Don't follow the rules

Chapter 376 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"in the sea?!"

Ning Yao and Geng Xun said in unison.

"Oh! I know!" A small light bulb lit up above Ning Yao's head. "Why didn't we think of it earlier? The most convenient way to deal with these evidences on the sea is of course - just throw them into the sea."

But Geng Xun didn't look happy at all. Instead, he had a "done" expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Yao poked him, "The evidence we are looking for has been found. Isn't this a good thing?"

Geng Xun struggled to speak: "Didn't you hear him say where the things were?"

"I heard it." Ning Yao even repeated it word for word. "The bad news is that they are in the sea now."

After saying that, Ning Yao tilted her head in confusion: "Since the signal has been successfully tracked, it's not too bad news even in the sea, right? After all, a luxury cruise ship like yours must be equipped with similar equipment. Water rescue robots or something like that, can’t we just let them follow the signal and fish it out?”

"That's the problem..." Geng Xun held his forehead with a headache, "You can't go into the sea."

"What the hell?" Ning Yao laughed at his logic. "We can't go to the sea, so what are we doing? Boating on land?"

"This ship is different." Geng Xun seemed to want to explain something, but swallowed his words again. "In short, it cannot be put into the sea. There is no difference between throwing things into the sea and completely destroying them."

As he spoke, he grabbed Ning Yao's clothes and warned sternly: "No one is allowed to go into the sea. In this sea area, leaving the protection range of this ship and touching the sea water is tantamount to seeking death."

"Then...then why don't we just send living people down? If there are machines, of course we will use them. Besides, you see, the sea is calm and the robots can handle it." Ning Yao was still trying to convince Geng Xun.

"It's useless. Throwing the robot away is no different than destroying it directly. It cannot be recycled, and it is impossible for it to bring back the drone and remote control. We have to give up our fantasies and accept the reality." Geng Xun said.

Ning Yao just felt confused: "What is this all about? I don't understand."

"You're right if you don't understand. This sea area cannot be understood with common sense." Geng Xun let go of his hand.

"Just treat this clue as dead. Don't bring it up again. Let's rethink our thoughts." He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it irritably, seemingly ignoring the indoor no-smoking slogan.

An Han: [There is something wrong with this sea]

Ning Yao whispered: "Nonsense, I still need you to talk."

Geng Xun blew out a smoke ring, thinking that Ning Yao was talking to him, so he answered naturally: "As long as you understand."

An Han: [What’s in the sea? Sea monster? 】

Ning Yao was shocked: "Have we traveled to Cthulhu territory?"

Geng Xun choked on the cigarette: "Cough cough cough less novels, it's not the same thing."

An Han: [That seems to be true, there are monsters in the sea that will attack those who go into the sea, but they are not of the defeat type]

Ning Yao smiled obscenely and geared up: "Captain Geng, I actually know a little bit about boxing."

Geng Xun held a cigarette in his mouth: "Let's not talk about going to the sea. Let's think about the new direction of the case."

Ning Yao instantly fell to the ground like a deflated rubber ball. The police officer from the forensics department came closer in a low voice: "Teacher Ning, I'm sorry, can you give way? It's blocking the road, it's very inconvenient."

Ning Yao let out an "arrogant" sound and rolled away.

He lay on his back on the rippling glass floor and sighed: "What new ideas can I come up with? I can think of them with my butt now. If Tan Ai can throw the remote control into the sea, then he must also throw the murder weapon into the sea. Everything is useful." Throw all the clues into the sea~"

"No wonder he is so confident. He knows that we are setting a trap for him, yet he dares to get in and identify the illegitimate child..." "Hey, wait a minute." Ning Yao sat up suddenly, "I thought of it!"

Geng Xun didn't follow Ning Yao for a second this time. From the look on his face, he looked a little tired. He turned back and picked a seat on the sofa and sat down lazily. Then he slowly said: "Tell me."

"Isn't Tan Ai just greedy for the deceased's inheritance, so he jumped out to identify himself? Then let's add some more firewood."

