Chapter 132 Don't You Blame Me Anymore?
The young yamen servant hurriedly took out the purse from his bosom, stuffed the bank notes into the purse, and stuffed it into his bosom again.

"Brother Yuan, since you have accepted the benefits from others, you should go out and tell the big guys what happened in this barren land, so that they don't come and stay for a long time before they have to die."

After putting the banknote away, old man Zhuang looked at the young yamen servant and said in a good mood.


Hearing this, Yu Zhengqing followed and walked out.

Originally, old man Zhuang wanted to stay with Yu Zhengqing to talk for a while, but seeing that Yu Zhengqing followed out, he put the barbecue on the stone table inside, and followed out.

Waiting for a group of people to see Yu Zhengqing came out with two yamen servants, they looked surprised.

Especially Yu Luo's family of three, they never expected that the Lanyue Dynasty did not send an army to guard such a place of exile. Could it be that the court is not afraid of them escaping?

"Listen up, you guys. Our Lanyue Dynasty has no other requirements for the exiled prisoners, and we don't need you to do hard work. This barbaric land is just a prison with more freedom than a prison cell. This is also the Three Kingdoms There is a place for everyone to meet.

Continue to the north for five hundred miles to the desert, to the west is the border of Ximo Kingdom, to the east is Dongfeng Kingdom, to the northeast is a deserted land, and there is a vast ocean, and to the south is naturally our Lanyue Dynasty. There are tens of thousands of bandits in Jiuchong Mountain. You can do it yourself. If you want to be a fugitive, then go to the border of other countries. It depends on whether you can survive. You see, we are just two guards, we can't stop them, even if you pass under our noses, we will pretend not to see you, but as long as you can pass the Jiuzhong Mountain, you are considered heroes.

This barren land does not belong to any country, nor does it belong to our Lanyue Dynasty. After you go out, you need guides everywhere anyway. Even if you hide in the deep mountains and old forests, you will inevitably need to go down the mountain to buy salt, and ask the doctor to find medicine when you are sick. .

Anyway, in a word, you can figure it out. When you get here, you will fend for yourself. You can either go two hundred miles away to buy supplies in the closed city where those people from the rivers and lakes gather, or you can survive here on prey. "

At the end of the speech, Yuan Xiao looked at the sleigh cart of the group, and raised his eyebrows, "But it seems that your supplies are sufficient, and it depends on whether you can make it in time."

After hearing Yuan Xiao introduce the rules here, a group of people wearing prison clothes were filled with despair!

Sure enough, it was more difficult here than they imagined. Even without the constraints of the government, just surviving was the biggest problem.

No wonder the imperial court didn't waste personnel to guard it. After all, after thinking about the bandits in Jiuchong Mountain, it would be even more difficult for ordinary people.

Even if you leave Jiuchong Mountain, you need to check everywhere, check the road signs when entering the city, and check the road signs when entering the village. As long as the people in a village do not want to be implicated and imprisoned, they will not allow an unknown person to stay.

"Dare to ask the official, are there many people exiled from the Moon Dynasty? Where do most of them settle?"

Under Yu Luo's instigation, Ye Jiamei hastily asked.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiao looked at Ye Jiamei, and her eyes fell on Ye Jiamei's face. Even though she was only wearing a prison uniform, Ye Jiamei had a pretty face and delicate features, which directly made Yuan Xiao feel a little sorry.

"Most of them live [-] miles ahead, where there is a boundary line laid down by the imperial court with wooden stakes. The exiled criminals must cross the line [-] miles away, so most of them choose to get close to us. The boundaries of the Moon Dynasty.

However, we are just two officials, you can do whatever you want. "

Upon hearing this, Ye Jiamei nodded gratefully.

This means that they have to continue on their way today, and they have to cross the boundary set by the wooden stakes before leaving.

Although Yuan Xiao said this, there are almost no people here. In Ye Jiamei's opinion, it is better to live in a place with people, at least still from the same country.

After all, as far as the eye can see, there is nothing suitable for safe haven here.

"In that case, I won't disturb you two. Let's try to send them over today. I will set off back tomorrow and deliver the mission as soon as possible."

Yu Zhengqing greeted the two sons who were dressed in official clothes, and took two bags of white rice and white noodles from the sleigh cart, and placed them in front of Yuan Xiao.

"Oh, you sent it in person. Well, be careful about wild beasts. Although some beasts come out alone, their ferocity cannot be underestimated. Since you are sending Buddha to the west, I won't stop you."

After saying this, Old Man Zhuang and Yuan Xiao each carried a bag of grain and headed towards their stone house.

Yu Zhengqing greeted everyone and hurriedly set off.

It was getting dark soon, so we could travel as far as we could, but if we wanted to cross the border of Mu Zhuangzi today, we would definitely not be able to do it.

After walking out for a few hundred meters, Yu Luo felt suspicious.

"Do we have to cross that line? Anyway, it's the same here and there."

"Let's go, don't forget that your father and others are all pretending to be officials. They didn't really send us there and they are going back."

Ye Jiamei actually felt that there were dangers everywhere here anyway, and it was the same no matter where she lived, so there was no need to worry about it. Even if she had walked dozens or thousands of miles, she wouldn't care about it.

But Yu Luo was worried about more than that.

"Father, go and ask Yu Zhengqing. If Liang Chao hasn't been found back in Pingyang City, why don't you send someone to look for him? After this search, our group of people must not be exposed? What will happen then? end?"

"Yeah, Xiao Luo is right. This prisoner killed an official, but it is a felony. At that time, he may be decapitated directly! Didn't Yu Zhengqing say that there will be movement from the court soon, and we may have it within half a year." Restoring freedom? We can't afford to capsize again at this time."

Ye Jiamei's head ached when she thought of the troubles that would follow.

Yu Junjie also darkened his face and went straight to Yu Zhengqing.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to hide this matter. The only thing I can do is to bribe those two officials just now. If I can't bribe them, for the lives of our whole family, I have no choice but to be ruthless, even if I don't want to kill them."

If a person does not do it for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth, not to mention that if the whole family is blamed by the court, the only option is to be beheaded. Even Yu Zhengqing admires the two of them for persisting here for most of their lives, but he wants to live, and his family does not want to die.

"Then tonight, let's go."

Hearing Yu Haojie's words, Yu Zhengqing's eyes burst into surprise. He looked up at Yu Haojie who was frowning, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little more joyful.

"Second brother, don't you blame me anymore?"

Hearing Yu Zhengqing's joyful tone, Yu Haojie raised his eyes and met his joyful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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