Don't follow the rules

Chapter 329 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Rao Ze was so frightened by the strength of No. 1 that he fell backwards and took two steps back. Fortunately, An Han on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands to hold him back from falling.

"You, you, you, what are you shouting about?" Rao pointed at No. 1, his fingers trembling.

Ning Yao laughed three times and quickly stepped forward to cover No. 1's mouth: "Nothing, nothing, you heard wrong."

The corner of Du Jingxiu's mouth curled up with a smile that was not too big a deal. He whispered, pretending to be surprised and teased Rao Ze: "Ah, Rao Ze, this is really..."

No. 1 shook off Ning Yao's hand dissatisfied: "What are you doing? Didn't you say that you are my father and he is my mother? I didn't say anything nonsense."

Rao Ze was even more shocked and couldn't even speak for a while: "Don't be too ridiculous..."

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!" Ning Yao stretched his neck and shouted, "Uncle Rao, I can explain it! You are not Xidang's mother!"

Rao Ze wanted to cover Ning Yao's mouth with his own hands, but he couldn't do such an unseemly behavior, so he could only forcefully close his eyes and silently calm himself down to avoid being angry to death.

Because they had said they were going to treat guests to dinner, they had already entered the construction area at this time, and the tourists on the street gradually became denser. It was not as empty as the bow deck.

Ning Yao's shouting was a great source of entertainment for these leisurely tourists, and many people looked over.

Rao Ze rubbed his temples with a headache: "Let's just find a place to sit, don't embarrass yourself on the street."

Ning Yao looked indifferent: "You are such a powerful illusion master, are you still afraid of being embarrassed on the street? Can't you just make up any illusion? If I knew your illusion skills, I would run naked on the street every day."

"Hey!" An Han quickly covered No. 1's ears.

"Ah..." Du Jingxiu interrupted softly, "So you don't know?"

"What do you know?" Ning Yao was confused.

"Of course - the special ban on this ship." Du Jingxiu smiled and looked at An Han. The meaning was obvious. He was not responsible for explaining.

An Han took over the other party's words: "This cruise ship will pass through many countries and regions, and of course it will inevitably board various characters. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the voyage, the use of... supernatural abilities is prohibited during the voyage."

"Huh?" Ning Yao shouted dissatisfied, "Why do they have such rules?"

"Because this ship belongs to someone else, the owner has the right to clean up those who disobey the rules." An Han explained.

Ning Yao snorted disdainfully: "So what if I use it secretly?"

An Han: "Although the official website of the cruise ship does not give a specific working principle, it clearly warns viewers that some kind of detection devices are installed throughout the hull. Once fluctuations in supernatural energy are detected, the detectors will Instantly locking onto the user's precise location and reporting to nearby staff, in short, using a special ability is like pressing a button on your phone to call for help."

"As for whether to give a warning, detention or expulsion from the ship, the crew will decide based on the situation."

An Han couldn't help but touch his butt: "That's why Captain Jiang will give us physical fitness training before we board the ship..."

Ning Yao was furious: "You should tell me this kind of thing as soon as possible, right?"

An Han weakly raised his mobile phone: "These... ahem, these travel information and itinerary guides are distributed to each event participant early before departure. As long as you open the file and take a look... …”

"Okay, let's not stand in the middle of the road. Let's find a restaurant and sit down first." Ning Yao interrupted An Han without changing his expression and changed the subject as if nothing happened.

Rao Ze put his hands back in his pockets and sneered: "Do you know it's embarrassing now?"

No. 1: "Mom, let's find a place to eat first. I'm hungry."

Rao Ze's face turned green: "If you two can't control this naughty kid, I don't mind helping you clean it up myself. You know, I'm pretty good at logging off electronic zombies."

An Han stood in front of No. 1, bowing his head to apologize to Rao Ze.

Ning Yao also shouted: "What are you yelling at? Your seniority has been messed up by you."

No. 1 tilted his head: "Do you want to be Rao Qian's father?" Ning Yao subconsciously blurted out: "Yes."

Number 1: "Didn't I let you get what you wanted?"

Ning Yao applauded: "Wonderful!"

After saying that, he turned around and tried to persuade Rao Ze: "Let's do this. I'll call you brother, and Qian will call me dad. Let's talk about it our own way."

Rao Ze only rolled his eyes and turned around to leave.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Ning Yao chased after him and shouted, "You don't care about your boss?"

"Forget it, let him calm down for a while." Du Jingxiu waved to Ning Yao.

Ning Yao gave Du Jingxiu a thumbs up: "You are such an easy-going boss, and your employees won't be angry even if you sneer at you."

"Rao Ze didn't sneer at me. He was just thinking of ways to get back at you. You may have to be careful during the rest of your trip." Du Jingxiu said softly.

"So it turns out that you are considerate." Ning Yao suddenly realized.

An Han was too lazy to complain aloud about Ning Yao's thinking, and just silently recorded the incident of offending Rao Ze in his detailed report.

"Eat!" Number 1 reminded dissatisfiedly again.

"Okay, okay, eat, eat a big portion." Ning Yao said casually.

No. 1 was so angry that he stepped on Ning Yao's toes: "You're the one eating shit!"

An Han squatted down and handed the phone to No. 1: "These are the restaurants closest to our current location. You can choose from them."

No. 1 then let go of his feet and lowered his head to concentrate on picking.

From the beginning to the end, Du Jingxiu always maintained a decent smile and did not show any impatience. In fact, Ning Yao has been quietly observing Du Jingxiu. Although he pretended not to talk about work, Du Jingxiu himself is the target of Ning Yao's mission. Naturally, Ning Yao will never let go of the opportunity to observe the target at such a close distance. .

Ning Yao put on a flattering business smile: "Where did Boss Du make a fortune recently?"

Du Jingxiu also performed Tai Chi in cooperation: "You have been working hard recently, isn't it because we have been very strict with you? It's hard for me to do business, so I have to go to sea to see if there are any opportunities."

Ning Yao nodded in understanding: "Life is not easy. The boss personally comes out to run the business."

Du Jingxiu climbed up the pole: "My family relies on me to support them, so we have to find a way out."

"Are you interested?" Ning Yao looked around, "You can't just run around and try your luck, right?"

"It's really a chance to try my luck and take a vacation by the way," Du Jingxiu still smiled, but the smile never reached his eyes.

"Boss Du is not being honest." Ning Yao tried to imitate his smile, but her cheekbones felt sore after being laughed at for so long.

Du Jingxiu blinked: "I am a very sincere and honest person."

Ning Yao rubbed his sore smile muscles, lowered his head and poked No. 1's head: "Have you made your choice?"

No. 1 raised his head: "There are too many to choose from, but I thought of a good idea to solve my difficulty in choosing."

Ning Yao: "What?"

No. 1 raised his mobile phone: "According to the recommendation index on the cruise ship APP, let's eat here one by one."

Thank you to the fifth person for your perfunctory monthly vote! What~

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