Don't follow the rules

Chapter 337 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

not good!

The situation was urgent. Man Yi, who was closest to the scene, had almost no time to think. She subconsciously rushed forward and waved away the drone with her backhand. The drone was severely damaged and flew two meters away and fell to the ground.

Just now, the blade of the drone was too close to the child. Manyi suffered from an occupational disease. She squatted down and pulled the child over to check carefully. At this time, the child's parents ran over in a panic and hugged the child. The child cried and kept thanking Manyi.

"Don't worry, the child is fine, but as parents, don't let your child run so far. If something happens, you won't be able to save him." Manyi couldn't help but give a few words of education.

After receiving the assurance from the child's parents, he relaxed his frown, returned to his usual lazy state, and yawned: "Okay, it's time to file a claim with the drone owner."

Only then did the onlookers notice the blood slowly seeping from the sleeves of Manyi's white nightgown.

"Oh my God!" the child's mother exclaimed, "There's so much blood, call the doctor quickly!"

Manyi waved her hand: "I am a doctor myself, this injury is not serious, don't delay my extortion of money."

The child's father was very angry. He grabbed the drone on the ground and shouted around: "Whose is this? How can it fly so low? It's hurting people!"

Manyi glanced around the crowd: "Hey, don't be afraid to recognize me~ I just heard someone reminding you to watch the road and don't hurt anyone. It means there are at least two parties involved, right?"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the two people who were pulling and pulling were let out. One of them was holding something that was obviously a remote control in his hand, which seemed to be the pilot controlling the drone.

Manyi helplessly held her forehead: "They are also little kids. They are only eleven or twelve years old, right? It seems that I can't blackmail them for money."

"Yes, I'm sorry, uncle..." The boy holding the remote control was pressed on his head by the girl next to him to apologize. Although he bowed at 90 degrees, his face was full of reluctance.

Manyi touched her face melancholy: "Do I look like an uncle already?"

The girl quickly changed her words: "Brother! I'm sorry, it was our first time to play this and we didn't control it well. We accept this responsibility. If you need compensation, can you wait for our adults to come over? I have already informed my family."

Manyi tilted her head: "Are you his sister?"

The girl nodded: "Yes, I'm really sorry. My brother didn't mean it."

Manyi raised her finger and pointed, motioning the girl to look back at the boy next to her who was scratching her neck: "Look at your brother's behavior."

The girl slapped the boy on the head: "Apologise sincerely!"

The boy covered the back of his head and said with a sad face: "I want to tell daddy that you hit me!"

Manyi clicked her tongue and said: "Your brother's account is useless, let your parents open another one."

The boy glared at Manyi, who glared back without showing any signs of weakness and said provocatively: "Where do you think your father is? Call your mother here, I want to reminisce about the past."

"What did you say?!" The boy was furious, looking like he wanted to rush up and fight Manyi.

But there was no need for Manyi to do it herself. The father of the child had already blocked her in front of her: "Where did you come from, you brat? Do you have any education? You should give this gentleman a thumbs up! If he hadn't blocked the drone for my child, It's not as simple as apologizing for you two now."

The boy's face turned red, but he still said harshly: "It's all his fault! If he hadn't been blocking it in the middle of the road, I wouldn't have made the sharp turn!"

The child's father almost laughed angrily: "Are you still reasonable? Such a dangerous thing shouldn't fly into the crowd at all!"

"Zhong Wen Zhong Wu, I received the news, what happened?" A middle-aged man in a black and gray suit pushed aside the crowd, walking steadily and powerfully. Although there were many onlookers, he was not panicked. “Uncle Chen!” the siblings said in unison, as if they had seen a savior.

The boy shouted loudly and stiffened his back: "They are a bunch of adults bullying me!"

The girl quickly covered her brother's mouth: "Uncle Chen, Zhong Wu's toy hurt someone."

The man called Uncle Chen frowned and looked up at the crowd: "Who is injured?"

Manyi raised her bloody hand: "Me."

The untreated wound on his hand had leaked heavily for a period of time, and the blood had completely soaked the sleeves of his white nightgown. It looked quite terrifying at the moment.

Uncle Chen obviously did not expect it to be so serious: "Ah, sorry sir, my child has caused you trouble. I will take you to the medical room to bandage it first, and then we can discuss compensation."

Zhong Wu looked dissatisfied: "He just said he wanted to extort money. This kind of person looks like a poor and unscrupulous person who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Uncle Chen, don't take advantage of him."

"Zhongwu" Uncle Chen looked at the boy disapprovingly, "I did something wrong, and I deserve an apology and compensation."

Manyi raised her hands aside, letting the blood flow wildly, put on her sunglasses, and silently acted as a cold and expressionless shower head.

He didn't say anything more. After all, as an outsider, he really had no obligation to work hard to educate such a useless naughty child. This was simply not worth working overtime for free.

Moreover, Manyi always believed that the naughty child would have his own destiny, and believed that everyone should be looking forward to this ending, so she simply kept silent and acquiesced to Uncle Chen's compensation plan.

After the matter was dealt with, Manyi looked at her bandaged hand, and a trace of visible happiness appeared on the corner of her mouth, which was keenly caught by the little girl beside her.

"Uncle, big brother, aren't you angry?" Zhong Wen, who was obviously much more sensible, asked cautiously.

Manyi smiled magnanimously: "I'm not angry. I didn't have to work overtime and I made money. I can buy a new fish tank again. I'm very happy now."

Zhong Wu muttered: "Look, sister, I said he is the kind of fisherman who knows how to blackmail people."

Manyi didn't bother to give this brat another look, she just treated him as nothing, said goodbye to Zhongwen, turned around and left coolly.

Zhong Wu was so angry that he stamped his feet: "Sister, look! He is still ignoring me!"

Zhong Wen: "Please stop saying a few words, my ancestor."

Zhong Wu: "You are still helping outsiders, I want to tell dad!"

Zhong Wen sneered: "Dad has no time to pay attention to you now, otherwise he would not ask Uncle Chen to come and deal with our affairs. If you want to make trouble, go ahead and disturb dad's good things, but don't turn around and ask me to save you when the time comes. .”

Zhong Wu was poured cold water from head to toe by his sister, and then he calmed down belatedly.

"Dad is at uncle's place?"

"They have something important to do tonight. I heard that the uncle seems to be holding some kind of private exhibition, and dad will be responsible for hosting the event. If you hold him back at this time and make dad lose face in front of the uncle, what do you think dad will do to you?"

Zhong Wu shivered uncontrollably and held his sister's hand in fear: "Don't, don't tell dad!"

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