Don't follow the rules

Chapter 338 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Are you afraid now?" Uncle Chen suddenly appeared, frightening Zhong Wu, who was already feeling guilty.

"Uncle Chen!" Zhong Wu stamped his feet, his coquettish tone mixed with a hint of embarrassment and anger.

"Uncle Chen!" Zhong Wen bowed slightly to him, "Thank you Uncle Chen for today. Dad has no time to take care of us now. If you hadn't come to rescue us, we wouldn't know what we would have done."

"Don't be so polite. You are still young. I should have taken more care of you." Uncle Chen chuckled.

"By the way, why did you come here to play alone? Where is the nanny who is following you two?"

Zhong Wu lowered his head: "She was so annoyed. She was not allowed to go here or play, so I got rid of her. With her following us, we can't play anything."

Zhong Wen pinched his fingers: "I thought that there would be no more people on the ship than on land. It would be safer for all passengers registered with their real names to play here, so after I separated from my aunt, I sent her a message to report that she was safe and asked her to go back to her room. Just wait for us.”

Uncle Chen poked Zhong Wen on the head: "You, you, I don't know whether you are doing things properly or lawlessly. You are helping your brother by getting rid of the nanny."

"It won't happen next time." Zhong Wen whispered.

"Well, fortunately, the matter was resolved smoothly. The man took the money and left without intending to make a big fuss. But you only have this chance to be willful. Your father and uncle will have a lot of serious things to do in the future. If it is delayed, Uncle Chen can't help you plead for mercy if it's their business."

Although Uncle Chen was talking to Zhongwen, he was clearly warning Zhongwu between the lines.

"I know." The twin siblings agreed in unison, and immediately looked at each other and smiled.

The two little brats were beating Xiao Jiujiu in their stomachs. Although Uncle Chen could see it, he didn't intend to expose it for the time being.

Anyway, as a housekeeper, Uncle Chen has fulfilled his responsibilities this time and even gave the two children corresponding warnings. For this reason, if they can still give their high-spirited father some trouble, but I can't blame myself.

And a little harmless trouble might be more conducive to the harmony of the family and the group. Zhong Huai has been in a bit of the limelight recently.

Zhong Huai is the father of the twin siblings and the second brother of the master. The two have always had a close relationship. After his wife passed away, the master slowly began to involve him in the group's affairs. Recently, he has set up many special arrangements. A small but formal occasion was used to show the second brother's face and build momentum, striving to win some recognition and face in front of representatives of major groups.

As for why I had to wait until my wife passed away before starting to plan a future for my second brother——

Of course, it's because the master is an intruder.

The madam is an only daughter, and the entire group belongs to her. However, her father was worried that his daughter would work too hard on her career, so he took the initiative to recruit a husband. It was only then that the master joined the group.

Now that his wife has passed away, the master and his wife have only one daughter. The girl has the same temperament as her mother and has chosen to recruit a husband.

It stands to reason that this huge family property should belong to this only daughter without any dispute, but looking at recent trends, the master seems not to think so...

Uncle Chen called the nanny of the Zhong Wen and Zhong Wu siblings. After confirming that the two little ancestors had been handed over to the nanny, he left with peace of mind.

Although he occasionally doesn't like some of the master's plans, he has a close personal relationship with him. It is thanks to the master's cultivation and promotion that he can become a rich butler now. In the eyes of the young lady, he is probably a complete master. , tied tightly.

He is very aware of the current situation, so he usually doesn't do anything unnecessary.

"Although I am a staunch old man, it's still too immoral to kill someone else..." He mumbled vaguely, "I hope these two little ancestors won't let me down. It's best to screw up tonight." Boring exhibition."


"Sister Yingying, didn't you just decide to go?" Xin Cheng opened his starry eyes, "Tonight's supernatural exhibition."

Yingying held a French fries between his fingers, frowned slightly, and said with a look of embarrassment: "I thought about it carefully, it's not appropriate."

Xin Cheng diligently handed over the torn ketchup: "Is it difficult?" Yingying dipped it in the sauce, put the clean end of the fries in his mouth, and tapped the table rhythmically with his free hands, his tone exuding With a heavy middle-aged greasiness: "This matter is difficult to say, it is a bit difficult; but it is not difficult, and it is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have another look."

An Han silently covered No. 1's eyes and scolded in a low voice: "Don't bring up a bad child."

Ning Yao yawned lazily: "To put it bluntly, as long as money can solve the problem, you will make a wish to Xin Cheng."

Xin Cheng also nodded: "Yes, sister Yingying, tell me if you have any trouble."

Hearing this, Yingying gulped down the French fries, straightened his body, and made a wish to Xin Cheng seriously:

"Since we are participating in a high-society exhibition, how can we not have a tailored dinner dress?"

"Ah, by the way, there must be matching shoes and bags. If you don't design it by a master, you won't be able to get it, right?"

"You should have a professional makeup and hair stylist and photographer, right?"

Ning Yao couldn't bear it anymore: "Are you here to walk on the red carpet? A female star."

Yingying covered her face shyly: "I hate it~ Not yet, I haven't debuted yet. Although people usually call me that, I think it's better to be more modest. You can call me 'trainee idol' or ' Trainee' or something."

No. 1 pulled down An Han's hand covering his mouth, pointed at Yingying, turned his head, and asked Ning Yao innocently: "Isn't this called 'smelly and shameless'?"

Ning Yao applauded with joy: "Congratulations on learning to answer quickly."

Yingying became angry from shame and slapped the three of them away.

An Han covered his face and felt aggrieved: "What did I say?! Why did you slap me!"

"You deserve to sit down." Yingying flicked his wrist. As the only survivor who had not been slapped, Xin Cheng huddled in the corner and did not dare to express his anger.

"Okay, if there is anyone who is not convinced by me, the future female star, we can talk it out at once."

Yingying put her hands on her hips and glanced at the trembling four people with disdain.

Suddenly, Xin Cheng weakly raised his hand.

Yingying's sharp gaze shot over: "Do you have any objections?" The threat in his words was obvious.

"No, no, no, it's not," Xin Cheng quickly clarified. He pointed at a man outside Maimai's shop in a panic, "Report, my assistant is here."


Yingying looked in the direction of Xin Cheng's finger, and sure enough, there was a man in a casual suit, looking up at the sign of Mai Mai's store while making a phone call.


Xin Cheng's cell phone rang, and with Yingying's permission, he tremblingly answered the call.

"I said Mr. Xiao Xin, you're not going to eat fried chicken again, are you?"

The male voice on the other end of the phone sounded helpless.

"Yes... my friends wanted to eat, and I came with them. I didn't eat! It's true."

After receiving Xin Cheng's affirmative answer, the assistant raised his hand and pushed open the door of Mai Mai's house. He immediately saw his boss huddled in the corner with a useless look on his face.

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