King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 713: The Fatui can also be robbed

Chapter 713: The Fatui can also be robbed

A strong wind blew up in the jungle between Omos Port and Xumi City. It was not the unpredictable weather that caused all this, but the figures shuttling through the rainforest.

But suddenly, this figure, which was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye, stopped.


"Does it look like it's over?"

The man in the mask and coat was the doctor's other slice in Xumi. But at this moment, he was in doubt.

"From the very beginning, my slice was peeled off, and then I was unable to send any message until the slice disappeared..."

"The water in Xumi is deeper than I thought."

The doctor thought about it briefly, but the only memory he had of the vanishing slice was that he was slammed into his dream by the embers, and that was it.

What happened and what that high-quality slice saw in the dream, no one knows as it completely disappeared.

Thinking of this, the doctor couldn't help but worry more about the success of the plan. The body of the new god has been created, and it would be ridiculous if the mission failed because there is no strong consciousness to drive it.

Jumping out of the dark and dense forest composed of towering trees, the view in front of you becomes extremely open.

The doctor looked up at the eye-catching sacred tree in the distance. It was daytime now, and he couldn't tell whether the people in Xumi City had awakened or were still in a dream.

He just looked at the Xumi City in the distance for a while, then turned his gaze to the hidden valley under the sacred tree.

"Let's go inside the factory first."

After making up his mind, the doctor changed direction slightly and rushed towards the Jingliuli Workshop in the valley.

The purpose of letting the Xumi people dream is to fill the new god's body with consciousness sufficient to drive enormous power. In this case, just go to the workshop and take a look at the huge mecha to know whether the plan to harvest dreams is successful or not.


After the doctor passed a certain position on the side of the valley, a crisp electronic sound rang out.

Then, the earth wall that looked no different from any other place twisted, and then a steel gate appeared between the earth, rocks and vegetation.

Entering from the open gate, the doctor passed through various complex passages with ease and found the right direction among the countless steel-frame corridors standing in the air.

After a while, he came from the bottom of the workshop to the top, which was the only position in the entire workshop where he could overlook the body of the new god.

There, the Great Sage and the Skirmishers were looking confused and uncertain, and between them was a pool of broken flesh.

As for the demon god residue in the meat? They had already been trembling with fear because of the huge aura of the new god below.

"It seems like you two are terrified?"

With the sound of "thump thump" footsteps, the doctor walked out from the darkness in the distance.

"Huh..., I knew you wouldn't die so easily." Sanbing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the doctor appear.

The main person in charge of the project now is the doctor. If he sends it, then this so-called "new god" will probably only have a body that looks strong.

As for the Order of the Lords, the scattered soldiers had never considered it. They had indeed made great contributions in building the body of the new god.

However, how to fill the body with divine power, and how to allow the person living in it to perfectly drive this tremendous power, all the religious orders combined are not as good as the doctor's.

In this regard, the Great Sage naturally saw it more clearly than the scattered soldiers. When he saw the doctor coming, he couldn't wait to ask:

"What just happened? Why did you explode all of a sudden? Also, is our plan okay?!"

"There are too many questions. Stand aside and read for yourself!" The doctor pushed away the great sage who came towards him without any hesitation.

As soon as he saw the state of the new god, he had a rough guess in his mind. Now he was being questioned by the great sage in such a rapid-fire manner, and one can imagine how depressed he felt.

When the doctor came to the piece of meat on the ground, he took a glance and the last bit of hope in his heart disappeared.

These things cannot even be reused now, not to mention the fate of the consciousness contained therein.

A few kicks kicked the pieces of meat off the suspended walkway, and they fell to the ground, turning into minced meat one by one.

But they shouldn't be like this. If the consciousness of the new god is completely canned, then in the face of this huge consciousness, these pieces of flesh will float, twist, and be torn apart, but they will never be smashed to pieces.

All the data on the instrument interface turned red, which almost meant that all the expected results were not achieved.

In such a situation, even the usually calm and composed doctor couldn't help but pound the table in anger.

"Failed?" When Sanbing saw the doctor's look, his heart, which had originally fallen, hung up again.

"Failed." The doctor released his hand and nodded.

"There are too many changes, and no other factors besides the Grass God have been taken into account."

After taking a deep breath, the doctor began to think quickly about the next countermeasures.

"How many people are there in the desert?" He suddenly turned to the great sage and asked.

The latter was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head stiffly: "No... I don't know!"

After hearing this, the doctor stared at the great sage. He found that the current House of the Church was really not good enough to do anything, but was more likely to cause trouble.

"Come on, I think I can hold on." Seeing this, the scattered soldier suggested.

The huge body of a god and the power that one has always dreamed of, it is worth a try even if it will drive him crazy.

"That's the last resort!" The doctor refused without a second thought. He didn't pity the lives of the scattered soldiers. But the harm caused by a god out of control was too great.

It is so big that once they are discovered, the Fatui will instantly become the target of public criticism.

"Go to the deep desert and distribute void terminals to people there. Then no matter how hard you try to exploit them, no one will be able to find out!"

The doctor instructed the great sage. Now the people with void terminals in the Xumi rainforest and the edge of the desert have discovered something unusual, but the tribes deep in the desert don't have void terminals.

And even if they died, no one in the vast yellow sand would care.

"I know. I will give the order to the thirty-man group right away!" The great sage nodded immediately. His desire for the birth of a new god was no less than that of the scattered soldiers.

Having suppressed so many voices and harmed so many people, if he cannot produce results that are sufficient to convince everyone, the counterattack behind him will devour him without anyone having to take action.


The void terminal next to the great sage's ear emitted a faint light, but the sound lasted for a long time and the entire workshop was still silent.

There was no sound of people moving around, and no guards came to inquire. This deathly silence instantly sent a chill down the Great Sage's spine.

"Maybe... you don't need to go through so much trouble at all?"

The figure hidden in the black robe only appeared in the bright light. Under the cloak was a strange face that no one had ever seen before.

"Who are you?" The doctor turned slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"Who am I? It doesn't matter. What matters is the body below. It belongs to me!"

"You're so arrogant!"

"Yes, what is this called... Yes, robbery!"

Anfortas spoke to himself, not taking the Doctor and the Skirmishers seriously at all.

"The Fatui won't give away their stuff for no reason." The aura of the Doctor and the Skirmisher grew stronger, as if they would attack at the next moment.


It was obvious that Anfortas would not give them this opportunity, so he jumped directly down from the suspended steel corridor, and his black robe whistled in the wind.


There was a word "Big" on the head of the giant puppet, and Anfortas hit the new god's head hard.

“Crack…, crack… crack!”


The meshing sound of gears and the friction sound of joints gradually sounded, and all of this pointed to only one possibility - the giant puppet was moving.

(End of this chapter)

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