King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 712 The plan is released

Chapter 712 The plan is released
"No way... it's totally impossible." Elhaisen's muttering attracted Yujin's attention.

"Hey! What's impossible?!" Yu Jin called Elhaisen back from his thoughts.

"By the way, I almost forgot about you. Yu Jin, can you defeat the doctor?" Elhaisen asked with his eyes raised. Just now, Yu Jin and Nilu had been hiding in the periphery and had not taken any action at all.

“Are you underestimating Brother Yu Jin? He’s just a doctor. He can be reduced to ashes with just a wave of his hand!” Galaruo answered quickly with shining eyes, like a fangirl.

"Hahaha, that's so true! Unfortunately, I have other plans!" Yu Jin put his hand on Galaluo's forehead, and then pushed her away.

"Plan? So you don't want to get involved?" Elhaisen frowned again. If the strongest doctor has no one to restrain him, then all his plans will be like bubbles in a dream that will burst with a poke.

"That's not the case. I could easily kill him, and it's not my turn to take his life."

"Forget it, Doctor. Don't worry, someone is holding him back!" Yu Jin patted his chest confidently, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's good." Elhaisen put down his hand that was supporting his chin.

"You are...having an idea in mind?" Seno asked in surprise when he saw that he had the same confidence as Yu Jin.

He now has a new respect for Elhaisen. From the very beginning, he has always been the brains of the team. What kind of secretary? This ability is more than enough to be a sage!
"It's very immature. You can give me some suggestions." Elhaisen was humble for once.

"Your seats." But after being humble, he became rude again.

"Xumeru City."

"Transformed into Guo."



Elhaisen looked at the people from all over the world and was silent for a while. Very good, except for Candice, the desert people are all in Xumi City, but the famous discipline officer ran to the desert.

"I noticed a lot of funding gaps and discarded documents in the Decree House a long time ago, but unfortunately all my questions were forcibly suppressed by the Great Sage. So I chose to exile myself and turn light into darkness."

As Seno explained, his expression became uncertain. He turned the light into the dark and found out everything. If Galura was not absolutely reliable, he would even suspect that Galura had betrayed him.

"Rush to Xumi City as soon as possible. This operation requires you to judge the Great Sage to ensure the legitimacy of the operation. As for... Garula, right?"


"I'll explain it all later. Just stay with Nilu."

Elhaisen did not comment too much, but simply explained their responsibilities to Seno and Garuru.

Moreover, his last sentence successfully made Galura hold back the question that was about to come out of his mouth.

Then he looked at Candice from the desert, but before he could say anything, Candice spoke first:
"I can't come to Xumi City. There are too many people guarding Aru Village. They can't take care of it without me."

"That's what I was planning to do."

Candice was stunned by El Haisen's words.

"As a secretary, I have access to many archives and know a lot. Naturally, I know the taboos of your Aru Village and the duties of the village guards."

After explaining to the stunned Candice, he continued:

"Tinari, can you still enter that god-making project?"

"I can give it a try."

"Although according to the current intelligence, the information here cannot be transmitted to the outside, but just in case, Tinari, you'd better disguise yourself and try to sabotage it if possible."

"Of course I understand."

Elhaisen nodded. Dealing with smart people is so convenient and easy.

"Dixia, Sameer, Rahman, Gabriel, Jade, and Garula, the rest of you stay by Nilu's side and protect her."

"protect me?"

"Protect her?"

Nilu and the few people who were called out all looked confused.

"That's right. In a few days it will be the [Knowledge and Storage Day]. At that time, the Ministry of Education will upload the academic achievements of this period and modify the prohibitions in the void." "And I happened to see that one of the prohibitions was the [Art Prohibition] while I was handling my work."

"Art ban..." Nilu couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard it. Is the Institute of Education going to completely ban art from the world?
What should she do then?
"Don't worry, I will do something so that this ban will only be effective for one day. Then you guys can just dance around in Xumi."

Elhaisen's words made Nilu feel relieved. If the art ban was really implemented in Xumi, then she could only go to the master [Sangge Mahabayi] to discuss the matters of the mainland tour.

"Wait, dancing...are they asking us to break the ban?" Dixia reacted. If they broke the ban of the void, they would go to jail.

"That's right. It's best to jump at the gate of the Ordinance House and attract all the guards."

"So this is to get us beaten, right?"

"If you don't mind, you can understand it this way. And with Garuru and Dishia here, there shouldn't be any big problems."

Elhaisen recalled the scene of the battle just now and nodded with satisfaction.

If he was not mistaken, Dishia's elemental combat skills were used to resist injuries, not to mention there was also Garula, a nurse who was good at healing. Not to mention the guards of the Order Institute, even a group of thirty people could be held off for a while.

Seeing the hesitation on everyone's faces, he added again: "If you are too worried, I can also help you to attract some firepower. Besides, isn't there a big conflict between your Gilded Brigade and the Thirty-Man Group?"

"This is a rare opportunity, or are you not confident in your own abilities?"

"How is that possible! I have long wanted to have a good fight with those traitors in the Thirty-Man Group!"

Of all the people, only Rahman was aroused.

"Huh... Why did I get involved in this kind of thing for no reason?" Gabriel sighed to the sky with tears streaming down his face. More than ten years of peaceful life came to an end today.

"Because you attacked the Doctor, that's it. The same is true for us, so since we are already on opposite sides, we might as well thwart their plans in one fell swoop."

"At the very least, we must rescue the little King of Auspicious Grass. Only then will we have the capital to compete with the Church of the Lords."

Elhaisen doesn't know how to comfort people. He just puts all the situations in front of them and lets people think about it for themselves.

"Well..., there are only a few days left until [Knowing the Hidden World Day]. Seno, Kelai, you two need to hurry over."

"When the time comes, the two of you, together with Ying, will be responsible for judging the Great Sage and will also be the main force in rescuing the little Lucky Grass King."

"I have a detailed map of the interior of the Order Institute. I will release it to you through the void terminal after I get out."

"How to save?" asked Seno.

"Take advantage of the absence of the guards at the Church of the Lords and capture the Great Sage." A hint of determination flashed in Elhaisen's eyes, and he continued:
"The place where Little Auspicious Grass King is now staying is where Great Kindness Tree King meditated in the past. Those isolating barriers are only to prevent Lord Tree King from being disturbed by the outside world."

"The Ministry of Education modified this device so that it can only be triggered from the outside, so they were able to imprison the Little Lucky Grass King."

"Even if the Great Sage refuses to cooperate, the three of you plus the Little Auspicious Grass King, working together, can always break this centuries-old antique instrument."



Elhaisen nodded and put away the notebook in his hand.

"Okay, this is my initial idea. If there are any omissions, please feel free to add to it."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, as if he was resting.

Elhaisen was quiet, but the crowd became lively.

"Do I need to take off the Void Terminal after I go out?"

"I don't think he'll need that. That doctor probably doesn't recognize us. Even if he does, there are so many of us that he won't be able to check."

"Let's discuss how we should run after the dance. We can't just stay here and let others beat us, right?"


Nashida was stunned by the bustling scene in front of her. Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder. When she looked up, it was the whistling ember.

"Oh, it seems that your followers are not as few as you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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