Don't follow the rules

Chapter 310 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

It was a good thing that An Han didn't speak. This opening was like lighting a fuse, and our Captain Jiang exploded on the spot.

"Hey! You damn green tea! Punch me!"

An Han didn't even have time to defend himself, he just felt a pain in his stomach, his vision blurred, his body became light, and he flew five meters directly into the air, hit the pillar of the restaurant hard, and slid down softly.

"I rely on!"

The only person at the scene who jumped up in excitement was Dr. Man, who was leaning leisurely on his seat.

"Jiang! Ying! Ying!"

He almost laughed out of anger: "Did I tell you that I'm here for vacation! Don't cause trouble for me!"

Dr. Man pulled down his sunglasses and stepped forward quickly: "You'd better pray that the punch just killed him, otherwise I will have to finish today's overtime for you at once."

Before Yingying could retract his fist, he was frightened by Doctor Man's threat and shuddered, "Um, um... ah, is this a restaurant? I seem to have gone to the wrong place, bye!"

Then quickly get out of the way.

Ning Yao held down No. [-] who was about to get up and watched Dr. Man's examination leisurely: "How is it? Are you dead?"

Doctor Man turned around, his face solemn and livid.

Ning Yao's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he even lowered his raised legs. He couldn't help but secretly wonder: Isn't this crispy guy really burping?

Doctor Man: "It's a pity. He's not completely dead. He can still be rescued."

Ning Yao: What are you regretting...

Hearing that there was still hope, No. [-] sat back down with relief: "Do you need us to carry the person to the infirmary or his own room?"

Dr. Man: "Pick up the hammer and let him lie under my nose, so as not to get injured accidentally and have to trouble me."

Ning Yao nodded in agreement: "That's right, the scenery here is beautiful and sunny, it's perfect for lying down."

Jingle Bell

The service bell at the restaurant window rang, interrupting Dr. Man's quiet grumbling. The small window for serving food was opened, and steaming meals were handed out.

"The food for table 8 is ready, please pick up your meal."

Ning Yao stood up to get her meal and glanced through the small window. Before she saw anything, the small window closed with a snap.

"Mysterious..." He muttered, but didn't take it to heart and returned to his seat with the dinner plate.

Ning Yao's hand was very steady. Even though the plate was full, he ran all the way over without spilling a drop of coffee or bean juice.

Dr. Man took the coffee from Ning Yao and checked the mouth of the cup from side to side. He found that there was no trace of spillage even on the edge.

"Have you ever considered studying medicine?" Dr. Man took a sip of hot coffee.

Ning Yao smiled and took a bite of the Swiss roll: "Forensic doctors can do it, just treat illnesses and save people."

Dr. Man regretted: "Your hands are very steady and you are just born to hold a scalpel. If you are willing to study medicine, you will definitely ask you to operate on me when I have a tumor in the future."

Ning Yao scratched his head: "Although it doesn't sound like a good thing, thank you for the compliment."

Dr. Man: "If you want to change your career to be a ripper, I can introduce you to a few experienced veterans."

The smile on Ning Yao's lips froze: "No, no more trouble."

Doctor Man: "Of course, if you have plans to develop into an ogre, I also know a little about Uncle Ba's recipe."

"It's getting more and more outrageous!"

Dr. Man pursed his lips: "Don't you drink some bean juice? Chewing Swiss rolls dry makes you choke."

Ning Yao picked up the bowl and took a big gulp.

Dr. Man couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes: "You are one of the few people I have seen who can drink bean juice. Have you ever considered switching to sewerage?"

Ning Yao put down the empty bowl: "If you say this, Douzhi will be sad to hear it. Fortunately, I finished it."

Dr. Man smiled, stopped talking, just put on his sunglasses and began to devote himself to his vacation.

But this leisurely time only lasted less than a minute, and there was a lot of noise outside the restaurant, accompanied by several exclamations and screams.Ning Yao craned her neck curiously: "What's going on?"

Dr. Man said nothing and began to slide silently under the table.

However, the noise outside did not stop, but became even louder. After a while, Ning Yao could hear clearly what they were shouting.

"No! Why is there so much blood!"

"This, this, this! Do we need to call a doctor?!"

"Where's Dr. Man? I just checked and he's not in the room or the infirmary!"

"Doctor Man! Doctor Man!"

Dr. Man has squatted under the table.

Ning Yao bent down: "Why don't you go out and take a look?"

Dr. Man: "Don't call me if you can't die. I'm here for vacation."

"Doctor Man! Doctor Man!"

The sound came from far away and sounded like it had found the restaurant.

Dr. Man was still squatting under the table, holding coffee, motionless.

"Doctor Man!"

The door of the restaurant was opened, and Chi Nian, the only female member of the Three Idiots, shouted into the restaurant.

"Eh? What... Teacher An! Teacher An, why are you lying here!" Chi Nian was frightened.

"Doctor Man! Teacher An is dying again! Doctor Man, come and save me!"

"Alas..." Dr. Man sighed helplessly and slowly got out from under the table.

"Stop barking, I'm here."

Chi Nian rushed forward and grabbed Dr. Man's arm and shook it hard: "Quickly, hurry up and save people, Teacher An has fallen down again!"

Dr. Man watched helplessly as the last sip of coffee in the cup was shaken out and spilled on his holiday shirt.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Chi Nian reluctantly let go.

"never mind……"

Dr. Mann waved his hand feebly.

"What's going on outside? It's so noisy."

Only then did Chi Nian remember the main reason why he came to see the doctor: "Ah! It was Chen Heng who wanted to try fishing on the boat, but when he threw the hook, he caught his buttocks, which caused a deep cut and a lot of blood... "

Her voice slowly dropped under Dr. Man's cannibalistic gaze: "...So, we want to ask you to disinfect and stop the bleeding and apply medicine..."

Dr. Man: "That's it?"

"Yeah...that's it..."

Dr. Mann: "I suggest that he perform an amputation operation below the waist, no, below the neck, so that he will never hook his butt again, once and for all."

Chi Nian: "No, no need..."

Dr. Man: "Why not? I think it is necessary. Wherever he is, I will perform an operation on him now."

Chi Nian was so frightened that he opened the restaurant door and ran away in a panic: "Don't bother Doctor Man!"

Ning Yao applauded: "Doctor Man can cure the disease with his medicine. He is truly a miracle doctor."

Dr. Man raised his eyebrows: "You want to study medicine?"

Ning Yao shut up, lowered his head and ate the Swiss roll silently.

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