Don't follow the rules

Chapter 381 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"No, I can't stay afloat on the sea for a second and I'll be knocked down!" Ning Yao capsized again.

The plan to float up faced great obstacles. Not only did he have to face large waves and eddies on the sea, but what was even worse was that tiny bubbles began to appear on his painting, making him look in danger.

"Try again." The solar sailboat readjusted its posture, lowered the stern, and raised the bow. "Hold on, I will take you directly to take off. If you don't stay on the sea, I don't believe it can still set off a tsunami?"

"It's too late..." Ning Yao suddenly let go of the boat.

He was suspended in the water and slowly raised his hands in front of his eyes. He could clearly see that the skin on his fingertips had been completely worn away, and Apophis' snake slough had finally completely broken through his defenses.

A large amount of black mist spurted outwards along Ning Yao's fingertips, instantly staining the nearby sea area.

The turbulent seawater at night intertwined with the majestic black mist in his body. The two originally similar substances instantly blended together, and his consciousness began to be uncontrollably carried by the ocean currents, sinking to the depths of the ocean.

Overhead, the shouts of the sun sailing boat gradually faded away.

Although he lost the body maintained by the snake slough, Ning Yao did not lose consciousness and become a chaotic soul like an ordinary person who fell into the water. In other words, he had not been as awake as now for a long time, and all his perceptions were doubled. His tentacles are spread across almost the entire ocean.

Such a familiar feeling.

The world is in chaos, just like the beginning of everything.

Just like this, floating in the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness without substance, indistinguishable from them - or in other words, the former Ning Yao and them were one and the same.

Until, he saw a beam of light.

A ray of light appeared from the bottom of the sea, penetrating the thick darkness, and the ticking of the hands across the dial attracted the confused Ning Yao.

Ning Yao sinks herself downwards, trying to get closer to the light, blocking out the noise in her ears and hearing the familiar voice.

Tick ​​tick
Zhizi... The patient... Zhizi... Recently, his brain waves have become much more active than before...

Tick ​​tick seems that hypnosis is quite effective in awakening deep consciousness
Tick ​​tick
Let's add a few more courses of treatment. If this continues, there is a high probability that the patient will be able to wake up and heal...

Tick ​​tick
I can’t say exactly when. It depends on the patient’s own will to survive.


On the Fafafa cruise ship that was sailing smoothly, all the garden eels in the fish tank emerged from under the thick layer of gravel. The fish's body was stretched straight, and all the fish heads pointed anxiously to the north, trembling continuously.

Manyi rolled over from the sofa and crawled to the fish tank: "Lao Chu? What's wrong with you?"

An Han put down his cell phone, his face livid: "Ning Yao must have gone into the water. He didn't answer the phone and kept ringing until it automatically hung up."

Assistant Tang's lips were pressed into a tight line, his brows were furrowed, and his fingers kept flying on the notebook.

Xin Cheng pulled Yingying, who was about to run away: "Sister, don't be impatient yet!"

Yingying shook him off: "Let go! I personally promised to protect Ning Yao. If something happens to him under my nose, how do you want me to explain to Chunyu... and the commander?!"

An Han lowered his head: "How do you protect yourself? Are you more awesome? Can you survive in this kind of sea water?"

Yingying was silent for a moment. She was really not sure. They didn't even understand the situation in the sea until Ning Yao's accident. If she went into the sea rashly, she might just lose her life in vain.

Xin Cheng patted Ying Ying on the shoulder: "How about we call the police? This cruise ship has been on the high seas so many times, and the police on the ship must have dealt with similar incidents."

An Han also agreed with Xin Cheng's suggestion: "This time we did not take Captain Geng's warning seriously. Since Captain Geng and others know about the problem of sea water, calling the police is definitely more reliable than just relying on us to mess around." No. did not get involved in the chaos behind him. Instead, he lay in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and stared out the window quietly. Only where the lights of the cruise ship illuminated could one barely see the rolling waves, and everything else was completely dark.

Although he couldn't see Ning Yao from the sea, he had an inseparable connection with Ning Yao, allowing him to sense Ning Yao's state.

Because they share the same file name, he is Ning Yao's electronic copy.

"Ning Yao is going over there." Number 1 pointed forward.

"What?" An Han walked quickly to No. 1 and looked in the direction of his finger.

Of course, An Han couldn't see anything.

No. 1 did not lower his arm, but still pointed straight forward, with his fingertips gradually pointing downward: "He's going down."

"Go down?" An Han became more and more uneasy. "What do you mean by going down? This is the sea."

Number 1: "He spread."

"No. 1." An Han squatted down and asked seriously: "Did you sense something? Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your wording? Diffusion?"

No. 1 nodded: "Like ink dripping in clear water, spreading and becoming thin."

"It's over." Manyi ran to the window holding the fish tank. "Listening to this description, Ning Yao may have been distracted."

"Then, I have to collect his soul as soon as possible! If I wait too long, he will lose his soul." Yingying was so anxious that she almost cried.

An Han shook No. 1's little hand: "Don't be nervous, just feel it. Where is Ning Yao?"

Number 1 tilted his head: "It's very far. If you drive, it will take about forty or fifty minutes, right?"

An Han quickly calculated: "Forty to fifty minutes' drive, based on my daily speed... It's about fifty kilometers away. How can he run so fast?"

Assistant Tang came over and showed the laptop screen to everyone: "Fifty kilometers due north, I guess he has already caught up with the drone. What is displayed on the screen is the positioning signal of the drone, which is now slightly farther away. Yes, the position we sent to Ning Yao was twenty-five nautical miles due north, about forty-six kilometers."

"It's too far away, I can't receive the soul..." He murmured.

Manyi clicked her tongue: "We haven't contacted each other for just a few minutes, how could we travel so far away?"

Number 1 raised his face and said, "He has a little white boat, and the little white boat can run very fast."

Manyi turned around and found a table to put down the fish tank: "The commander is really clever. In this situation, I am the only one who can help him."

Everyone looked at Manyi, and Yingying was even more excited: "It's so far away, are you sure?!"

"I may not be good at the fighting and killing techniques of the field team, but I am very good at the techniques related to the soul." Manyi waved her hand, and everyone immediately made way for him very sensibly.

"Don't say it's only fifty kilometers away, even if it's thousands of miles away, if I know the specific location, I can help him fix his soul." Manyi kneaded on her chest, and a light golden flame ignited on her fingertips.

"Tai Shang Ying Xing, constantly adapting to changes, mysteries are in my eyes, my soul is in my heart, my energy and spirit are gathered in the cauldron, and I am confused and invisible - Ning Yao! Respond to me quickly!"

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