Don't follow the rules

Chapter 383 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Xin Cheng wiped his tears and ran while holding the tablet: "In just one encounter, our army lost two comrades."

Manyi didn't have time to take care of his sadness. She just raised her right hand high and looked around: "Where are the cows? Where are the three cows?!"

An Han quickly checked the tablet and suddenly stopped: "Stop, stop, stop! The cow is downstairs! We forgot that the Chi family's dinner is on the first floor!"

The three of them looked downstairs, only to see that number one had been held down by several people, and the other sailors were going upstairs.

"I can't go down. Are there any animals upstairs?" Manyi immediately gave up her original plan.

Xin Cheng had a flash of inspiration: "Yes! The aquarium on the top floor, Old Man Chi's pet, the stingray as big as a human!"

"Why is his dad's fish again..." Manyi secretly spat, "I don't have time to choose, just fish."

An Han sent real-time surveillance: "The sailors and the police seem to belong to different forces. There are no sailors in the high-floor area where the police are concentrated. The sailors seem to be planning to stop us before we run to the floor where the police are. We can see everything Stairs and fire escapes are fenced off.”

"Is there still a way?" Manyi shouted, "I don't want to hear analysis, just give me a plan!"

"Wait!" Xin Cheng suddenly dug into his pocket and took out a matte metal card: "One of the privileges of the rich - VIP elevator."

Without further ado, the three of them immediately turned around and headed for the elevator.

The chasing sailors didn't seem to expect that Manyi and the others would dare to take the elevator under such circumstances, so they could only go to the upper floor and press the button.

However, VIP elevators must have a VIP card to open. This is specially designed to protect the privacy of wealthy people. Without a VIP card, the elevator will not stop at any floor according to the button instructions.

The three of them lay back to back, slumped like mud on the elevator floor, gasping for air.

"It's the money that comes in handy at critical moments..." An Han sighed.

Xin Cheng kissed the card in his hand and said, "Thank you, Luo Suo Xiaotang. I thought it was too troublesome to bring it with me before, but I didn't expect it to be useful."

Manyi didn't say anything. She took advantage of the short elevator ascending time to aim at the soul body of Ning Yao that she had already located before, and began to capture the soul.


The further you sink into the depths of the ocean, the clearer Ning Yao's spreading perception becomes.

In addition to the familiar voice that has been lingering in his ears, he can gradually see some pictures that do not belong to the bottom of the sea.

It seems to be a room.

And he was looking down from the perspective of the ceiling.

"Hypnosis is an auxiliary therapy"

"Although we can't wake up the patient directly, we can subtly implant the information we want to tell him."

"You know, it's like Inception..."

"...We can build a safe environment for his personality, protect his ego and superego, and stimulate his id, which is his desire to survive."

"...Give the patient appropriate stimulation..."

"...Usually when patients realize that they are in a dream, they will most likely be able to take back the power to control the dream."

"As long as he still has the will to live, he can choose to wake up."

Ning Yao tried hard to look at the source of the sound. The chattering white figure seemed to be a doctor, or a psychiatrist.

There is a bed opposite the doctor. According to logical inference, it should be the bed of the "patient" he calls it.

There were a few people sparsely gathered in front of the bed, and they couldn't see their faces clearly, and they couldn't feel the sadness. It was probably because the patient had been in bed for too long, and the family members' emotions had stabilized.

Ning Yao could even smell their emotions as they listened to the doctor's report, and there was a bit of joy in the air filled with the smell of disinfectant.

It's understandable, after all, what the doctor just said was good news.

But why do you see this scene on the seabed?
Too baffling, right?
Ning Yao took the initiative to scroll down, wanting to go deeper into the scene. He wanted to see who the doctor with a familiar voice was, and also wanted to know who was lying on the bed.

Close, close. When Ning Yao sank to the top of the white figure's head, the white figure seemed to sense it. Suddenly he raised his head and met Ning Yao's eyes in the void.

"Is it you?" Ning Yao really knew him.

The white figure's face gradually emerged with a clear outline, it was Man Yi.

Manyi raised her head, stared intently at the black mist on the ceiling that did not belong to the ward space, and spoke slowly: "You have crossed the line."

This was like a dull but shocking alarm bell, instantly knocking Ning Yao from the dry and calm ward back to the dark and deep seabed.

"Ning Yao! Answer me!"

Is it Manyi’s voice again?
Coming from the sea, but extremely penetrating.

Just this sound stopped the spread of Ning Yao's chaos, causing him to revolve and regroup with the rotating sun and moon eyes of Horus as the core.

"It's time to go back... But now that the painting has been completely destroyed, how should I explain my identity to everyone..."

Ning Yao didn't hesitate for too long, and Manyi gave the answer.

A strong attraction pulled him away from the sea of ​​chaos, beat and squeezed him, crushed him into a small ball, and flew away in the direction of the cruise ship.

"Fine~ Don't bother, it seems they have treated me as dead~" Ning Yao relaxed and did not resist, letting the force pull him, and also called the sun sailing boat to follow along the way.

Unexpectedly, at the moment Ning Yao's soul ball was leaving the sea, the entire sea suddenly boiled, and tiny water droplets kept jumping up, as if they couldn't accept Ning Yao's consciousness leaving their common group alone.

Every drop of water is angry until it sets off a huge wave.

"Gan!" Ning Yao frantically delivered a message to Manyi, "Stop! There's a tsunami!"

In the elevator, Manyi frowned: "Huh?"

"What's wrong?" Xin Cheng asked.

"Ning Yao's soul is resisting my guidance. It was fine just now, so how could it suddenly resist? I have captured souls many times, and this has never happened before." Manyi was very puzzled.

An Han's mind was wide open: "Did he hear that we were going to call him back and stuff him on the dog?"

Xin Cheng: "Didn't we agree to stuff it into the fish?"

An Han: "This is coming and going, maybe there will be a delay?"

"No." Manyi denied the two's speculation. "Ning Yao can't hear what's happening on our side. There must be some accident on his side."

An Han: "Then do we want to disconnect?"

Manyi rolled her eyes: "Brother, do you think you are playing a game? You can reconnect after being disconnected? This is a soul-possession technique. If it is interrupted, it will cause great trauma to the soul."

Xin Cheng was anxious: "What should we do?"

"It's cool." Manyi pulled back the hand that was holding the knot, "Let's get the person back first."


"Ah, ah, this is really..." Du Jingxiu stood in front of the window, "It's spectacular~"

Rao Ze was speechless: "Should I say that it's them? It's really a toss-up."

Du Jingxiu turned around and sat back at the table: "Tsunami has also seen it, has Mr. Zhong not thought about his move yet?"

Mr. Zhong, who was sitting opposite Du Jingxiu, held a crystal chess piece between his fingertips and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, this wave is still so far away. Let me think about it again."

Rao Ze couldn't help complaining: "I asked you two to play checkers, what do you think about it?"

"Shh~" Manager Zhong put his index finger gently in front of his lips, "A true gentleman watches the chess game without saying a word."

Rao sneered and turned his face expressionlessly to the floor-to-ceiling window to admire the tsunami.

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