Don't follow the rules

Chapter 334 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Fortunately," Xin Cheng shrugged nonchalantly, "I guess the final solution is to either change rooms or seal up the windows facing the glass room. Anyway, my room is very bright, so a few windows won't matter. Hurry up."

Ning Yao's face was ferocious: "You also live in a panoramic glass house?!"

Xin Cheng waved his hand: "No, no, it's just a very ordinary room with better lighting. It's not a glass room. It still has many walls, but there are large floor-to-ceiling windows on each side."

Ning Yao: "I asked you rich people, can you live in a world by yourself? With you, I really have a hard life."

No. 1: "Lao Deng, you look really ugly with jealousy."

Ning Yao: "Is there any?"

An Han: "Yes, you can take your lower teeth back first."

Xin Cheng served Ning Yao a plate of mouth-clearing pickles with a hint of flattery: "Brother, don't be angry."

Ning Yao took the plate with drooped eyelids and said, "Seeing that you are quite sensible, I don't care about you being a rich man."

He cleaned the plate in one gulp, paused for a second, and then spit it out: "What the hell is this?"

Xin Cheng looked at him innocently: "Halmi melon pickles."

"Why would anyone use fruit to make pickles?" Ning Yao cursed while pouring himself tea.

No. 1 made no secret of his gloating: "No wonder the other dishes are all served for four guests, but only a small plate of kimchi is served."

He moved closer to Ning Yao: "What does it smell like? Describe it."

Ning Yao finished pouring the tea: "Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty..."

No. 1: "So complicated?"

Ning Yao: "Not at all."

An Han was a little curious: "Kimchi cannot be summed up in five flavors? What does it taste like?"

Ning Yao: "A sour dishwashing sponge that became brittle after being used on the fruit plate."

Xin Cheng clicked his tongue and marveled: "This taste is too specific. Does the second brother have experience?"

Ning Yao's eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life: "Don't ask."


"Oh my God!"

In the women's clothing store, a group of clerks gathered together and exclaimed.

Yingying was very satisfied with the impact she had made. She raised her arms slightly to let the starry-eyed shop assistant girls see more clearly.

"Lady, your muscle lines are so beautiful! It looks like you are exercising very disciplinedly. It's just like an ancient Greek sculpture. You couldn't tell it at all when you were wearing a large T-shirt. But now you are completely different. , our sling set is simply tailor-made for you.”

Yingying proudly turned around in front of the dressing mirror: "Not bad, not bad. It perfectly shows off my biceps and at the same time covers my trapezius muscles without making me look bulky. Your clothes are quite interesting in design."

The clerk diligently offered several other sets: "Madam, you can take a look at the other models in our series. They are all designed to expose the skin but not show off the charm. They will suit you very well."

Yingying took out the association's black card: "I want the clothes in this series, as well as the small items and accessories in this row. Choose my size and send it directly to my room." Clerk: "Okay, okay! Please come here, if you need to check the goods, you can take a short break, we will provide you with distinguished afternoon tea; if you have other things to be busy with, we will send the goods information to your mobile phone later."

Yingying followed the clerk's instructions and swiped the card: "Forget about afternoon tea. Although I don't have anything to do, my shopping addiction is not over yet. Please recommend me a store I can go shopping next."

The clerk looked at it for a moment and said, "Ma'am, why don't you go check out the store diagonally across the street? Their leather goods are very good, and the designs of shoes and bags are excellent. You just bought the clothes, so you can get them matched there. The whole body."

Yingying followed the clerk's guidance and looked across the street. Sure enough, there was a huge, exaggerated and unclear-looking orange sign.

"I remember that store. Do you have to buy a lot of goods to get the price you want? But I'm too lazy to buy useless things." Yingying frowned slightly.

The clerk covered his mouth and smiled softly: "You are so generous, but you are a distinguished customer. I think their cabinet brother and sister will not be so discerning."

"Okay." Yingying stood up, "I'll go take a look."

"Go slowly, madam. Welcome to visit us next time." The clerk said goodbye respectfully.

Ying Ying wandered slowly to the huge floor-to-ceiling orange signboard. The door of the store was half hidden behind the signboard. If you weren't paying attention, it would be difficult to find the entrance to the store at a glance.

Just as he was about to step through the door, a clerk in a suit and leather shoes emerged from the store, carrying two rose gold bank dividing posts and a velvet barrier in his hand.

The suit clerk's face was expressionless. Without saying a word, he put the pillar in place, opened the isolation tape, and stopped Yingying who was about to enter.

Yingying was confused by his operation: "What do you mean? It's closed during the day?"

The suit clerk's answer was very formulaic, and the reason sounded insincere: "Sorry, madam, the store is full. In order to ensure the purchasing experience of customers in the store, the flow of customers needs to be restricted now."

Yingying laughed angrily and pointed to the display window next to him: "Do you think I'm blind? The store is so empty that you can do a square dance. Are you telling me it's full? You mean you have to leave one person in your store now before I can enter. Then how long do I have to wait? Give me a confirmation."

The suit clerk's response was still like an AI: "Sorry ma'am, we can't give a specific time at the moment."

As he was talking, a customer with a bad expression opened the door, glanced at the clerk at the door, and left in a hurry.

Yingying pointed at the person who left: "Someone has left, can I go in?"

The suit clerk bowed slightly and said in a perfunctory tone: "Sorry, ma'am, you can't enter the store yet."

"Bullying people, right?" Yingying rolled up his sleeves, "You look down on others, right?"

"I've long been displeased with your shabby sign. Today I'll decorate it for you - I'll take charge of it!"

Yingying was too lazy to talk nonsense and went straight to work, grazing the suit clerk's cheek with his fist and hitting the signboard behind him, making a loud noise.

The suit clerk was so frightened that he fell to the ground and looked behind him tremblingly. He saw that his fist was deeply inserted into the signboard. The signboard began to crack inch by inch from the fist, and gradually spread from a little bit to the entire surface. The wall, and finally the sign and the outer wall collapsed, making a second loud noise.

"I feel comfortable." Yingying smiled and retracted her fist.


Before Yingying could say another few words of ridicule, he heard a scream suddenly coming from the store.

"Grandpa! What's wrong with you, Grandpa?!"

"He had a heart attack. Did he bring any medicine?"

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