Don't follow the rules

Chapter 311 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Don't mess with a resentful social beast who's on vacation, and don't try to get him to work overtime.

Ning Yao silently summarized it in her mind while silently swallowing a new Swiss roll.

Turning his head, he was surprised to realize that No. [-] was already showing off a lot of finger cakes in a low voice, and was still eating at a high speed. Wrapping paper was piled on the table. Ning Yao was so scared that he quickly held down No. [-]. Manually stop his eating spree.

"Don't eat, don't eat, you should take a break at least!"

He picked up the bean juice refill jug on hand and poured a glass for No. [-]: "Maybe you can drink something to slow down the pace?"

Dr. Man sat back to his previous seat and said calmly: "Although I have eaten a lot, it is not enough to induce vomiting. Do you want to try my coffee?"

Ning Yao blocked his cup: "No. [-] is still a child, how can you encourage a child to drink coffee."

Dr. Man pointed to the wrapping paper on the table: "Is there a child who eats six hand cakes in a row without saying a word?"

No. [-] waved Ning Yao away impatiently: "Don't worry, I'm not human, I won't survive."

Dr. Man nodded: "Yes, yes, can you be more useful?"

"What is... a useful heart?"

"We ordered ten hand pancakes, and there was no particular flavor. The chef must have ordered one each according to the menu."

He picked up a piece of wrapping paper from a pile of wrapping paper: "Instead of worrying about him eating too much, it's better to worry about whether zombies will have any problems eating onions."

No. [-] looked at Ning Yao in confusion: "What's wrong with Onion?"

An Han, who had been lying dead on the ground, took a deep breath, held his stomach, and raised his head tremblingly: "You didn't even ask the children what flavors they like, and you ordered so many random things..."

Ning Yao threatened with a cup of bean juice: "Don't lay waste to it, just get to the point."

An Han: "...Vampires and zombies have different causes, and the things they are afraid of are naturally not the same."

Dr. Man rarely showed any interest: "What ghosts are afraid of is related to its causes... I seem to have heard someone say it, but I don't know much about it."

An Han stood up with difficulty: "This is a more academic theory. It is generally not useful in field missions, so most people only have a superficial understanding of it, and few people have studied it in depth."

Dr. Man stepped forward to help An Han up and help him to his seat: "Tell me more about it."

An Han finally served the table and glanced at Ning Yao proudly: "From a mythological perspective, in the Western mythological system, vampires are spurned and cursed by the Lord God, so they will be afraid of the holy water blessed by God; from a scientific perspective "Vampires may be patients with porphyria, a disease characterized by a fear of ultraviolet rays and allicin-containing substances - such as sunlight, garlic and onions."

"But the origin of zombies is completely different from that of vampires. Except for the mythical zombies in ancient times, most ordinary zombies are transformed from corpses. After a person dies, the corpse is stiff but not rotten, so it is called a 'zombie'. They are extremely yin and have been abandoned by the Six Paths, so they are afraid of items with the 'most yang' attribute."

"For example, the sun, peach wood and glutinous rice."

An Han looked at No. [-]. The child was sitting on the seat by the window and feasting. The sunlight penetrated the window and shone on him, like a layer of golden fluff on him. It was warm and gentle, but it did not hurt No. [-] at all. signs.

An Han continued: "So the items that vampires and zombies are afraid of are actually not exactly the same. The only thing that overlaps is 'sunshine'. In other words, both vampires and zombies, or most other ghosts, will be afraid of them. The sun's rays."

"But No. [-] not afraid of the sun."

Ning Yao looked matter-of-fact: "According to what you said, No. [-] was not transformed from a real corpse, nor did he become a zombie because of any yin energy. He was born a zombie, so naturally he doesn't have to be afraid of the sun. He can It’s normal to bask in the sun, right?”

Dr. Man thought thoughtfully: "Interesting... It seems that I have been working for too long, and a lot of theoretical knowledge has fallen behind."

An Han began to fumble for his phone: "Doctor Man, are you interested? We can add friends first to share information... Where is my phone?"

Ning Yao leisurely held An Han's cell phone between two fingers: "My memory is really bad, Teacher An. I haven't snatched your cell phone back yet. Have you forgotten?"

"give me back!"

"Please~" "Are you childish?"

"You mean you want to play some adult games with me?"

An Han choked and subconsciously glanced at No. [-] next to him, and then his face turned red: "What are you talking about? Shut up, there are children here!"

Ning Yao shrugged: "Teacher An, where are you thinking? I mean to make a bet. The bet is considered 18+. There is no problem in saying that it is an adult game, right? And this is not the first time we have made a bet. , you won’t be timid, will you?”

An Han knew that he couldn't get the slightest advantage in his words, so he no longer struggled with his words: "Tell me, what are you betting on?"

"Just bet..." Ning Yao glanced around.

Doctor Man raised his hand: "Just watching a show is not interesting. Can I provide you with some props for your gambling game?"

Ning Yao happily agreed: "That's fine, I didn't think of betting anything at the moment."

Dr. Man put his hand on his lower back: "Speaking of gambling, of course it is - Russian Roulette!"

He slapped a pistol on the dining table: "Don't worry, there is a doctor on site, no one will die in the gambling game."

An Han was speechless for a moment, then pointed at the gun on the table and said, "...Who is a good man playing Russian roulette with a Desert Eagle?"

Ning Yao whispered "Wow" and couldn't help but pick up the gun and play with it: "Although I don't care about gambling equipment, I heard that the 'wheel' of Russian roulette is the 'wheel' of a revolver."

He handed the pistol back to Manyi: "If you use the magazine, it still lacks a little entertainment."

Dr. Man nodded: "That's true. It seems that tradition still has its own truth."

Putting the gun away, Doctor Man asked: "Have you decided what to bet on?"

"Why don't you bet that I will shoot his head off with the Desert Eagle and see if you can rescue him?" Ning Yao made a pistol gesture and fired a false shot at An Han's head.

"Hey!" An Han protested.

"No," Dr. Man refused, "I'm here to have fun, don't make me work overtime."

"Then you don't need to be rescued."

"That's okay. It's just for fun. I like it." Dr. Man was very satisfied.

"Hey!" An Han jumped up.

"Stop arguing!" No. [-] suddenly interrupted them.

"If you have some free time for betting, why don't you help me order all the remaining hand cakes on the menu."

The three of them looked at Number [-].

"Have you finished eating?!" Ning Yao was shocked, "Ten hand cakes! And no water!"

"Look at you, you look like you have never seen the world." No. [-] was disgusted.

Ning Yao turned to look at Dr. Man, then looked at An Han next to him: "Is it really okay for No. [-] to eat like this?"

"There is a problem." Dr. Man replied decisively.

"What's the problem?" Ning Yao was worried.

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