Chapter 685 Robbery

Sora sat between the embers and the man in black robes and blinked his eyes. He suddenly felt that he had not rested for too long and had hallucinations.


A crisp slap on the shoulder sounded, and Sora felt pain in his shoulder being separated by Ember's iron hand. Then he realized that this was not a dream at all, that strange tin can actually came to the door!

"Well, let me tell you something..." Yi Yan put one hand on Sora's shoulder and knocked on the table with the other hand as if to say something.

"I have nothing to talk about with you! Goodbye"

But before he could finish speaking, Kong instantly turned into a golden flash of light and quickly ran towards the huge abyss passage in the center.

Ember looked at his empty palm and squeezed it twice. Just when he was about to knock Huang Mao running in front of him to the ground, a strong wind suddenly blew up beside him.


The black-robed man next to him turned into a flash of black light like Sora. The strong wind caused by his running almost overturned the empty office table.

On the other side, Kong watched the stars getting closer and closer to him, and couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

As long as he can reach the abyss passage, it will be as high as the sky allows birds to fly, and no one will be able to catch him by then.

Unfortunately, Sora's happiness didn't last long before he was snuffed out by the huge figure in front of him.

He stopped because the man in black robe had stood upright in front of him, blocking the way forward.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just talking to you about something." The man in black robe stretched out his pink palm and patted Kong's shoulder lightly.

The dull sound, like the friction of rocks, caused goosebumps to appear on his body.

"Are you really just talking about something?" Kong felt the pressure of the person in front of him, then looked at Ember behind him who was chasing the flying paper, and sighed secretly in his heart.

One ember wasn't enough, but here came a guy who didn't know what he was doing. He was in trouble today.

"I hope you are really like what you said." After shaking his head, Kong turned around and walked back.

"Where do you put this?" Yi Yan ran over holding a pile of papers. These were all drawings and documents that had been blown away.

This kind of thing that he can't understand is very important at first sight. Since you want to do business with Kong, it is very necessary to leave a good impression on him.

"Put it away as you like. Anyway, it's something that can be copied at any time." Sora waved his hand a little irritably.

"I didn't tell you earlier." Yi Jin glanced at Kong, who had a sad face, and casually touched the pile of papers in his arms to the ground.

"Enough with the nonsense, Sir, come here, do you have any advice?" Kong took a few deep breaths and finally suppressed the negative emotions in his heart.

These negative emotions were mainly due to seeing the embers. The man in black robe was okay, but the psychological shadow that the ember had on him was really too great.

It was so big that Sora was not confident in his ability to teleport at any time.

"Hehe, advice is out of the question. Look, do you recognize this?" Yi Yan rubbed his hands a few times, and then pushed Xisha out of the state of shock.

What kind of monsters are around Ember? It doesn't matter that the Sin Baptizer is powerful, but the man in black robe and this thin blond boy are also powerful here.

All this makes Xisha unable to understand. Have the powerful people in the world now gathered together?
Kong Wenyan raised his head and glanced at Xisha floating in the air, and Kong immediately reacted to that very representative appearance.

"Zhenling? Is this thing still alive?"

"You are not alive, your whole family is not alive!" Xisha has always been very sensitive to insults. When she heard Kong exclaimed, she instantly woke up from the shock.

Then came a set of silky small combos, which made Kong somewhat confused.


Ember slapped Xisha straight away, then he scratched his head and said embarrassedly to the sky:

"Don't mind, she just woke up recently and hasn't had time to change her bad breath problem."


A dazed Xisha said "agree". "It seems that the one you found is a real Zhenling." Kong just marveled, but was not moved by Xisha's words.

"Not only that, she also knows the location of the Eternal Oasis." Ember righted Xisha, who had turned around several times, and then knocked on her bottle:

"Speak carefully if you have anything to say, and next time you have bad breath! I'll show you what a real stench looks like!"

When the time comes, tie a few rocks to this guy's body and throw them directly into the chocolate pile to see if she still dares to have bad breath.

Ember's words couldn't be called a vicious threat, but Xisha felt a chill behind her for no reason.

"My master, Shisha understands." Shisha swayed up and down next to Yu Ember and responded quickly.

Xisha didn't know if she could get rid of her bad breath. It seemed to be something she was born with. Now she just hoped that she could overcome her nature.

"Eternal Oasis..., does this thing really exist?" Kong closed his eyes and thought for a while.

He once had an unforgettable experience in Xumi, and therefore knew the legend about the Eternal Oasis.

However, Kong only thought it was a beautiful lie made up by desert people in order to have hope, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Furthermore, the crisis at that time did not allow him to waste time on a vain myth.

"Of course it exists! I once saw with my own eyes that the water flowing out of the Eternal Oasis nourished the oasis, and humans built huge cities next to the oasis!"

Xisha said decisively.

"Then why did you share this news with me? I remember that our relationship is not a cooperative one."

Sora opened his eyes and looked at the embers warily. There is a lot to talk about about his relationship with Ember.

Mainly because Sora was a little depressed after being fucked by Ember a few times before.

"Then can't we start cooperation now? If you come out, I will give you half of the Eternal Oasis!" Yi Yan made a bold promise.

"Huh... let me think about it for now." Sora didn't agree immediately. He always felt that there was something fishy in it.

"Still thinking about it? If you think about it again, I'll go find someone else later!" Yi Yan said hurriedly.

In fact, he is just scared. Who can be attracted by the news of Eternal Oasis? It is estimated that only the Desert People and the Abyss Cult are interested in this. For other powers, this thing is really of no use.

"I have to find someone to discuss it, right? Are you in a hurry?" Kong spread his hands and asked.

"I'm not in a hurry." Yu Yan responded immediately, almost revealing his secret.

"Looking for someone to discuss? By the way, bring the guy here called 'Yuan Shang' as well. Part of the purpose of my coming here is to find him."

The man in black robe on the side also spoke.

"Looking for Yushang? Where did you know Yushang's name?" Kong looked at the man in black robes with a wary look on his face.

"Not just Fuchikami, I hope you can call all the humans here as well." The man in black robe seemed to have not seen the vigilance on Kong's face at all, and went on his own to tell other requests.

As soon as these words came out, the vigilance on Kong's face instantly turned into wariness. He looked up and down at the huge guy in front of him and asked:


The man in black robe heard the words and glanced at the embers. Then he responded calmly: "Same question, you can think so."

"I understand, you want to come here to pick peaches?" The expression on Kong's face changed from the previous sadness to a serious one.

Yan Yan came to him, at best, it was just to change his mentality, which was tolerable. But the man in black robe in front of him involves the core interests of the Abyss Order, and this is something he absolutely cannot give in to.

"Picking peaches? You shouldn't think so. Canria was destroyed once because of the abyss, and now I can't possibly watch the newly born citizens get entangled with the abyss again."

"Are you right? An outsider with hopes of transcendence?"

(End of this chapter)

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