Don't follow the rules

Chapter 416 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 416: Cruise ship (one hundred and eighteen)

After clearing her mind, Ning Yao finally confirmed that she had been played hard by Zhong Ming.

Without saying much, he rolled up his sleeves and headed straight to the auction venue with great energy. An Han, who was still talking at the side, couldn't even pull him back.

"Hey..." An Han's hand was clasped in the air. Looking at Ning Yao's retreating back, he could only glance helplessly, "Why don't you pull it?"

Yingying was also very angry. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Why do you want to stop me? If he wants to go, just let him go. You have to give Zhongming some color to make her honest."

"Can Ning Yao beat her?" An Han asked.

"Uh, this, probably...can't beat it, right?" Yingying felt a little guilty.

"Can you beat her?" An Han continued to ask.

"Uh, um, aren't I restricted from using my spiritual power now..." Yingying's voice even weakened.

An Han pushed up his glasses: "So why can you give Zhong Ming a look?"

Yingying bit her lower lip and silently chased Ning Yao out.


From a distance, Manyi could almost see the ships near the port. It was daytime now, and although he had not seen the lighthouse yet, he was sure that the cruise ship would officially enter the port within a minute.

He squeezed the white microphone in his hand.

Should we say the command to "weigh anchor"?

Suddenly, a familiar figure quickly passed by the window.

"Ning Yao?!"

Manyi's eyes were poisonous and he immediately recognized his teammates. He stood up and wanted to stop them from the window.

However, Ning Yao, who was so angry, was walking so fast that he didn't even hear the greeting behind him.

Next to the seat Zhong Ming arranged for Manyi was a decorative porthole that could not be opened. He could only press his face against the window and look curiously towards the end of the corridor in Ning Yao's direction.

As expected, Ning Yao was stopped outside the venue by two sailors who were responsible for guarding the gate.

"I'm looking for your boss!" Ning Yao shouted, "She promised me that I can come to her at any time before I get off the ship!"

The sailor at the door did not hesitate at all, and did not even consider "asking his superiors for instructions." He simply rejected Ning Yao's request: "President Zhong is presiding over the auction. No one is allowed to enter the venue to interfere, sir. ,Please keep quiet."

Seeing Ning Yao being blocked, Manyi on the court suddenly felt blessed.

He raised the white microphone in his hand and glanced at Zhong Ming, who was busy bidding for customers on the stage. After confirming that she had no time to pay attention, he quietly said into the microphone:

"All sailors have an order! Do not obstruct the movement of passenger Ning Yao and let him enter the auction venue."

The two sailors who were blocking Ning Yao suddenly stiffened when they heard the clear instructions coming from the earphones. Then they mechanically lowered their arms and turned their bodies sideways to make way for Ning Yao to enter and exit.

Ning Yao was a little confused by this sudden change. He wanted to enter but was worried about being deceived. He hesitated at the door for a while until Manyi called softly from behind the door: "Ning Yao, come in." ”

Ning Yao quickly got in and successfully met Manyi behind the door.

"Where is Zhong Ming?" Ning Yao asked impatiently.

Manyi pointed towards the table: "What are you looking for her for? Something happened in the auction house warehouse, and the auction is in full swing. Now the surroundings are full of newly recruited guard sailors. You didn't get permission. You can't do it at all." Can't get close to her."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly paused and muttered in a low voice: "Well, even if you can take a step back, she probably won't interrupt the auction for you even if you can remove these sailors."

Ning Yao's fists were clenched hard: "I don't care about her auction, I just know that if I can't give her two punches, it's really hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart." "What's wrong with her?" Manyi was curious.

"She is playing tricks on me." Ning Yao pointed at Zhong Ming angrily like a primary school student complaining.

Manyi was speechless: "That's it?"

Ning Yao: "She also wants to extort Xin Cheng's 100 million ship coins."

"One hundred million..." Manyi covered her mouth, "She really dares to speak."

"But now she is surrounded by so many cameras and has a live broadcast. If you just go up and punch Bang Bang twice, I don't know how much money she will blackmail..."

Ning Yao was very unconvinced: "What should I do? Do you want me to keep giving her money despite being so cowardly?"

Manyi squeezed the muscles on Ning Yao's arm: "I performed your resurrecting surgery, and I know the physical strength of your body best. Even if all interference factors are eliminated, and you and Zhong Ming are allowed to fight each other directly, you You can’t defeat others, so why humiliate yourself.”

Ning Yao became sluggish, and his original fighting cock-like momentum had long since been exhausted.

He raised his head and glanced at Manyi: "By the way, why did Zhong Ming put you here? Why are you still wearing a shirt and a white coat? You look like a human and a dog. Why are you here as a mascot?"

"Which organization dares to treat a talent like me as a mascot?" Manyi raised her head and straightened her collar.

"But I am indeed a little confused. It just so happens that you are here to help me with my advice."

"You said."

Manyi took out the white microphone: "Zhong Ming asked me to use this microphone to convey her instructions to the sailors."

Ning Yao took the microphone from his hand and looked over it over and over again. He found nothing unusual except for the phone cord at the end of the microphone, which was so long that it dragged on the ground and could not be seen at the end.

Manyi pointed to the door: "You were blocked by the sailor just now. It was I who told you through the microphone to let you in."

"It turned out to be you. I was wondering why those two idiots suddenly seemed to be down." Ning Yao suddenly realized.

"Wait a minute" Ning Yao suddenly raised her hand to interrupt Manyi who was about to continue speaking, and seriously confirmed to him again: "Can you give instructions to the sailors through this microphone?"

Manyi said: "Yes, but this is not a tiger charm. I know what you are thinking. Don't think of sailors as lifeless troops in a strategy game. They cannot be used to attack Zhongming."

"Tsk" Ning Yao said boringly, "Have you tried it?"

Manyi shook her head: "No need to try. The physical fitness of these sailors is just that of stronger ordinary people. There is no difference between commanding them to attack Zhongming and commanding them to jump into the sea."

"Okay, actually I want to ask another thing," Ning Yao said, "Did you ask the sailors in the storage center to suspend patrols?"

"It was Zhong Ming who asked me to give the order." Manyi said.

"Sure enough, it was she who dug the hole!" Ning Yao felt itchy with hatred.

Manyi thought for a moment, and finally couldn't help but tell Ning Yao her final instructions: "Before Zhong Ming came on stage, he told me to give the order to 'weigh anchor' through the microphone after seeing the land through the porthole."

"I always feel weird." He was a little uneasy.

"Weight anchor?" Ning Yao repeated with a frown.

"Weigh anchor at the shore?"

Memories from the bottom of the sea suddenly surged up.

He saw that under the already very blurry illusion, there was a long anchor chain, floating sideways in the sea, extending to the bottom of the cruise ship.

"Where's the anchor head of the anchor?" Ning Yao suddenly asked.

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