Don't follow the rules

Chapter 328 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

An Han covered his mouth in embarrassment and apologized: "I'm sorry...I..."

However, the stinky-faced woman didn't stop for An Han and the others at all. She seemed to just make a remark without even giving them a spare look, and quickly left the place with the handsome man's arms around her shoulders.

Ning Yao patted him on the shoulder: "Sure enough, as the old saying goes, don't tell people behind their backs, people will catch you on the spot, haha!"

No. 1 comforted: "It's okay. She scolded you more harshly than you. The person involved will not pursue you."

But No. 1 was obviously not good at comforting others. At least An Han didn't get any comfort from his words. He could only force a smile out of No. 1's face.

"You're right...ah, it's already this hour. It seems that we stayed outside for too long, and it's lunch time before we know it. Let's go to the room to tidy up, and then go have something to eat."

Ning Yao and the others had just boarded the ship and had not gone very far. They were still on the first main deck closest to the ground and the bow. There was no functional area set up here. It was purely a place for tourists to stay and relax. An open space for rest. However, such a small area at the bow of the ship is already as spacious as a small park. Not only are park benches placed along the railings, but there are even street lights arranged at intervals.

The street lamps look quite European-style retro, with the bulbs hidden under intricate wrought-iron glass covers. There is a clock dial on the top of each lamp, allowing people to indulge in the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky without forgetting the time.

An Han saw the dial on the top of the street lamp and was shocked to realize that it was lunch time.

"Okay! Let's eat!" No. 1 was happy.

Ning Yao took out a crumpled flyer from his trouser pocket: "I remember Rao Ying told me before departure that there are many places to eat on this ship. Where should we start our first meal?"

Number 1 stood on tiptoes: "Let me see!"

"Here, here you go." Ning Yao handed the flyer to No. 1.

This leaflet only briefly introduced the selling points on the cruise ship. Although it mentioned the food and beverages, it did not give detailed examples. Number 1 was very dissatisfied when reading it: "That's it? What can be seen from this? Isn't there more?" Detailed food map?”


An Han, who had been silent for a long time, finally raised his head from his phone. He turned the screen and handed it to No. 1: "This cruise ship has made a special passenger APP. After downloading it, we can log in according to the number on the ticket, and we can query it. To where all the shops, activities and various amenities are located on this ship.”

"And here" he pointed to a red exclamation mark on the home page of the APP "One-click call for help function."

“Considering that the ship is almost an entire town at sea, appropriate security measures must be in place. Pressing the call for help button opens your phone’s location to all nearby crew members and sailors. Passengers will also be alerted and someone will come to your rescue shortly."

After listening to An Han's introduction, Ning Yao was obviously a little ready to make a move. He rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "What will happen if I press the call button now? If someone keeps pressing the button, the security system on the entire ship will be very difficult. Will it collapse soon?"

"I wouldn't do this if I were you."

Another voice sounded from behind them, speaking softly, with a familiar gentleness.

Ning Yao's pupils trembled slightly, and the hairs on his back stood up instantly. He turned his head stiffly, and then put on his usual silly face:

"Hey, Boss Du? What a coincidence. Are you coming for vacation too?"

Du Jingxiu still had a gentle smile: "It's not a vacation, there are some serious things for the alliance to do. We are on a business trip."

"Just go down the ladder they found for you. Why bother talking to them so much?" The person accompanying him raised his head, it was Rao Ze.

"Uncle Rao," Ning Yao greeted him, "Bas should have told you about Rao Qian, right?"

Rao nodded and did not make any further remarks.

Du Jingxiu still looked at them with a smile, as if waiting for Ning Yao to continue asking questions.

"Uh... Well, now that we've met, how about we all have a meal together?" Ning Yao gritted his teeth and sent out the invitation. Du Jingxiu: "It's really lucky to be warmly invited for the first meal on board the ship, but it would be disrespectful for me to reject it."

"It's easy to talk about." Ning Yao had already relaxed and stepped forward to put his arms around Du Jingxiu, as if the two brothers were on good terms.

"Brother Du, I am here to travel and have fun. You are the boss, and I have no control over your willingness to work overtime. But I am an ordinary social animal in your company, so please don't work overtime for me. In this way, I ask You have a meal, you can choose the restaurant of your choice, we don’t talk about work, we just talk about relationships, and you don’t want to trouble me on this trip, do you think that’s okay?”

Du Jingxiu was held by Ning Yao's shoulders, and he staggered forward in his footsteps, his face still looking relaxed and happy: "Easy to say, easy to say."

An Han and No. 1 remained where they were, looking at Du Jingxiu warily, and then turned to look warily at Rao Ze, who also stayed where he was with his hands in his pockets.

Rao Ze didn't have any expression, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

Seeing Ning Yao hooking Du Jingxiu further and further away, he finally sighed helplessly: "Let's go as soon as we think about it... let's go."

After that, he did not call An Han and No. 1 to join him, but just followed Du Jingxiu on his own.

An Han hurriedly put away the flyers and mobile phone, took No. 1's little hand, and quickened his pace to catch up with the people in front.

"What are you going to eat? Boss Du, just tell me." Ning Yao waved his hand, looking very heroic.

Du Jingxiu pulled his head out from under Ning Yao's arm without changing his expression: "I'm not picky about food."

Ning Yao: "Then let's eat spicy hotpot."

An Han and the others had already caught up. No. 1 happened to hear this last sentence and couldn't help but say contemptuously: "Anyway, it will be reimbursed when we go back. I don't know what you are saving."

Du Jingxiu: "Reimbursement? If necessary, our invoice can also be sent to you."

Rao Ze made an impatient "tsk" sound and reminded: "Du Jingxiu, please stop fussing and just finish the meal. Why do you need to give us an invoice? We are not here for fun."

"If Bas hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have bothered to accompany you on this trip. You'd better get it done before my patience runs out."

Ning Yao poked at Du Jingxiu: "You are such a useless boss. How can you be picked on by just any employee?"

Du Jingxiu explained in a good temper: "Rao Ze is not an ordinary employee, he is..."

Rao Ze quickly interrupted the worried boss: "Hey, don't be too funny. There's no need to tell them everything."

Ning Yao turned to Rao Ze and smiled playfully: "Oh, no need to be so serious. Just relax a little when you go out to play."

Rao Ze rubbed his brows: "After this meal, it's best that we don't meet again during the next voyage. It's really troublesome to deal with you. I'm already very upset because I was forced to work overtime by Bass' favor. "

Number 1 tilted his head in confusion: "Why do you all hate working overtime? Dr. Man hates working overtime too."

Rao Ze's eyes finally moved down: "Is this... the basic little jump that you followed me? I remember that I went to the paradise with you, and now I am boarding the ship with you. It seems that it has adapted well to the outside environment. good."

No. 1 raised her little face and said seriously: "Mom."

Rao Ze:? !

Dear friends, New Year’s Eve is coming soon, I wish you all a Happy New Year~

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