Don't follow the rules

Chapter 382 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

After reciting the incantation, Manyi pointed forward, and the flame shadow on her hand condensed into a beam of red-gold light, which shot into the night. Everyone's eyes also followed the golden flame shadow on Manyi's fingertips.

For a long time, Manyi remained motionless pointing to the sea. The people watching did not dare to express their anger, which caused a silence in the room.

During this period of time, Assistant Tang completed the reconstruction of his world view, and asked in a delirious but emotionally stable manner: "So, what is the situation now?"

Manyi raised her head and smiled guiltily at Yingying: "What... Captain Jiang, I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Yingying's hair stood on end: "You never talk to me like this. It seems there is no good news..."

"No, no, there is good news," Manyi said. "The good news is that my Thousand Mile Soul Chasing Technique successfully reached Ning Yao, and he also responded to me."

Yingying breathed a sigh of relief: "I can still respond, it's not too bad."

Manyi continued: "The bad news is... Ning Yao's body has died, leaving only a soul."

Yingying's knees became weak and he fell to the ground with a thud. An Han beside him couldn't even help him.

"It's over, it's over..." Tears rolled down her eyes, "Ning Yao is dead. I failed to protect him. Chunyu will kill me if he finds out!"

Manyi coughed twice in embarrassment: "Actually, he still has a soul, so he can't be considered dead..."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the fish tank on the table, and he looked at each other in disbelief with the surrounding garden eels: "It's okay to find a stupid container for Ning Yao and stuff it into it, and we can deal with it for a while."

"Wuwuwuwu, what do you mean?" Yingying was grabbing An Han's clothes and crying. When he heard this, he turned around and asked.

Manyi explained: "I used the soul-taking technique to put Ning Yao's soul into a container, and when I found a suitable body, I took his soul out and put it into a new body. In fact, as long as the soul is intact, in my opinion They are not considered dead."

An Han complained: "So the rumors about you robbing people from the King of Hell are true?"

Manyi curled her lips and said, "My reputation for staying at midnight is not in vain."

An Han helped Ying Ying up: "Okay, now the first priority is to find a container for Ning Yao. Do you have any requirements for the container you need?"

Manyi: "First of all, it must be alive. If it is a human body, it is best to be an empty shell without a soul. If it is an animal body, it cannot be enlightened."

He looked away from the fish tank: "Finally, the container should be larger, and the closer it is to a human body, the better. If it is too small, it may not be able to bear a complete human soul, and you will have to gather many small containers to hold it."

Assistant Tang turned on the computer: "Let me search first to see if there are any passengers carrying dogs that are about the same size as humans."

Xin Cheng pressed Assistant Tang's hand: "Do you believe that he will be the first to bite you to death when he comes alive?"

An Han came over and said, "Don't choose at this time. Just let the dog be a dog."

Yingying pushed An Han away: "Damn Green Tea, you are obviously retaliating."

Number 1 came over and said, "Can I see if anyone is cultivating paramecium?"

Everyone was arguing non-stop. Assistant Tang looked at the computer expressionlessly and paused: "Huh? The signal of the drone has moved. It is moving against the current and is approaching us at high speed."

Xin Cheng was excited: "As expected of my second brother, he can still complete the mission even though everyone is dead!"


"Hey, what kind of noise is this?" Manyi was so noisy that she felt dizzy. "It's so late at night. Are you setting off the air defense siren?"

"This is... bad!" An Han suddenly reacted and shouted anxiously: "It must be the alarm of the supernatural power monitor! The spell cast by Dr. Man triggered the alarm!"

Hearing this, Assistant Tang quickly clicked on the surveillance camera on this floor, and sure enough he found many sailors in uniforms quickly approaching their room. Manyi looked stern: "If I were caught by them now and expelled from the ship, I would probably not have time to complete the Soul Conjuring Technique."

Yingying wiped away her tears and immediately got into the mood: "You guys run first and move around. Don't just stay in one place and wait for someone to catch you. I will block you from behind to delay time. Hurry up and find a container for Ning Yao!" "

Assistant Tang replaced his notebook with a lighter tablet, led everyone out of the room through the back door, and temporarily moved the floor.

"After we left, they immediately started going downstairs without entering the room to check. This shows that these sailors were able to locate Dr. Man in real time."

Manyi nodded: "Understood, now is the speed of life and death."

An Han was checking the registered animals on the cruise ship on Assistant Tang’s other tablet: “Some of the passengers did bring large dogs, but we need to consider whether pet owners can accept Ning Yao possessing their pets. With dogs, negotiations are likely to take a long time, and we don’t have much time to waste on this matter.”

"So I looked at some of the captive poultry raised to provide fresh ingredients for the ship's restaurants. Currently, there are three cows, more than 20 pigs, and several chickens, ducks and geese that can be listed as options. These are all our Now you can buy it directly with money.”

While he was talking, a group of sailors surrounded him from both sides of the stairs.

With one hand, Yingying jumped directly into the face of the sailor downstairs, and kicked the sailor in front of him, causing them to fall backward one by one like dominoes.


Yingying held down the sailors who were falling and let Manyi and others go first.

"I'm sorry!" Xin Cheng apologized loudly, closing his eyes tightly, stepping on the people on the ground as if stepping on his own feet, squeaking all the way.

Manyi and the others finally managed to escape from the building, but it was not safe on the deck. More sailors even gathered from a distance, so they could only choose a direction with fewer people to escape.

"Where are the three cows?" Manyi shouted, "Quick victory!"

At this time, An Han was secretly thanking Yingying for giving him specially customized physical training on the passenger ship, so that he could now keep running at high speed while still being distracted from checking information.

"In the Crystal Palace building! These are the ingredients they prepared for today's dinner, and they didn't have time to slaughter them!" An Han shouted.

"That's just right..." Assistant Tang struggled to keep up. "The drone signal is moving closer here. When we receive Ning Yao, we can also submit the evidence of the murder to the police..."

Xin Cheng supported Assistant Tang: "You're out of breath, but don't die. Do you want me to carry you?"

Everyone ran into the Crystal Palace building, only to encounter a group of sailors. They turned and looked outside the building, and the pursuit team behind them had also followed.

"There are too many people. You can't stop them." An Han was sweating profusely.

"Indeed..." Assistant Tang glanced at the tablet weakly, "Go up, go upstairs. There are policemen protecting the murder scene, not many sailors."

Then he sat down on the ground: "You guys run, I can't run anymore, I'll give you the tablet..."

Xin Cheng took the tablet and looked at Assistant Tang as if looking at a comrade who was about to die: "Promise to complete the mission."

Assistant Tang waved his hands at them: "Anyway, I won't be arrested..."

There was no time to say goodbye, and the enemy was already in front of her. Manyi prepared to fight, but No. 1 took the lead.

Number 1, who had always been a good baby, suddenly flew forward, bared his zombie fangs, raised his cyan claws, and blocked the sailors in the hall.

Taking advantage of the moment when the sailors were frightened, Manyi broke through and led An Han and Xin Cheng upstairs.

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