Don't follow the rules

Chapter 415 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 415: Cruise ship (one hundred and seventeen)

"Qiang Qiang! The hero is back! Why don't you come out quickly to greet him?"

Ning Yao and Ying Ying had no intention of hiding the story of sneaking into the warehouse, and just shouted away across the corridor.

Xin Cheng came out to greet us very proudly: "Wow! Second brother, sister Yingying, you are back!"

He pushed open the door, shook An Han from his nap, and then approached Ning Yao, trying to lower his excited voice and asked, "Did you grab the tree?"

"Humph~" Ning Yao raised her head proudly, "It's so pointless to snatch it away. We chose a more thorough method of eradicating the weeds."

An Han rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses: "Eradicate the root of the problem? Are you burning the whole camp?"

"The Burning Battalion is so rude, how could I use such unrefined and unartistic techniques?" Ning Yao shook his head and pretended.

"That's a lot of nonsense," An Han said mockingly, "If you can use the Burning Company, you must be thinking that your ancestors have over-kowtowed to Lu Xun. You actually dare to say such nonsense that the Burning Company is not artistic."

Ning Yao: "Why are you so anxious? Are you a Lu Xun fan?"

An Han: "You don't understand the art of strategy at all."

Yingying walked to the middle, reached out, pinched their mouths, and stretched their mouths like two funny geese: "Stop!"

"Either discuss the action just now, or shut up. I don't want to hear the word 'art' again. Do you understand me?!"

"Uh huh!" The two nodded quickly.

Yingying let go of his hand, and Ning Yao and An Han each had a swollen sausage mouth and continued the conversation with difficulty.

Ning Yao's eyes were crooked and his mouth was drooling: "Well... I sprinkled a handful of insects on that tree. Now, the tree is in the warehouse, but it is completely dead."

An Han looked at Ning Yao's unintelligent look and instantly gave up the idea of ​​quarreling with him. He swallowed all the words that came to his mouth and just covered his mouth and groaned: "Yeah."

Xin Cheng was excited: "Wow! Second brother is awesome! That guy named Du spent 100 million shipping coins. When he received the goods, he saw it was a dead tree! Hahaha, I can't wait to see them. Expression."

"Hehe, I, Chi Liu, think so~" Ning Yao gloated incoherently.

Amid the commotion, the afternoon auction quietly kicked off.

Zhong Ming appeared in front of the auction table on time, but his expression was not as relaxed and happy as in the previous scenes.

She held up a pure white card with small words written on it: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received the news that some dangerous elements have sneaked into our bank's storage center with the intention of committing theft during the patrol shift of sailors. Fortunately, they did not break through our anti-theft facilities. You can rest assured that none of our lots were lost.”

"But what we have to admit is that we still underestimated the evil of human nature and the destructiveness of dangerous elements. They failed to steal, and actually wanted to destroy the warehouse in anger. Under our heavy protection, one lot was still damaged. Severe and irreversible damage.”

Ning Yao pointed to her nose proudly: "I did it!"

Zhong Ming did not react to Ning Yao's provocation, but continued: "Now we have identified the suspects who violated the regulations through surveillance, and decided to punish the suspects as follows in accordance with relevant regulations:

1. The lot has been sold, and the violator must pay compensation to the buyer of the lot according to the transaction price;
2. I will cancel the auction bidding qualifications of violators in accordance with the regulations. "

"What..." Ning Yao was stunned. Before he could curse, he heard the auction terminal in Xin Cheng's hand suddenly shout loudly.


[Please note that your bid has been cancelled. ]
[Please note that your bid has been cancelled. ]
[You have withdrawn from the bidding of the hidden bid lot, and the deposit has been returned to the original account. ]
[Please contact the staff to discuss compensation matters. ]
"Oh haha" An Han clapped his hands expressionlessly, "Now we are the ones who are the ones who spent 100 million to buy the dead tree." Ning Yao clenched his fists and stared at the screen with his eyes. As expected, Zhong Ming turned his head and gave the camera a suitably provocative smile.

"She did it on purpose!" Ning Yao finally reacted.

"She removed the patrolling sailors, deliberately let us in to destroy Du Jingxiu's auction, and then turned the spear around and stabbed us again!"

Yingying didn't understand very much: "Why is she doing this?"

"What are you trying to do?" Ning Yao sneered, "She's just trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

An Han caught his implication: "It won't be so troublesome to let you kill the tree, right? actually know why she arranged this for you?"

Ning Yao directly revealed the information she had found out: "She wants to go ashore, wants to bring her rules to mix in Zhen Xing's strange stories, and wants Zhen Xing's situation to change from a divided court to a tripartite confrontation."

Yingying clenched her fists: "I don't even think about how much I weigh. She can stir up wind and waves in the sea, but that's not the case on land."

An Han began to think about it: "If this is the case, then I can probably deduce the deal between her and Du Jingxiu. If she wants to go ashore, she must need Du Jingxiu to transfer part of his rights and interests in Zhenxing to let her gain a foothold. As a reward, she may agree She will definitely let Du Jingxiu get the target lot. But in fact, she doesn't want Du Jingxiu to take away this 'help', so she simply uses a little trick to let Ning Yao go in and harm the tree."

"Such a borrowing-the-knife approach not only violates his promise, but also prevents Du Jingxiu from growing his power in Zhenxing."

Xin Cheng added with a sad face: "I can still extort some money."

An Han: "You can also blackmail a sum of money. It's like killing three birds with one stone."

Ning Yao was so angry that she almost fainted: "No one can extort my money!"

Xin Cheng felt aggrieved: "It's my money."

Ning Yao: "Good brother, what's yours and mine? Don't worry, I'm going to trouble Zhong Ming right now. She won't even think of taking a dime out of our pocket!"


Manyi sat close to the backstage, listening thoughtfully to Zhong Ming's impassioned speech in front of the stage.

Especially her sentence "the interval between sailor patrols" caught Manyi's attention.

He had to think that the order he issued to stop the patrol gave the so-called "violator" the opportunity to destroy the auction?

So Zhong Ming arranged this inexplicable episode through his mouth?
There won't be any pitfalls, right?
Do you need to be responsible?

No matter how I think about it, I feel bad...

He lowered his head and looked at the white microphone in his hand.

Before Zhong Ming came on stage, he specifically told Manyi to sit near the porthole and told him to immediately give the command to "weigh anchor" to the other end of the microphone when he saw the port flag appearing in the porthole.

But if you think about it carefully, if the ship is going to dock, shouldn't it lower the anchor?

Manyi's heart was in doubt for some reason. Could she really give such an order that was obviously counter-intuitive?

Wouldn't it be against the rules?

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