King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 714: Betrayal for the Third Time? Now It's the Fourth Time

Chapter 714: Third Betrayal? Now It's the Fourth Time

The puppet's arms were spread out, and a distortion of the air appeared on its chest. A faint light was born in the void. This was the power of God, a power that was enough to distort reality.

"Hahaha, Piero's men are still somewhat useful. When you go back, thank him for me!"

An arrogant and excited voice echoed from the body. The strange guy just now was able to drive such a huge body and the enormous power within it by himself.


Lightning flashed, and thunder as thick as buckets gushed out from the arms of the scattered soldier and struck the body of the puppet.

"Get out of here! This body is mine! It's mine!"

The lightning struck the body of the god and disappeared into thin air in an instant, without causing any effective damage at all.

At this moment, it is the source of all thunder elements. If you want to use thunder elements to cause damage to it, I'm afraid only Inazuma's Thunder God can do it.

As for other people, there is no point in discussing it.

This is the case with the skirmisher now. No matter how hard he tries to suppress the Evil Eye, or how he pours out his strength without caring about the damage, he just can't hurt the guy below at all.

"This body is pretty good. What's it called? I'm going to use it to do my own things now!"

The huge puppet raised his thighs from below and stepped on the flat ground of the workshop. He was now going to leave here and fight the yellow-haired man.

"It's called... the God of Righteousness."

"Hey, hey, hey! Why did you fall over?!"

Anfortas and his friends had just controlled the God of Righteousness to step out of the slot, but they didn't expect that at the critical moment their entire bodies suddenly became out of control.

Then, the god who had just stood up fell down again, face down.


The reinforced floor cracked and the entire Jingliuli Workshop was shaking continuously. There were screams of "creaking" in the space and the steel corridor suspended in the air was torn apart by the fallen body of the god.

"It seems that the backup plan I left behind is not bad." The doctor looked at the green spots on the body of the God of Righteousness. They were all locked joint bearings.

Fortunately, in order to facilitate control, he installed consciousness blocking devices at various key positions of the divine body, otherwise such a huge god of righteousness would have escaped.


The soldier restrained his almost crazy movements. He looked at the God of Righteousness who was lying on the ground below and muttered to himself.

Backhand, why had he never heard of it? A trace of uneasiness gradually emerged in the heart of the scattered soldier, but considering the current situation, he did not say it, but chose to remain silent.

On the lifeless head of the God of Righteousness, the word "Big" began to tremble, and then the word "Big" jumped off his head.

Anfortas twisted his body, and the feeling of stagnation completely disappeared from his mind.

"I didn't expect you to be so insidious."

"These are just some necessary measures to prevent the experiment from developing in an uncontrollable direction."

The doctor looked at the black-robed man below him. Transferring consciousness at will? This ability is really rare.

"If that's the case... then the robbery just now doesn't count. Now I'm here to seek 'cooperation'."

"Don't tell me that the so-called cooperation means that I provide the God of Righteousness and then you control it."

The doctor sneered and saw through Anfortas's little plan.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Just make him shut up forever!"


The skirmisher leaped down from the sky and rushed towards Anfortas, throwing a punch filled with anger.



Looking at his bent arm, Anfortas took a deep breath. Poor health is really killing me.

"Humph, turns out to be a paper tiger." Seeing that Anfortas had such a hard time withstanding his punch, Sanbing showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Boy, you seem very arrogant?" Anfortas raised his eyebrows when he saw this. Then he kicked the sneering soldier away with lightning speed.

Putting his broken hands behind his back, Amfortas raised his foot towards the scattered soldiers and said, "When I was fighting all over the world, you didn't even come up with this general idea. What are you talking about?"

"A madman talking nonsense!" The soldier snorted coldly, then turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward again. "Bang! Bang! Bang!"


After a few dull sounds of flesh colliding, the two fighting parties separated. Anfortas retracted his raised thigh, while the scattered soldiers retreated one after another, holding their abdomens.

[It hurts! It hurts! ]

Anfortas' legs kept jumping and changing. This was not some unique step of Marshal Kanreya, but simply because his feet were too painful.

It was cool to block the stragglers' punches and kicks, but the difference in physical fitness could not be made up by skills.

Although Anfortas had managed to disperse the force of the scattered soldiers to the greatest extent possible, the remaining force was still not so easy to bear.

If the scattered soldiers hit him a few more times, his two feet would probably be broken.

However, the soldier had neither the patience nor the foresight. When he found that his attack was only blocked by the guy in front of him with his legs, anger instantly engulfed his mind.

When has he ever been looked down upon like this?

"Enough of playing house, go to hell!" Thunder roared, and a shocking bolt of lightning gathered in the hands of the scattered soldiers.

He now decided to blast the guy in front of him who almost took away his divine body into a piece of charcoal.

"Yes, that's enough for playing house."

Anfortas' voice said, the teasing in his tone gradually disappearing, and he now sounded more like he was stating something factual.


The blood splattered on the soldier's face, causing the hideous expression on his face to pause, but before he could react, the piercing pain almost made him lose his mind.


It was as if something was stirring in his mind. Everything he saw was blurry and everything he heard was buzzing.

After rolling on the ground for a long time, he finally stopped his movements, but that was all.

The soldier's five senses were now paralyzed, his consciousness was tightly tucked into his mind, and he couldn't issue any commands to control his body.

In the blurred vision, he saw the doctor jumping down from a height. Unfortunately, he could not react to it.

"It's really decisive to give up your own body like this." Looking at the stragglers lying on the ground and the headless corpse in the distance, the doctor understood who this guy was.

He is the unknown huge consciousness in the void.

"It's just something you can exchange for anything." Anfortas' voice became emotional again.

And in the doctor's perception, his consciousness seemed endless, extending to every corner of the God of Righteousness.

But so what? As long as it can't break its own blocking device, then this doll is just like the one on the ground, just a cripple.

"You are very smart. Everything about the Kingdom's F-RX-017 Doll was originally only in the theoretical research stage. Not only did you create it, you also applied its technology to yourself as a human being."

"You are a genius."

Anfortas praised the Doctor.

"Thank you." Although there were some misunderstandings, the doctor gladly accepted the compliment from Kanreya.

At the same time, he also thought more. Just the technical code of the scattered soldiers was enough for him to get a lot of useful things.

"So, how many people do you think you can compete with with your talent?"

"Analysis begins."

Anfortas became his previous absolutely rational and emotionless self again.

Countless consciousnesses enveloped the entire body of the God of Righteousness and began to analyze all the technologies contained therein.

From a small screw to the control of the power of the Heart of God, everything is absorbed by them. Of course, this also includes the consciousness blocking device that the doctor is proud of.

On the ground, the doctor quietly looked at the twisted God of Righteousness. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind: a real god is just like this, right?
"Your efficiency is too low. I can give you a full set of technology, and you have to give me the same technology in return..."

"Stop parsing..."

Thus, without the knowledge of the scattered soldiers, the fourth betrayal came quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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