"I want to remind you," Geng Xun interrupted, "Tan Ai has not been convicted and has not been deprived of political rights according to law. The criminal suspect also has the right to inherit. Tan Ai must know this better than you. You can't scare him."

An Han typed expressionlessly, while Ning Yao repeated word for word: [If the crime committed by the suspect is to kill the decedent or other heirs, then he will no longer have the right to inherit]

Geng Xun snorted coldly: "Isn't this going back again? We are stuck because we can't find evidence that he killed Chi Zhongwu."

Ning Yao: "Who said we want Tan Ai to capture evidence of murder? This time we are capturing evidence of Chi Nian's murder."

"Chi Nian?" Geng Xun was puzzled. "Didn't you already pat your chest and assure me that the murderer is Tan Ai?"

Ning Yao stretched out his index finger and shook it proudly: "Don't worry, he is the murderer, but you said there is no evidence. Let's catch one right now. The law stipulates that as long as the subjective purpose is to fight for inheritance, no matter whether it is Successfully killing the decedent and other heirs can be judged as a loss of inheritance rights."

Geng Xun's frown did not go away: "What do you mean? If you can't catch Tan Ai, why don't you just grab anyone? You are creating an unjust case!"

"Wow~ Calm down, Captain Geng." Ning Yao hurriedly smoothed over.

"We still state the facts, but we need to change the angle." Ning Yao raised the corner of his mouth.

Geng Xun rolled his eyes: "Speak humanly."

"Let Tan Ai know that his biggest rival Chi Nian is about to lose the right to inherit the deceased's estate. He only needs to provide key evidence about Chi Nian's killing of the deceased, and then he can get the part of the inheritance that originally belonged to Chi Nian."

Geng Xun was confused by this twisted train of thought: "You mean to let the murderer find a scapegoat?"

"That's right." Ning Yao nodded, "Chi Nian's actions against the deceased all occurred in the private wine cellar of their Chi family. No one has leaked this information to the outside world, and the wine cellar is not monitored. Logically speaking, from Chi Zhong's perspective, Wu was stuffed into a garbage truck and no one would notice him until the garbage was discharged into the sea, but he was fished out of the car."

"As long as Tan Ai admits that he saw Chi Nian murder Chi Zhongwu with his own eyes, it can be proved that he has entered the wine cellar."

Geng Xun followed Ning Yao's thinking, but it was still difficult to agree with his plan: "But it doesn't matter even if he admits that he has entered the wine cellar. Although it is marked 'private', it is not actually locked, and no one can You can go in."

"He entered behind Chi Nian and witnessed the entire murder process of Chi Nian. Chi Zhongwu is his father. He has the obligation to rescue and cannot just watch people die."

"He admitted to entering the wine cellar. If he wants to keep his inheritance rights, he must admit that it was Chi Zhongwu who he fished out of the garbage truck."

"Chi Nian's confession can prove that Chen Heng did not leave a fatal four-centimeter strangulation mark. If Tan Ai comes forward to testify that he was dead when he fished out Chi Zhongwu, then he can blame Chi Nian."

"I think Tan Ai must be very happy to do this."

Geng Xun was still puzzled: "Then how can we convict Tan Ai? Is it possible to really arrest Chi Nian?"

"Wait a minute, why can't you move your head?" Ning Yao hated the iron. "Although it's a big detour, doesn't this allow Tan Ai to recognize that it was his body?"

Ning Yao spread his hands: "After all, he can testify that what Chi Nian stuffed into the garbage truck was a complete Chi Zhongwu, and he happened to need the DNA of the deceased to prove his inheritance rights. He was the only one who had the motive to dismember and move the body. .”

"He admits that dismemberment and relocation is at best a crime of insulting the corpse. It will not affect the inheritance, but it can completely crucify his competitors. He has no reason not to admit it."

"If there is no key evidence, then we will induce him to admit the entire crime process step by step."

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