Don't follow the rules

Chapter 377 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Let Tan Ai... identify his criminal process piece by piece, piece it together, then combine it with other clues and evidence, eliminate the parts that can be refuted, and finally restore the entire case?" Geng Xun's eyes lit up.

"Correct answer!" Ning Yao gave him a thumbs up. "Although it is trivial and troublesome, this is the only way I can think of without direct evidence."

Geng Xun thought for a moment: "You can give it a try." Then he stood up and quickly typed on his phone to arrange the relevant matters.

"I will discuss with Chi Nian and ask her to cooperate as much as possible."

"Thank you for your hard work. You still have to coax the uncooperative eldest lady." Ning Yao patted him on the shoulder.

But Geng Xun followed Ning Yao's hand and patted his shoulder in turn: "It's not hard work. While achieving justice in the outcome, it can also ensure procedural justice, bring the murderer to justice, and maintain the dignity of the law. This is the greatest comfort to me, coaxing the arrogant young lady is nothing at all."

Ning Yao retracted her hand to cover the bandage on her face: "Damn it, such dazzling decent holy light..."

Geng Xun laughed: "Aren't you blind? Can I still dazzle your eyes?"

Ning Yao put down his hands angrily: "Actually, I'm not really blind."

"I know." Geng Xun was not surprised at all. "I have your passenger information here. Basic physical information and work unit are all recorded."

"So you know?" Ning Yao relaxed, "Then why didn't you expose me when I pretended to be blind, and you still accompanied me to play with my special powers?"

"I don't care if you are doing magic, special powers or supernatural powers, I just care that I have to complete my job." Geng Xun answered very calmly.

"There are a lot of weird things in this world. Even if there are restrictions on these powers on the ship, there are always powers beyond the rules. In short, I am immune to the tricks of you passengers, let alone blind people reading the road. , even if you can now smell the color with your nose and taste it with your feet, I won’t find it that strange.”

Ning Yao originally just wanted to follow him and say "You are really well-informed", but suddenly realized something, bit his tongue and changed the topic: "As long as the power exceeds the rules of this ship, Can I ignore the rules here and use my abilities at will?"

Geng Xun poured a cup of tea for Ning Yao and handed it to him, deciding not to discuss this sensitive topic in depth: "Sit down and wait for the news from Tan Ai. I have already called other police officers to go to his room. As long as he Enter the set and I believe you will be able to move to the next step soon.”

Ning Yao refused to give up: "You have seen passengers who can use special abilities on this ship without being punished by the rules, right?"

Geng Xun sighed: "I am just an ordinary person and I don't know about things that are beyond common sense and cognition."

"Then who knows?" Ning Yao continued to ask, "Captain Geng, you can rest assured. I promise you are just asking. I will never do whatever you want on the ship just because you have mastered advanced technology."

Geng Xun rolled his eyes, sipped the disposable paper cup in his hand, and drank an earth-shattering amount of water.

"To be honest," Ning Yaopa pulled open his water glass. "I may really need to use some special skills, even if it is under a certain degree of restraint. We can discuss it."

Geng Xun still didn't speak. He even took out his cell phone and started scrolling aimlessly.

"Please~" Ning Yao said and was about to kneel down, but Geng Xun pinched his neck and helped him up.

"What do you think you are doing? The man has gold at his knees, so don't do this worthless thing." Geng Xun said.

Ning Yao's voice was hoarse: "Brother, I can't breathe."

Geng Xun let go of his hand: "I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you."

Ning Yao gasped for air: "That's not the point. The point is, I really need this information."

"Why are you so arrogant?" Geng Xun almost laughed out loud. "The tacit understanding between adults is to stop there. I have politely refused to answer your question. Don't you understand?"

"I understand, but I also understand one thing." Ning Yao said firmly, "A martyr girl is afraid of stalking a man!"

Geng Xun had a headache: "Although I roughly understand what you mean, this is not how the saying is used..."


The phone rang. Geng Xun seemed to have found his savior and quickly took out his phone to check. "He admitted it!" Geng Xun was excited. "As you expected, this kid really couldn't bear the fat in his mouth and admitted that he saw Chi Nian killing the deceased."

"Great!" Ning Yao also jumped up, "Let's go! Go downstairs, let's pursue the victory!"


Tan Ai felt that he had never been as excited as he was today in the short period of more than 20 years. The roller coaster of life was full of ups and downs, and he tasted all the ups and downs of the world in just a few hours after the sun went down.

He wasn't sure whether he made the right move, but he knew that a person might only have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to completely change his life. Since he had already committed murder, he didn't mind playing a bigger game.

It will never be worse than the hard days before.

What's more, he threw all the evidence into the sea and no one could convict him.

Thinking of this, Tan Ai couldn't help but evoke a sinister smile, and he no longer even managed his expression or avoided the record-keeper in front of him.

The recorder worked diligently to record the exchanges between Tan Ai and everyone in the reception room, helping to sort out so many clues. Now he can basically restore the full picture of the incident without using his brain.

Although he was full of contempt in his heart, but out of professionalism, he still pretended to be a background blankly, until Tan Ai showed this ambitious smile.

"Bah." The recorder secretly spat on the ground. Although he didn't speak, it was obvious that he had lost his composure.

Tan Ai seemed to have a nerve stung: "What are you doing?"

The recorder didn't answer. He just tilted his head and tapped on his notebook, making crackling noises on purpose.

Tan Ai snorted lightly, grinned, and leaned back on the chair: "Look down on me?"

The recorder remained silent, not even raising his eyelids.

"It doesn't matter. I know you all look down on me. I've long been used to it." Tan Ai crossed his legs.

"But after today, I will be richer than all of you. I will become the most honorable and respected person in Zhenxing City. I can also be a philanthropist. Oh, by the way, I can also be a collector like that dead old man. . And you guys, who look down on others, can only work until you die with a salary that is only worth my meal, hahahahahaha!"

The recorder resisted the urge to roll his eyes and lowered his head.

"Wow, you are smiling so happily? It seems that I came at the right time. But it's a little too early to be proud now, Mr. Tan Ai." Geng Xun opened the door, skillfully pulled out the chair and sat across from Tan Ai, who was laughing wildly. .

Tan Ai shut up instantly and his face became tense.

"Oh~ so nervous? It seems that you still know that your confession is not strong enough to let Chi Nian in?"

Tan Ai put down his legs and sat upright again: "I have explained it in detail, what else do you want to hear?"

"I want to hear the truth." Geng Xun said sincerely.

"What I'm telling you is the truth. I followed Chi Nian and saw her strangling Chi Zhongwu to death, and then planned to destroy the body and eliminate traces. It's that simple."

"Are you sure you saw her strangling someone?" Geng Xun asked again and again. "Is it possible that she just squatted down to check on the unconscious old father? Or maybe she was giving rescue, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation or something. You I'm just following her, maybe I can't see the movements of her hands clearly?"

"There is no such possibility. I saw it clearly. I saw with my own eyes that she put the belt around the old man's neck." Tan Ai kept emphasizing that he had clearly seen Chi Nian's murder process, and his sincere words were enough. I swore to heaven.

"A belt?" Geng Xun supported his chin with one hand, his face expressionless, "What belt?"

Thanks to Shauyu for your monthly vote! I love you, I love you~ ( ̄3 ̄)

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