King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 692 What is wisdom?

Chapter 692 What is wisdom?

As soon as the words fell, the noisy space quickly became quiet. Everyone stopped moving - if they could still be called human.

"Marshal Amfortas, how much computing power do you need?" A light point approached Amfortas and became more and more like a person.

Maybe the light spot is actually a person, but it just looks like a light spot when it is farther away.

"About...twenty percent?"

Amfortas opened his eyes and saw a strange scene, then closed his eyes again and said.

"we know."

After the response, wisps of blue began to emerge in the flawless white space, and the source of these blues was the silent people.

If anyone has time to count, they will find that the light spots that produce blue light happen to account for 20% of the total number of light spots.

The light converges from points into lines, and from the lines into balls. In less than a moment, this white space was dyed with a faint blue color.

A blue ball of light like the sun hung above Amfortas' head. It branched out and connected with Amfortas who was walking outside.

Opening his eyes again, Amfortas found that he could suddenly see a lot more things.

Raise your hand, and then let your arm fall naturally. It was a normal phenomenon, but he saw something different.


[Gravity: discontinuous gravity; air resistance: discontinuous resistance; elemental turbulence: none...]

The falling speed of the arm seemed to be the same as normal to others, but Amfortas could see the clues - the falling speed of the arm tended to be a constant value.

There is both acceleration and deceleration during the fall, but it is generally stable.

Is there no gravity here? Amfortas jumped slightly, and he landed, looking no different from usual.

But the trick hidden in it is still the same as before. The process of falling and rising has both acceleration and deceleration, and is not a continuous process.

Waving my arms, the wind blew through my fingertips. But the air around him didn't flow at all, and the feeling of the breeze was more like a patch made by the brain to make the action of "waving arms" more direct.

Amfortas walked aimlessly along with the crowd, and at the same time, he looked around.

With the blessing of collective consciousness, he saw not a vibrant world, but a world of absurdity and chaos.

When light falls on the human body, the angle of reflection is completely unreasonable; the shape and distribution of leaves are also completely inconsistent with the growth laws of plants; the peristalsis of facial muscles when people are talking is simply impossible to drive the face to behave as it should. expression.

The whole world seems to be permeated with a sense of "making do". As long as no abnormalities are discovered on a macro scale, you can do whatever you want on a micro scale.

The flow of air, the scattering of light, and even the dust caused by stepping... countless detailed information was captured by Amfortas, and then passed through his eyes and was quickly uploaded to the fusion will in his mind for analysis.

[Details are blurred..., the logic of behavior is dominated by common sense..., the space boundary is limited...]

[Conclusion: A collective dream generated by a consciousness guidance device. The occurrence and consequences of actions in the dream are determined by the common sense of all dreamers. 】

[Should: wake up, rest, escape from the guidance device, find the subject of the dream...]

[Should not: wake up the dreamer, leave the dream realm, engage in thinking activities for a long time...]

The sound lines composed of countless human voices echoed in Amfortas' mind. After gathering 20% ​​of the brain power of the survivors of Camria, nothing in the dream could be escaped.

"I hope this body's brain won't explode." Amfortas rubbed his temples. In the dream, he was a normal person, but he did not forget that he also suffered from "Alzheimer's disease" outside the dream.

After a terrifying amount of information transfer, Amfortas doubted whether his head was still normal.

[No need to worry, the information flow has been diverted to the database in the region. 】

"Database..." Upon hearing this, Amfortas took down the void terminal from his ear. The emerald green light dimmed, but the strangeness in front of him still existed.

"No way? It's really not that simple." He shook his head, without any surprise.

If you can escape from the dream by taking down the Void Terminal, then this silently activated collective dream would be too childish.

"Let me see what's wrong."

Amfortas glanced at the blurry boundaries of Xumi City in the distance, and then closed his eyes to rest.

He believes that a database that simply collects knowledge cannot stop them from integrating all consciousness into one.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and a feeling of ecstasy swept through his mind. But Amfortas did not panic, because he knew that this was the inevitable journey to begin transcendence.

Just like a drop of water merging into the ocean, Amfortas' consciousness merged into the whole. His perception spread and expanded infinitely, and his emotions gradually began to undergo some wonderful changes.

Up, down, left, right... there are people like him in every direction. Those life experiences and emotions are so vivid that these joys, angers, sorrows and joys can be fully integrated into Amfortas's heart, making him He is happy for everyone's happiness and angry for everyone's anger.

The emotions of others affect Amfortas, why don't Amfortas' emotions affect other people?
It would be better to put it this way, the emotion Amfortas is feeling now. It is what is conveyed after the whole is integrated into his own emotions.

With the common things deep in everyone's mind as a link, everyone's emotions are intertwined with each other, and their thoughts are also connected with each other.

People's will has never been so closely connected. This is no longer a collection of consciousnesses of many people, but a complete person.

As for this person’s name…

"This is the"

Amfortas, no, the consciousness that should be called [Kanria] at this moment is muttering to himself.

The perished motherland has long since returned. It has no land and no citizens, but it has a concrete image and a concrete will.

"The disabled king, the golden witch..."

"I used to die because of your whispers, but not anymore..."

Kanreya glanced down at the light spot below. The one connected to it was motionless, and the one not connected to it was swaying back and forth, which made it cordial from the heart.

They are themselves, and they are themselves.

In the past, everything in Kanria was decided by the towering palace in the capital. Thus, the whispers of the king and the wise men decided the fate of the entire kingdom.

The veil of deep sin was lifted, and in an instant, horrific disasters engulfed all the lands of Kanria.

But the citizens on it knew nothing about it. When Marshal Amfortus returned from Sumeru with his knights, it was too late.

The devastated land overwhelmed the marshal and the knights. The country was incapacitated, and Amfortas stepped forward resolutely. But the so-called regent marshal only makes this huge body more dignified when it falls.

The soldiers fought against the dark monsters in the flames; the survivors rescued their compatriots in the ruins.

In the absence of anything, the gods' curses fell like goose feathers and heavy snow, killing more people than the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Tragedies happen all the time, and the entire land is cast with a layer of sadness. The "intelligent" sages ran away one after another, and the arrogant "great king" also died.

But Amfortas saw hope in the sadness. Bladeless warriors used the trash everywhere as weapons to repel the incoming monsters; the remnants under the ruins still survived amidst the curse and ruin.

Only then did he discover that sages are no wiser than ordinary citizens, and marshals are no more skilled at fighting than ordinary sergeants.

As a result, the ring was removed from the incapacitated king, and the real Camrya came into being.

(End of this chapter)

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