King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 686 Zhang Xiang Under the Earth

Chapter 686 Echoes Under the Earth


Kong's eyes suddenly widened due to the black-robed man's words. The identity of an outsider who is held in high esteem for transcendence is impossible for ordinary Kanria people to know.

"An old thing who survived five hundred years ago?" A faint light flashed in the empty hand, and an ordinary one-handed sword was held in his hand.

"Age...has no meaning to us."

The words of the man in black suddenly became unclear, and the voices of men and women, old and young, all mixed together, making people want to break their eardrums.

After the vague words, his aura suddenly changed. The man in black robe now gave people a sharp, cold, and rational feeling.

"It's such a noisy sound." Yi Yan held Xisha's bottle with one hand and picked out his ears with the other.

He looked at Kong, who was holding a bladeless sword, and quickly ran away from here.

"Give it, give it!" He released his grip on Xisha and placed a handful of nuts next to her.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"I mean, we have a good show to watch." After chewing the seeds of the melon seeds and swallowing them, Ember almost waved his arms and shouted.

"Us?" On the other side, Kong was also thinking about the vague words of the man in black robe just now.


The ground trembled, and the man in black robe stepped hard on the ground. Then the huge stone slab under his feet rose up, and its upper edge cracked along the direction of the man in black robe's force.

When the slate fell into the hands of the man in black robe, it had turned into a stone sword as long as his body.

"Ho ho ho, hit, hit, hit!" Seeing this scene, Yi Yan became even more excited.

Real strong men have very low requirements for weapons. They only need weapons because they want a longer arm and a medium to facilitate the use of specific moves.

Obviously, the black-robed man holding a slate sword and Sora without a blade fit this point perfectly.

Of course, this is only true for the powerful, with one exception being Sora's stubborn old sister. After losing most of her strength, she still likes to hold a bladeless sword. Yi Yan reminded her several times, but she didn't listen.

[You will definitely fall into trouble in the future! 】

【I can get up even if I fall down! 】

This was the conversation between Ying and Yi Yan before. Regarding this, Yi Yan could only express his confusion: What a good girl, why is she so stubborn?

A loud bang shook Ember out of his memories, followed by a violent gust of wind.

"Xisha?! If you're not dizzy, just scream!" Among the flying nuts, embers were looking for Xisha's figure.

" master, I'm here." Higher up in the sky, the spinning Xisha braced herself and responded.

"It's good that it's not broken." Yi Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up from the air and rushed forward to hold Xisha in his hand again.

Looking down, the place where the black-robed man and the sky collided has been deeply sunk, and the flat ridged ground is also covered with cracks like spider webs. The huge abyss channel in the center was also twisted and unstable because of this.

"Ha!" Kong changed the edgeless sword to his other hand, and at the same time shook the wrist he was holding the sword on.

The power of the black-robed man in front of him was unexpectedly strong.

Recalling the way the man in black robe almost carried the sword behind his back before slashing violently, Kong Kong had a guess in his mind.

"Are you from the palace guard?"


The man in black robe strode forward, raising the slate sword in his hand high. It seemed that the next step would be a more powerful and heavy chop.

Kong was also not to be outdone. He held the edgeless sword in both hands and thrust it straight into the heart of the man in black robe with a faster speed and a smaller body.


The moment Kong jumped up, the man in black robe turned around and lowered his raised sword. He pivoted his body, and the original slashing move turned into a large-scale sweep in front of him.

"Grow it out!"

Seeing this, Kong no longer simply competed with the black-robed man in terms of strength or skills. He destroyed the elemental power in his body, and thick vines rose from the ground and wrapped around the black-robed man's spinning body.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thick vines containing abundant grass elemental power were torn apart by brute force, but the time they bought was enough to cope with this sudden change. The earthy yellow light spots gathered under his feet, and a stone amber shining with the light of the rock element appeared out of thin air.

With the help of his feet, Kong instantly burst out with a speed and strength that was no less than that of the black-robed man.


After the shock wave visible to the naked eye, the two weapons became heavily entangled.

The edgeless sword, which can be made from scrap iron, and the stone sword, which is chipped from stone, have withstood a force that is enough to break the magic weapon.

Both of them held their breath, and neither one wanted to take a step back. But just because they can continue to wrestle, it doesn't mean that the ground under their feet can still support the huge power from the two of them.


Kong and the man in black felt that their feet were empty. While they quickly separated, they were also observing the changes on the ground.


The ledge made of rocks could not bear the strength of the two of them, and the corner where they were was collapsed instantly after the cracks spread.

Under the smoke and dust that blocked the sky and sun, there was a high platform with a corner missing.

"Ha..." Sora gasped, recalling the previous confrontation. The tricks used by the man in black robes gave him an inexplicably familiar feeling.

"Cough...cough!" However, compared to the gasping Kong, the man in black robe in the distance was obviously more seriously injured.

In the misty dust, you can still faintly hear his cough.

"As expected...can't you?" The man in black robe lifted up part of his robe, and his young and white arms appeared in front of him.

But the arm that should have been straight was now a little bent. The violent collision just now broke the newly born arm bone.

"Crack!" The black-robed man's other still intact palm groped for a while on his bent arm, and then with a twist, the broken bones under the flesh were forcibly straightened back.

The pain did not affect any of his movements. The rising smoke subsided, but the man in black robe still looked like he was holding a big sword.

Seeing his somewhat out of shape movements, Sora frowned. Did his attack just now break this guy's bones?
"Stop it. To be able to cultivate yourself to such an extent, you should be self-aware."

"What's more, if I go all out, the movement won't be just that."

Sora advised the man in black robe opposite who raised his weapon. This is the camp of the Abyss Religion. Many things from the Religion are here, and he can't let go.

"Sora, right? You think too highly of yourself. The injuries on my hands were not caused by you."

"Do you know my name?" The surprise and vigilance in Kong Kong's heart became even stronger now. Who is this guy's background? Not only did he know the expectations he had in Camria, but he also knew his name.

"As an outsider who has been given hope of transcendence by Kanria, do you recognize the move I just made?"


Kong Wenyan thought about it in his mind, but found nothing. Seeing his confused eyes, the man in black robe had the answer in his heart.

“The motherland is counting on you, it’s unreliable!”

He shook his head, pulled off the cloth covering the part of his broken arm, and tied it to the top of the sword.


The big sword was swung, and the black cloth wrapped around the top kept beating the air along the way. The big sword in the hands of the man in black robe is more like a flag fluttering in the wind at this moment.



The hilt of the sword hit the ground hard, and with a loud shout from the man in black robe, the waving flag stopped.

His body surface, which was firmly covered by the black robe, began to have traces of red light pouring out. The light continued to dissipate but continue to appear from top to bottom.

At the same time, the aura of the man in black changed dramatically in an instant. If he was a dark rock that no one could see through before, now he is a war drum that is about to beat.

As for the drumsticks that beat this war drum, they are courage and responsibility.

"White Falcon Knights, flag number: two-six-six-charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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