Don't follow the rules

Chapter 375 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Geng Xun immediately turned on the intercom: "Hello? Someone from the forensics department is here. The Crystal Palace has work to do."

Ning Yao licked the water on his fingertips, put it in his mouth and smashed it: "Eh? Why does it seem to have no taste? Isn't the sea water supposed to be salty and bitter?"

Geng Xun put down the walkie-talkie, folded the drone's robotic arms, carefully stuffed them back into the bin, and closed the small door to reduce the evaporation of water on the surface of the robotic arms: "The deceased's pet was a freshwater stingray, and the water in the glass curtain wall did not There’s no need to completely simulate real seawater.”

Ning Yao gave a thumbs up: "You are so knowledgeable."

"...It doesn't sound like a good thing to say." Geng Xun muttered.

Together, the two moved the drone to a more open space on the ground and gently placed it.

"As long as it is proven that the water on the robotic arm comes from the water curtain wall, does it mean that the secret room has been cracked?" Ning Yao asked.

"More than that." Geng Xun put his hands on his hips. "The presence of water can only prove that it has been in contact with the water in the curtain wall. To really prove that it was used as a tool to remove corpses, the remains of the deceased's human tissue must be collected from the mechanical claws."

Ning Yao was a little worried: "What if the murderer wipes it out?"

Geng Xun: "No one involved in the case has been close to the drone after the incident, which can rule out the possibility of the murderer mopping up the corpse afterwards. Now the drone should be in perfect condition after removing the body. We can only hope that the murderer will move the body." I didn't think about 'wiping my hands' when I was dead."

He paused: "Actually, even if the human tissue of the deceased is collected on the mechanical claw, it only detects the secret room technique and cannot pin the suspicion on Tan Ai. At present, there is no direct connection between Tan Ai and the drone. Even from some angles, Zhong Huai and his naughty son are more suspicious than Tan Ai."

The staff sent by the forensics department had already arrived, and the two of them quickly opened up a place for inspection, watching and chattering.

"The investigation is really a headache. I finally found new evidence. I thought I could push the progress forward a lot, but in the end, I'm still standing still..."

"Otherwise, you think solving crimes is so easy? Don't think that you can really become a detective just by reading a few detective novels."

"Impossible! Don't you actually read detective novels?"

"I'll look at the reasoning."

Ning Yao was speechless for a second, then decided to give up the nonsense and return to the case itself: "Anyway, now we need to find evidence that Tan Ai can control this drone, right?"

"That's true, but..." Geng Xun suddenly shut up, as if he had discovered something, and walked quickly to the sofa.

He bent down and lifted up the sofa pillows. A drone remote control appeared in front of everyone. The small light representing the power source was still flashing. Judging from its position and posture, it was probably The deceased put it down after playing with it.

Upon seeing this, the personnel of the forensics department immediately came forward for inspection and quickly came to the conclusion: "This is the original remote control of this drone. I will take it and collect fingerprints first."

Geng Xun nodded.

Ning Yao was even more disappointed: "It's over. Even the remote control is in the room now. I have given up hope of getting fingerprints. By the way, how did Tan Ai control this drone?"

Geng Xun also frowned: "It seems that this secret room is far from being successfully cracked."

The police officer from the forensics department was lightly applying powder on the remote control with a goose-feather brush. When he heard this, he couldn't help but reply: "Report to the captain, in fact, for this kind of prototype that has not yet been mass-produced, their communication network is very likely to be universal." , that is, you can control multiple drones with the same model of remote controller.”

Geng Xun was stunned: "Wait, you mean...the murderer can use the drone remote control that the naughty kid lost to control the drone in the Crystal Palace?!" The forensics officer nodded with certainty: " Generally speaking, this is the case, as long as the remote control is successfully paired with the drone. This drone has run out of power, but its original remote control is still on. I guess the deceased played a little bit. He turned on the drone, but did not turn it off. He just put the remote control aside and the drone was successfully connected by the murderer while it was on."

Ning Yao slapped her thigh: "So the dead kid's drone was stolen by the murderer?!"

Geng Xun: "...What does a 'dead child' mean? Ahem, it doesn't have to be a whole set of drones, just the remote control will do."

Ning Yao waved his hand: "Don't worry about these details."

He squatted next to the Forensic Section Police Officer: "By the way, can you track the dead child's drone? This kind of thing should have its own locator or something like that, right?"

The police officer from the forensics department stopped what he was doing and thought about it seriously: "This is not my professional direction, but you can try to ask other colleagues to contact the drone manufacturer. If you bring your own locator, you should be able to try to track it." .”

Geng Xun: "Okay, I'll call someone to contact you right now."

Ning Yao rubbed her hands together excitedly: "It's really a bright future. If we can successfully find the dead child's drone, Tan Ai will not be able to deny his relationship with this secret room!"

Geng Xun wanted to pour cold water on him, but when he saw Ning Yao and the forensics officer high-fiving happily, he thought about it and swallowed his words.

Forget it, although the drone remote control cannot be used as direct evidence pointing to the real culprit, it has also completed the chain of evidence to a great extent. As long as Tan Ai's biological information can be collected, this pile of piecemeal evidence will be enough for them. Tan Ai was formally prosecuted.

Just considering that Tan Ai is a lawyer himself and has sufficient legal knowledge, I am afraid that this prosecution will not go so smoothly.

It would be great if we could find the key evidence to defeat the enemy with one strike.

"What are you mumbling about?" Ning Yao approached Geng Xun.

"Ah no." Geng Xun came back to his senses. "I was just thinking. Tan Ai has always been very determined during the interrogation. He is determined that we can't find the key evidence to convict him. It seems that he has already dealt with these things that may be investigated." Got the handle.”

"That's it..." Ning Yao said, as if talking to himself, "Then what is the key evidence for conviction? - The murder weapon? Ah, yes, it is the murder weapon. By the way, have you found out what the murder weapon is? "

Geng Xun shook his head: "It can only be determined that he died of mechanical asphyxiation. The marks on the neck should be caused by some kind of rope-like object with a width of about 40mm wrapped around the neck. The specific murder weapon has not yet been determined."

Ning Yao gestured, a little confused: "A rope four centimeters wide? Where can such a thick rope be used?"

"Maybe it's a rope somewhere on the ship." Geng Xun was also very unsure. "It's just that we checked all the ropes in the warehouse. The thickness span is very large, but there is no one with a width of exactly four centimeters."

"Although it is convenient to get the murder weapon locally from the ship, is it possible that the murderer himself was carrying such a rope?" Ning Yao asked, rubbing his chin.

"Please, how could he, a lawyer, be wandering around outside with a bundle of four-centimeter-thick rope? Besides, why was he carrying the rope? Can he be sure that he would hit the half-dead victim and then give someone a wound? "Geng Xun denied Ning Yao's guess.

"I found it!"

While the two were brainstorming, the police officer from the forensics department sent the latest news from his colleagues:
"The good news is that the whereabouts of the drone and remote control have been found, and they do have built-in locators."

"The bad news is - they're in the ocean now..."

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