Don't follow the rules

Chapter 335 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

The two loud noises caused by Ying Ying not only shocked the arrogant suit clerk, but also caused chaos in the store.

An elderly customer in the store was shocked by the two unexpected sounds and fell down, clutching his heart. The little granddaughter who was accompanying the old man shopping had never seen such a scene before. She was frightened by the sudden situation and started crying. .

The counter girl next to her was well-informed and calm, and immediately asked the little girl if she had any Jiuxin Pills with her.

The little girl's mind hadn't calmed down yet, so she sobbed in a daze: "I didn't, I don't know. Grandpa may have brought it himself, but I don't know where to put it..."

It was important to save people, so the counter sister had no choice but to go and search the customer's pockets.


While the scene was in chaos, two people hid in an unobtrusive corner of the store, seeming to be whispering something.

"Avi, please help him." The female voice said.

"What if someone sees me..." The male voice seemed very hesitant.

"Human life is at stake. If they mess around like this, the patient may not be able to wait until medical care arrives." A female voice advised.

"...Okay." The male voice reluctantly compromised.

"Excuse me, I'm a doctor." The man in the corner pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

When everyone heard that there was a doctor, they immediately and consciously made room for the man.

The man knelt down, turned the crouched old man over, made him lie on his back, and patted the old man's cheek: "Sir? Can you hear me?"

The old man closed his eyes tightly and did not respond to the man. The man then reached out and gently checked whether the old man's carotid artery was still pulsating, and told the people around him to call the medical team on the ship to come over.

The crying girl next to her looked to be about eleven or twelve years old. She was scared and worried: "Brother, is my grandpa okay?"

The man glanced at the little girl and said nothing: "The crowd spread out a little and kept ventilated. The patient's breathing is weak and his pulse is almost undetectable. He is dying. Come with two smarter tellers. Before the medical team arrives, we may He needs to be given cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration in turns."

As he spoke, the man no longer paid attention to the panicking crowd, lowered his head, placed the root of his left palm on the lower part of the old man's chest, pressed his right palm on the back of his left hand, crossed his hands and clasped his arms, straightened his arms, and began to caress the old man regularly. Perform chest cardiac compressions.

Fortunately, the mall was equipped with a medical team to respond to emergencies. After receiving the notification from the store, they quickly rushed to the scene and took over the man's work.

"The patient has no major problems. We just need to take him to rest for a while. Fortunately, you notified him in time and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation all the time, so we got the golden time for rescue." said the leader of the medical team.

The old man's little granddaughter kept thanking the man and promised to thank the man properly when his grandfather woke up, but the man was absent-minded and didn't seem to want to stay here longer. He left in a hurry after saying a few perfunctory words.

Yingying watched the whole process at the door of the store - forced.

After the frightened suit clerk at the door came to his senses, he grabbed Yingying's trousers and refused to let go, insisting that she stay and take responsibility.

But when Yingying, who was originally so arrogant and high-spirited, found out that he had gotten into a big disaster, his arrogance was extinguished in an instant, and he could only wait at the door to wait for the store's rescue to be completed, and obediently accepted the store's claim.

In view of Yingying's good attitude in admitting his mistakes and his willingness to compensate, the store also considered that Yingying, who was generous with his money and had amazing punching power, might have a bad background, so the trouble was passed over like this.

Yingying walked out of the shopping mall dejectedly. After thinking for a moment, she felt that it might not be a good time for her to go shopping today, so she decided to go back to her room to retreat and end this unlucky day by appreciating the shopping trophies.

After walking a few steps, Yingying saw the man who had saved people in the store just now, and the woman who had persuaded him to save people before.

Doctors who are willing to work overtime voluntarily are good people~

Yingying quickened his pace and couldn't help but want to come forward and get to know him.

"It was too dangerous just now. What if we were seen by the master..." The man frowned, his tone accusing.


The woman's voice was still slender and gentle. She tugged on his sleeve and said coquettishly: "You said that man almost didn't have a pulse. If you hadn't come to save him, he would have died. I really can't bear it... Don't worry, The old man never goes shopping in person, and he won't find us." This man named "Avi" seems to be very resistant to women's coquettishness: "Don't always be so kind, the life and death of others have nothing to do with you. Related? Protecting yourself is the most important thing."

"I just can't bear it~ Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. While the old man is still playing with his toys, let's go and see the cable car? I have never been on a cable car on a ship."

Avi smiled fondly and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

After the two of them walked away talking and laughing, Yingying emerged from the trash can behind them, covering her mouth.

I rely on?

The relationship between these two people sounds unusual...

Did I accidentally eat some rich melon just now?

Yingying ran to Ningyao's room, hurry up, hurry up, the fresh and hot melons you eat must be shared quickly! ! !


"Xin Cheng...are you really the second generation rich?" Ning Yao's face was filled with unspeakable disgust.

Xin Cheng wiped the oil from his mouth: "Ah? What do you mean?"

An Han raised his forehead and said, "Is this the 'big meal' you swear is more delicious than Wagyu beef?"

Xin Cheng's eyes were firm: "Yes, isn't this much more delicious than the wagyu we just had?"

No. 1 raised the fried golden and crispy big chicken leg and said: "Yummy!"

Ning Yao picked up a French fries and dipped it in ketchup: "Although Mai Mai is indeed delicious, I always feel that Mai Mai chicken legs and Kobe Wagyu beef should not be compared together..."

Xin Cheng: "We are all eating, so why can't we compete together?"

Number 1: "Delicious!"

Ning Yao: "This thing doesn't seem to be on the table..."

Xin Cheng was dissatisfied: "Why can't you go to the table? Did you forget the bucket of fried chicken I brought with me when my eldest brother was in the hospital? You ate deliciously."

Number 1: "Delicious!"

An Han handed Coca-Cola to No. 1: "It's delicious as long as it's delicious. There's no need to put it between them as a punctuation mark."


"Who called?" Ning Yao asked.

"My WeChat!" Xin Cheng's mouth was full of oil and his hands were full of oil. "Can someone help me get it? It's inconvenient for me."

Ning Yao had no choice but to reach out and help him dig out his pocket: "How old are you, and you eat more than No. 1?"

Xin Cheng giggled and said, "Thank you, second brother, for helping me read what is written."

Ning Yao rolled her eyes and said, "If you're trying too hard, do you want me to feed you?"

Although he said this, his hand still helped Xin Cheng open the incoming message interface very honestly:

"Your assistant forwarded an electronic invitation to you, to the effect of 'Dear Mr. Xiao Xin, we sincerely invite you to participate in a small exhibition of private collections held tonight - Yours sincerely, Zhong Wu'. Mr. Xiao Xin, you are in for a treat. ~"

"I won't go."

Ning Yao raised her eyebrows: "Really? Your assistant said you would definitely be interested in taking a look."

Xin Cheng:?

Ning Yao turned the phone interface to him: "The theme of this small exhibition is Zhong Wu's supernatural collection."

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