King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 698 Start the show

Chapter 698 Start the show

"Genius! You are the god of wisdom!"

Hearing Paimon's exclamation, Yu Jin immediately stood up from the floor. He excitedly held Paimon's hand and gave her the wreath on his head as a prize.


The huge wreath was like a large hula hoop, buckled around Paimon's neck, making her want to throw it away.

However, seeing how enthusiastic Ember was, Paimon finally decided to keep the floral scarf.

"So you were sleeping just now?!" Nashida exclaimed when she heard the conversation between the two.

"What? Not like?" Yu Jin raised his eyebrows. He couldn't recognize such an obvious action. He really didn't deserve the title of the God of Wisdom.

"Who sleeps with their body stretched out straight, their legs together, and their hands pressed against their thighs? You're just like...just like..."

"A body waiting to be buried!"

"That's right!"


The concerted voice of Ying and Nashida made Yu Jin fall into deep thought. It turned out that there are so many requirements for sleeping posture?
"Forget it! It's enough for you to understand that I'm sleeping!" Yu Jin waved his hand. The details are not important, as long as the message can be conveyed smoothly.

After saying that, Yu Jin lay down again like a corpse.

Seeing him lying motionless, even Paimon couldn't figure out what he was trying to do this time.

Just as Nashida was brainstorming about Ember's intentions, the latter's voice sounded again in her heart.

[What are you standing there for? Hurry up and act with me! ]

[Acting...acting?! ]

[Of course, we will put on a good show for Ying and Paimeng. They will definitely understand what happened to them after watching it.]

So, Yu Jin’s experience at Inazuma came in handy again, with him acting as director, screenwriter, actor... and the “good show” with Nashida as the actor was staged!
"Ah...ah! There are people sleeping here! Great! nightmare's favorite thing to eat is people's dreams!"

Nashida followed Yujin's instructions and ran to Yujin's side, reciting the words in a ragged voice while making threatening movements.

But judging from her body shape and appearance, she doesn't look fierce at all, but rather more adorable.

"Wow! Delicious! But a person's dreams can never satisfy him!" Nashida began to circle around the embers, muttering the lines he had just thought of.

"Got it! Let this human keep dreaming! I'll eat one every time he dreams and memories come true, and then I'll be full!"

Nashida made exaggerated movements and recited incomprehensible lines, which brought confusion to Ying and Paimon.

Just when Ying was about to run away to pee, the small theater in the distance reached its climax.

"Hey! Humph, I knew you, a monster, would come over and take my blow!" Yu Jin stood up from the ground and slapped Nashida in the air.

"Ah~~~~~, I'm dead!" Nashida drooped her eyes, then quickly left the stage and ran back to Ying and Paimon.

"What are you doing?" Ying asked puzzledly when she saw Nashida coming over.

"Just keep watching." Nashida covered her face, not wanting to say anything more. Acting in such a small drama was definitely a dark history of hers.

Seeing Nashida's fate, Yu Jin quickly took out a Void Terminal and threw it on the ground. Then, he pretended to pick up the Void Terminal again.

"So this monster is actually a spirit from the Void Terminal?! No wonder it eats people's dreams. Fortunately, I am smart and wise, so this monster will never have the chance to cause harm to the world again!"

"Ding ding ding! The plot of this theater is fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental!"

After finishing the last sentence, Yu Jin couldn't wait to run to Ying and Paimon.


"Senior, you acted very well. Don't act like that next time."

Ying rubbed her dead fish eyes. She felt that if she looked at this kind of thing for a long time, something extraordinary would grow in her eyes. "Who asked you this? I meant whether you have any insights or something like that?"

"Look, if there is thunder, it is just a coincidence!" Yu Jin repeated the last sentence word by word.

Ying seemed to understand something when she heard this. She began to recall the little play just now, combining the above with her current strange experience.


After closing her eyes and pondering for a while, Ying finally opened her eyes.

"I see. Senior, are you trying to say that we are now trapped in a recurring dream?"

"Very close. Think about what Nightmare said?" Ember said, patting Nashida.

"Got it~, let this human keep dreaming~, I'll eat each one I make~, eat all of his dreams and memories~, then I'll be full~"

Nashida rolled her eyes and then weakly repeated her previous lines.

"Senior, are you saying... that we are forced to dream by the Void Terminal? And we keep having the same dream over and over again?!"

"I understand. No wonder I have a sense of déjà vu. It's not reincarnation. It's just the same dream repeated many times."

With Yu Jin's distinctive hints and some small reminders, Ying quickly realized their current situation.

"Ah! Is it so scary? We haven't done anything since we came to Xumi, so how come we are involved in such a big incident?" Paimeng exclaimed when he heard it.

In fact, if Ying hadn't told her, Paimon wouldn't have felt anything like déjà vu at all.

After hearing what Ying said, Paimeng felt like he was being swallowed by a huge whirlpool.

But she was used to it. Every time she followed Ying and Yu Jin, she would always be involved in some big things.

Looking at the ember in front of him staring at him, the little panic in Paimon's heart immediately disappeared.

Anyway, the embers are there, so why should she worry?
"Paimon... do you feel anything unusual?" Nashida raised her head and asked worriedly when she saw Paimon standing beside Ying with a relaxed look on his face.

She originally planned to guide both Ying and Paimon and let them come to their own conclusions, but she didn't expect that after Paimon got the truth directly from Ying, there seemed to be no problem?

"No? I feel great. If I really want to say it..." Paimon looked at the crowd on the street and said in a low voice:
"Is that person over there a ghost?"

"Huh... Don't worry about this. They are all Xumi people who have the same dream as you."

Nashida shook her head. What Yu Jin said was indeed right. Both Ying and Paimon were very special.

"That's good." Paimon smiled foolishly. Since it's not a ghost, there's nothing to be afraid of.

No matter whether it is a dream or not, let’s eat all the delicacies in Xumi first!
Ying's heart is no bigger than Paimon's. After she realized that this was a dream created by the Void Terminal, she first pulled off the device next to her ear, and then pinched her thighs hard several times.

"Hiss... didn't you say this was a dream? Why is it still painful? And why haven't you woken up even though it hurts so much?"

Ying rubbed her thighs, tears glistening in her eyes. Thinking it was a dream, she didn't hold back, but she almost cried and there was no sign of waking up.

"It's useless. The void terminal in the dream is fake. It won't work even if I take it down."

"Then can we tear down their void terminals outside?" Yu Jin suddenly thought of this and asked.

"This..." Nashida was stunned when she heard this, and then she began to think about the feasibility of this method.

"This should only work for Ying and Paimon. If you do this to other people, I'm afraid the consequences will be the same as telling them directly that this is a dream."

Nashida shook her head. The key to the problem was that the void terminal guided everyone to sleep by modifying their subconscious mind.

If you interrupt or wake them up rashly, what your subconscious mind thinks deep in your mind will be completely different from what it sees, and no one knows what terrible consequences may occur.

"Is that so? This is really troublesome." Yu Jin scratched his head when he heard this, but when he saw the blur outside Xumi City, a new idea came to his mind.

"Maybe...we can run out of the city and try it?"

 Hey, this is really weird, why can’t I correct the wrong chapter number?
(End of this chapter)

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