfectly matched the Zhenling that frequently appears in desert mythology, and the apostles of the abyss don't even know this.

Ember looked at the indifferent apostle and reacted. This guy is not a human being, so how can he possibly read human myths?

"Tell me what she is?" So he turned his head and asked the man in black robe.

Hearing this, the man in black robe who had been silent all this time glanced at the small bottle that was closely following Yi Yan.

"Conscious Zhenling is rare. But I just don't know if what you picked up is a treasure or a disaster."

After sneering a few times, he turned around and said to the Abyss Apostle beside him:

"Since he has something like Zhenling beside him, it might be possible to find the Eternal Oasis. You can try to cooperate."

"What a good man!"

As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking, he found Ember rushing over and holding his hand. The broad cloak swayed as Ember's arms swayed, leaving him silent for a while.

Pull, pull, pull, don’t move.

With a little more strength, it pulled.

He used a lot of strength to barely free his palm from Ember's hand.

"..., you misunderstood. It's just that our interests coincide with each other, so I look like a good person to you."

Rubbing his sore palms, the man in black robe pretended not to care.

"Zhen Ling..." The Abyss Apostle stared at Xisha floating next to Yu Ember for a long time, and his direct gaze successfully made the latter shrink back behind Yu Ember.

What are the apostles of the abyss thinking? It was wondering what Zhenling was. But after thinking about it for a long time, it couldn't figure out why.

"I can't confirm the authenticity of this news. If you are not in a hurry, you can go to the sect with me to talk to more people. And such a big business is not something I, an apostle, can decide. Sooner or later, you will have to go to the sect. One trip.”

After thinking for a moment, it made a decision. If the guy in front of me really knew the location of the Eternal Oasis, then everyone would be happy.

But if he didn't know...

The apostle of the abyss looked at the arm knives on his arms. Its weapons were not for display. The position of the cult cannot be exposed easily.

After considering everything, the proud apostle turned his attention to the man in black robe: "This guest, who do you want to hire?"

"Well... take me to your sect. You can't decide what I want to do." The man in black robe did not reveal any more information. He just looked at the overgrown ground and responded calmly.

"This is not possible. The sect does not accept outsiders unless you can come up with heavy news like this guest." The apostle of the abyss shook his head and rejected the black-robed man's request.

"Oh? If you don't take me there, then I will have to find it myself." Hearing this, the man in black robe just raised his arm and pointed to the ground on the side of the valley next to him.

"The Abyss Order is down here."


The cracks visible to the naked eye spread from the feet of the black-robed man, and it seemed that the ground would be separated in the next second.

"Um..., I'm warning you, don't act rashly, the cult is very powerful. I'm just going to take you there. Don't forget to publicize it for us when you come out."

The apostle of the abyss looked down at the cracked ground, and suddenly broke into a cold sweat. It seemed that it couldn't bear the kick due to its small body.

"Stop trying too hard, or it will collapse. Come with me." After sighing helplessly, it walked ahead of the others.

(End of this chapter)

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