The whole family went into exile when they crossed, and evacuated the Hou's mansion all the way

Chapter 131 It turns out that these people have a lot of background!

Chapter 131 It turns out that these people have a lot of background!

He really didn't expect that after a whole night of nervousness, he would pass the test so smoothly.

"Thank you for your hard work, brother. How many years have you and that big brother outside been here?"

"How many years?"

Hearing Yu Zhengqing's words, the old yamen servant's thoughts seemed to drift away. He tried hard to remember, but couldn't help frowning slightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead became deeper and deeper.

"Brother Zhuang, why are you confused again? You have been 41 years, and I have been 23 years!"

The younger yamen servant came in with two oversized skewers of barbecued meat, just in time to see the old yamen servant trying to remember.

After laughing, he brought one of the skewers of barbecue in his hand to the old yamen servant, and couldn't help jokingly said!

"That's right! It's been 41 years. It's been 41 years. I've been here since I was 20 years old. At that time, there were more than 100 of us. Now this place is a school of its own. Those who come here voluntarily are not like us. No matter what the intersection, those who were exiled here will not slip away quietly. After all, ordinary people can't get out of the Jiuchong Mountain. Slowly, the court withdrew the others, and the remaining brothers all died one after another, leaving only the two of us."

Listening to Old Man Zhuang's words, Yu Zhengqing felt admiration from the bottom of his heart!
"You have been here for most of your life, and you have dedicated your life to the court. You are the most amazing people."

After listening to Yu Zhengqing's words, the two looked at each other and laughed again!
"Yes, we have dedicated most of our lives to this barbaric land and to the court. This is how our lives have been. By the way, what is your last name? Did you bring us anything this time? Our three-month salary It’s all gone. If you save enough for a year, when you go back, remember to go from the inn and help us send this year’s salary home.”


Yu Zhengqing was dumbfounded by the question!
He had no idea how much the monthly salary of these two government officials was, so how could he pay it?
"I just took over this time, and I haven't gotten used to too many things, and the higher-ups didn't remind me, so I forgot about the two of you. When I come next time, I will bring it to you. But I brought some white rice and white noodles. Bring it to the old buddy later."

"Okay, we've run out of rice noodles for two months, and it's really risky to go to the city to buy them. We barbecue every day, and our mouths are full of soaks. It's also good to cook some white rice porridge."

When old man Zhuang heard that although he had forgotten his salary, he still had white rice and white noodles, he immediately felt better.

But hearing his words, Yu Zhengqing felt somewhat uncomfortable.

To be honest, if he hadn't been exiled here, he really wouldn't have known that in this barren land, there are still two people who are so persistent. here.

Think about those dignitaries in the capital, wine pools and meat forests, romantic and romantic, and these two people who have dedicated their lives to the court, but they are lonely and hard in this bitter cold place, but they have always persevered.

Here they are even suffering more than those who came to be exiled.

Those criminals in exile, if they have the ability to survive, at least they still have hope. They hope that when the emperor amnesties the world suddenly, they may not be able to go back, but what about them?
They seemed to have been forgotten long ago, no one remembered their existence, and the imperial court did not replace them with new ones...

Who can remember the hardships of the people at the bottom, those high and powerful?

"You two haven't been home these years, so you haven't thought about it. Think of a way to go back? After all, you two must have relatives you haven't seen in decades, right?"

"Yes, why don't you want to? I joined the army when I was 16, and I was still a teenager when I left home. My parents, brothers and sisters are still at home, but who knew that the years would go by and there would be no hope of returning home once I left?"

The two looked at each other lonely for too long, and once Yu Zhengqing started the conversation, they couldn't stop.

As the old man Zhuang talked, his eyes were moistened.

The younger government servant on the side burst into tears.

"I'm 43 this year. I'm in the army. My family is engaged, but after going around, I was arranged here. Except that Liang Chao came to help us bring some family letters and money back, I have no contact with my family. My fiancée probably married long ago. If you are someone else, even now you are full of children and grandchildren, right?"

In ancient times, people got married early. Thinking about the person they missed day and night, the young government servant's tears fell down.

Seeing him like this, old man Zhuang slapped him on the shoulder, and suddenly corrected his tone!

"Whatever you cry, you see that Liang Chao can be transferred, maybe you can too. Didn't you say that before joining the army, your mother told your fortune, and that you will be rich in this life? You also said that you are destined to be full of children and grandchildren, and you are only 43 years old. , you have a lot of opportunities, but the old man, I am already at this age, if I die one day, you have to find me a place facing my hometown and bury it for me!"

"No, brother Zhuang, don't die. If the court doesn't send someone down after you die, I will be alone."

When the young yamen officer heard this, he wiped away the tears on his face and said hurriedly.

Old Man Zhuang laughed, "Okay, then let me live another 20 years and stay with you for 20 more years, old man!"

After the optimistic old man Zhuang laughed, he suddenly looked aside, at Yu Zhengqing who was somewhat affected by the emotions of the two of them.

"Little brother, I made you laugh. The two of us have nothing to do all day long. Apart from being homesick, we have nothing to do."

Yu Zhengqing came to his senses and waved his hand with a smile, "It's human nature to understand."

Thinking about the hardships of the two of them, Yu Zhengqing hastily took out the banknotes that he planned to save, and directly gave each of them one.

"By the way, the status of exiles in this line is not simple. The members of the Yu family still have two daughters in the capital. One is the princess and the other is Mrs. Shangshu. They manage quite a lot. The 200 taels of silver, They asked me to give it to you two."

"Oh, it turns out that these people are not young. They have a good relationship. Although the monthly gift didn't arrive in time, with the 100 taels of silver and the monthly gift they had saved before, they sent it back to their families. Have a good time."

Old Man Zhuang took the banknote and couldn't help but check the banknote carefully with a smile on his face. After confirming the amount on the banknote, his smile grew wider.

The sadness just now no longer exists.

"Yes! If it were Liang Chao, I don't know how much he would have to hide. We haven't encountered such a good thing for many years. It's better for you, brother, to give them their filial piety." It’s in our hands.”

(End of this chapter)

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