King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 699 The Limits of Imagination

Chapter 699 The Limits of Imagination
"Hey... Hey! Are we really going to run out?"

At the outermost part of Xumi City, a group of people were clinging to the non-existent city wall and looking around again and again.

"Of course, otherwise why would you jump down from that big tree?" Yu Jin replied to the guilty Paimon.

"How strange, there shouldn't be so many guards in Xumi City." Nashida saw the mercenaries coming and going near the exit in the distance and felt something was wrong.

Normally, most of Xumi's guards are patrolling the city, but looking at the current situation, most of the thirty-man group are probably stationed at the border of Xumi City.

"I see." Upon hearing Nashida say that there shouldn't be so many people defending Xumi's city, Yu Jin immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he exerted his strength with his legs and jumped over the two-meter-high wall like a goat. He had never seen such a short wall. If they didn't surround Xumi City, Yu Jin would have thought that someone's courtyard wall was too long.

"Come here quickly, don't get discovered!" Yu Jin's voice urged from another part of the city wall.

After hearing that, they stopped hesitating and quickly jumped over the wall of Xumi City, which couldn't even be considered a city wall.


"It seems to be no different from the city?"

Ying looked around but couldn't find anything special.

"Nonsense, we can touch the wall if we lean on it. If we can see the difference now, then the whole House of Eminence is full of good-for-nothings."

Yu Jin looked around and then ran out first - it was the guards' patrol break now, and if he didn't leave, it would be a waste of time.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Seeing this, the other people immediately followed in a panic.

Yu Jin didn't run very fast, even Paimon, who never liked sports, could catch up with him, not to mention Ying and Nashida.

After running some distance out of Xumi City, Yu Jin, who was in the front, suddenly stopped and began to think with his head down.

"What's wrong?" Several people walked over slowly with confusion.

"You'll know if you come and take a look. I can't be becoming presbyopic, right?" Yu Jin didn't explain too much. He just waved to the people behind him.

Ying and Nashida saw this, looked at each other, and then continued to act.

When the footsteps of several people suddenly crossed an invisible boundary, everything in front of them suddenly began to change drastically.

The dense jungle became barren, and the green turned into endless yellow sand. In just a short moment, everyone went from the rainforest to the desert.

"Ying, when did you use the teleportation anchor point!" Paimon asked loudly from the side, and then started to pinch his throat.

She was used to it. After each teleportation, instead of waiting to be induced to vomit by the dizziness, it was more convenient and quicker to induce vomiting manually.

"Idiot! How can there be a teleportation anchor in a dream?!" Ying punched Paimeng on the head, almost pressing her into the yellow sand.

"We are... this is..."

"This is a new dream." Nashida saw Ying hesitating and unable to explain clearly, so she answered for her.

"That's right, we have come to a new dream!" Ying can now teach Paimeng a lesson with confidence.

"Is it still a dream outside the dream? Nesting dolls?" Yu Jin stroked his chin and thought. From a distance, I thought it was still a rain forest outside Xumi City, but who knew it would be another completely different dream?

Nashida began to observe everything in the dream from the moment she entered it. She lowered her head and grabbed a handful of sand.

"Is it so real?" All the fine sand in his hand fell down. The reality of this dream was comparable to that of Xumi City.

"But the people here..." Nashida closed her eyes and began to sense the number of void terminals in this space.

"It's less than one percent of Xumi City." After opening her eyes, she came to the conclusion.

"So, what's the conclusion?" Yu Jin looked down at Nashida who was thinking about something and asked. As for Ying and Paimon, they had already started to prepare to climb the cactus and pick cactus fruits.

"From a dream, we can't draw many conclusions. As far as I know, it takes less than one percent of the population to maintain a dream as detailed as Xumi City, so the maintenance of the dream should have nothing to do with the number of people involved."

Nashida quickly gave her guess.


"Keep going and see what new dreams there are beyond the boundaries of this dream."

Nashida nodded to Yujin, who immediately picked up Ying and Paimon who were jumping up and down on the giant cactus.

The dream worlds appeared one after another. After the yellow sand, it turned into a rainforest again, and after the rainforest, it was a swamp that had never existed in Xumi.

The group kept moving forward, and everything they saw was constantly changing. Not only were there ice fields and volcanoes, which were not seen on Xumi before, but in the end, there were even mushrooms bigger than mountains and castles in the sky, which were real dreamlike things.

"Wow! Stop chasing me, I won't eat you anymore!"

A new dream, and this time the protagonists are also fantastic enough - they are food with legs and facial features.

The flying rice grains, the pancakes floating in the air, and the bouncing dough, everything is full of fairy tale colors.

However, they all have one thing in common, which is that they seem to only have Paimon in their eyes.

All kinds of food seemed to have targeted her, driving her from east to west, and then from west to east.

"Don't be afraid, Sister Paimon, I'm here!" A confident child's voice was heard, and then a figure not much bigger than Paimon jumped out and stood between Paimon and the "monster".

The person who came was a child, but the most eye-catching thing about him was not his age, but the turban wrapped around his head.

[The eighth generation successor of Shahar Snack Shop] The big words are very clear, and it seems that the little guy is very satisfied with his identity as the successor.

Then, there was a battle of pots, pans, rice, flour and oil cakes. Soon, all the "monsters" chasing Paimon turned into the so-called "special snacks of Shager Village".

"Everyone, it's time to eat!!!" the child with a headscarf called out to everyone. In fact, he didn't need to call out, because Paimon, who had just said "I will never eat again", had already started to eat heartily.

The way he ate was so ferocious, as if he was not eating food but the flesh and blood of his enemies - in fact, it was almost the same.

Just as Yu Jin was about to go down and pick up Paimon to go to the next dream, something strange happened.

Accompanied by the familiar sound of "Ding!", everyone in the dream seemed to have their souls taken away. They lowered their heads and took stiff steps to where they should go.

Not only that, the entire dream began to run as if time was flowing backwards. The "monsters" that were made into delicacies resurrected and ran away in the opposite direction. The mess on the ground gradually became flat as before, with no trace of any previous damage.

As people who did not belong to the dream, Yu Jin and Nashida were naturally not affected. However, Ying and Paimon were not like that. Although they realized that they were in the dream, they could not escape from it.

Then, Yujin saw Paimon, who was eating with relish, and Ying, who was watching the show, became as stiff as puppets.

"They're not going to just walk back like this, are they?" Yu Jin ran up to the two of them and waved, but there was no response from either of them.

They just kept moving forward with stiff steps, heading towards the dreamland of Xumi City. At this speed, Yu Jin estimated that it would take them several days to get back to where they were.

"No, this is the end of the day, and it's reset time."

Nashida shook her head. Now she was not as worried as before. A single case was difficult to study, but if the case became the majority, then finding the same rules from them would be a scholar's quality.

Fortunately, Nashida had some experience in this area, so she had seen a lot of the dreams created by the Void Terminal.

"They will be teleported directly to the location when they first entered the dream."

As soon as Nashida finished speaking, the figures of Ying and Paimon gradually became illusory until they disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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