King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 693 Catherine running around

Chapter 693 Catherine running around
[Consciousness comes successfully...the invasion begins! ] The assembled consciousness replaced Amfortas's position in the dream, and the gap in his mind that secretly stole consciousness was also found.

Entering along the gap, Kanria invaded easily. What appears in its perception is a green pyramid formed by densely intertwined nodes.

Touch one of the nodes with the tentacles of consciousness, and the vibrating green will bounce it away.

Camria's movements stopped, and it was thinking.

[The node is dormant and cannot respond to complex functions. 】

Soon, it understood what was happening. The nodes in the void are all closed at this moment.

But they remain bright, their nodes sparkling and the passages between them stirring with light.

[Transmission of stolen consciousness, purpose... temporarily unknown]

Kanrea chose to spread and spread his huge consciousness. An ocean, an ocean of consciousness, is submerging the nodes in the void terminal from bottom to top. Under the immersion of "sea water", everything in the void terminal has nothing to hide.

Consciousness spread to the top of the pyramid, and then the accident happened as expected.

The intruding consciousness was rebounded by unknown things, and "bubbles" appeared one after another in the ocean - it was the upper nodes that were rejecting Kanreya's consciousness.

[Force intrusion...rejected. 】

[Start similar interpretation...]

Kanria's consciousness passed through the void terminal and came to those closed nodes. By highlighting dormant nodes in reverse, these tentacles of consciousness come to the owner's subconscious.

Without exception, the owners of these closed nodes are all sleeping people of Sumeru.

The tentacles wandered in the subconscious, and soon Kanria learned the brain wave frequencies of countless Sumeru people.

The conscious water near the "bubble" began to shake regularly, and every shake represented the brain wave frequency of a Sumeru person.

Not only that, in addition to the known frequencies, the consciousness bubble also has other brain wave frequencies inferred based on the common characteristics of Xumi people's brain waves.

The "bubbles" located in the ocean of consciousness disappeared one after another under the violent vibrations, and the entire emerald green pyramid was almost completely wrapped in it.

Ever since, everyone knew the reason why Xumi had undergone such a change.


The ocean of consciousness fell silent briefly, and then boiled more intensely.

[Notice: Found a suitable body, repeat, found a suitable body! 】

[Estimated carrying capacity: 80%]

"Does the kingdom on earth also have such high attainments in machinery?"

"Don't they have their own gods? Why create the bodies of gods?"

"Maybe it's the same as Chi Yue before, but with different beliefs?"

In the pure white space, everyone was excited when they saw the scene teleported back. There is no other reason. Someone gives me a pillow when I feel sleepy.

[Proposal: Get this body. 】

[Decision-making begins through sexual judgment...]

The huge consciousness sweeps over every point of light, no words or movements are needed, and the results are revealed instantly.

[The proposal is approved, prepare to obtain this body! 】

Everyone's thoughts are accurately reflected in Kanria. What it wants to do now is what all the people want.



A cool breeze blew through Xumi at night, making the leaves on the street rustle.

"Am I... asleep?" Yi Yan looked at the empty streets and fell into deep self-doubt.

Could it be that he accidentally fell asleep? Why can't I see a single person in Xumi?

"Where are the people?! Where are the people?!" The scene in front of him was so weird that Yi Yan couldn't care less whether he was disturbing the people or not.

He stood in the street and yelled, hoping a few people would run out. But it was a pity that no matter how he shouted, there was still no movement in the whole city.

The echo of embers echoed in the streets, can you believe it?
"Hey! Wake up! Wake up!" Yi Yan took out Xisha and patted her.

Ever since the man in black robe became a puddle of mud, Xisha seemed to have enlightened and listened to whatever Ember said.

Just keep her quiet if you ask her to, and spin in circles if you ask her to, without any hesitation at all. "My Lord, what may I be of service to you, Shisha?"

"Do you think you're dreaming?"

"Zhenling doesn't dream."

"okay, bye."

After a brief chat with Shisha, Ember threw her back into his body. Lowering his head, he started brainstorming.

It is known that neither he nor Xisha can dream, but they both saw impossible scenes, so there is only one conclusion...

That's what the whole Sumeru is dreaming about!

"Perfect proof. I should be given the title of God of Wisdom, the Great Merciful Tree King." Yi Jin nodded with great satisfaction. His inference was flawless and in one go. It can be called a typical case of the application of proof by contradiction.


"Then we don't have to hide anymore?"

The space on the street was torn apart, and various apostles of the abyss poked their heads out of the abyss passage. The colors on their heads are various, and when put together they look like some kind of strange big flower.

"You should...get back here quickly!" Yi Yan was about to nod, but he caught a glimpse of a person from the corner of his eye, and then the apostles of the abyss were kicked by him.

"Mr. Ember, why are you here?"

"'s a long story, it's a long story!" Yi Yan turned around and guiltily wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, he forcibly closed the abyss passage in time, otherwise the secret would have been exposed.

"I didn't expect you to be panicked too? Is there some hidden secret?" "Katherine" asked Ember curiously.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Yi Yan looked up at Catherine opposite in surprise. I saw that she still had a smile on her face, no different from before.

But the embers are very clean. Xumi's Catherine is not enlightened at all, and her tone cannot contain such rich emotions.

Combined with the fact that Catherine appeared on the street now, Yi Yan already had his own guess in his mind.

"Hey! You don't have a long memory, do you?"

"Tell me! How do you want to die this time!" Yi Yan ran behind "Catherine" in an instant and put the straight sword against her neck.


" you have any misunderstanding about me?" Looking at the blade of the sword flashing with cold light in front of her, "Catherine" swallowed with palpitations.

"Misunderstanding? Aren't you an executive... uh... doll?!" Ember said sternly, trying to use a fierce tone to cover up the fact that he had forgotten other people's names.

"Executor? No, I am Nasida." "Catherine"'s voice suddenly became childish, which was extremely inconsistent with her mature body.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Yi Yan immediately reacted. Isn't this the little voice that he and Xiao Huang saw under the World Tree? !
"How did you get into Catherine's body? I almost couldn't help but cut you with a knife."

Ember took back his weapon and patted his chest with some fear.

When Nasida heard this, she looked confused.

"Has anyone ever entered the body of this Solstice Doll like me before?"

"Of course, but her purpose was not very friendly. I gave her a few hard blows, but I don't know if she is autistic now."

Ember recalled the previous confrontation with the puppet, nodded and said.

"My intention is good, can you please stop looking at me like this?" Facing the direct gaze of Yu Ember, Nasida took a few steps back in fear.

"Okay, I believe you." Yi Yan nodded, and then he asked:

"So, what happened to Xumi City? Is it possible that today is the Sumeru Sleep Festival?"

"Sumi Slumber Festival? Where did you hear this?"

"I came up with it on the spur of the moment."

Nacida's head was full of black threads. She felt that she should not talk nonsense with Ember, and getting straight to the point was the best choice.

After sorting out her thoughts for a while, Nasida explained worriedly: "Everyone in Xumi City has fallen into a dream, and I am thinking about how to wake them up."

"Wuhu, it seems that I am indeed a genius."

After she finished speaking, she saw Ember jumping excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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