Chapter 201 Yu Luo is a little pepper

The young master in brocade clothes glanced sideways, looking past Tao Ming on the side, and once again fell on Yu Luo's somewhat dark face.

I have to say that although the skin of the person in front of me is a little darker, her facial features are exquisite and she still has the softness of a woman.

If he hadn't smelled a faint fragrance unique to women as soon as he sat down, he wouldn't be sure.

But just now—

The way this woman flew into a rage after being exposed, it was clear that she had a guilty conscience.

The more Ye Lu looked at her, the more she felt that if this face were to look like a girl again, she would definitely be a rare and alluring woman.

But he didn't know whose daughter was so bold that she dared to disguise herself as a man and sneak into Fengcheng?

This kind of courage is really not something ordinary women can have.

Does she know what the consequences will be if her daughter is exposed in this closed city?What's more, she's so pretty!
Ye Lu calmly withdrew his gaze from Yu Luo's face, and Yu Luo suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

After breathing a slight sigh of relief, he reached out and touched his face and the rag hat he wore on his head.

There was obviously nothing wrong with her dress. She had been in lockdown for a day and no one had noticed. How could the man just now see it through?

When Yu Luo was puzzled, a man in fluttering white clothes and a Qing Gong landed on the high platform in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in smart clothes also walked onto the stage and stood next to the gongs and drums.

The man in white has handsome features. He is about 30 years old. He is dressed in moon-white brocade clothes and has his hair tied with a jeweled silver crown. However, he does not have the slightest aura of Jianghu in Fengcheng. Instead, he carries a faint sense of nobility.

As soon as he appeared, the originally noisy scene fell into silence.

And Yu Luo also clearly noticed it, and even Zhang Hu beside him couldn't help but hold his breath.

"Is this person very powerful?"

"Well, it is said that he is the second master of Fengcheng. It is said that he presides over the monthly auctions. From his Qinggong just now, it can be seen that he is a person with very strong internal strength, at least..."

Yu Luo lowered his voice and quietly asked Zhang Hu beside him. Zhang Hu also lowered his voice when he heard the words and quietly explained her doubts.

But when Yu Luo was listening in ecstasy, Zhang Hu suddenly stopped talking and did not continue.

Zhang Hu became more and more like this, and Yu Luo's curiosity was aroused more and more!

Just as he was about to continue asking, unexpectedly, the second master of Fengcheng suddenly had a drumstick in his hand behind his back, and struck the drum on the side hard.

The deafening drum beat reverberated throughout the venue, impacting the eardrums of everyone present.

Yu Luo sat up straight and put away his curiosity at the same time, looking forward to the real treasure appearing at the auction in Fengcheng.

Even if she couldn't afford it, it would be nice to have long eyes.

"Chi, on behalf of Fengcheng, welcomes you all. Today's auction is very different from the past..."

As soon as Chi Qiu finished speaking, there was suddenly a burst of boos in the audience, as if everyone was looking forward to something different today.

For Yu Luo, this was her first time attending an auction in Fengcheng. No matter what they sold, she was rare.

"Okay, Chi doesn't want to be too pretentious. There are a total of five items to be auctioned today, starting with the first item!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the drumstick in Chi Qiu's hand had passed into the hands of another subordinate at some point.

After Chi Qiu finished speaking, the drum stick in the subordinate's hand fell on the big drum again, and it sounded loudly, three times in a row!The venue, which was once noisy, suddenly fell into silence again.

The sound of the drums fell, and a secret door slowly opened under the auditorium directly opposite Yu Luo.

Immediately, an iron cage equipped with wheels was slowly pushed out from the secret door.

Yu Luo, like everyone else, stared at the iron cage for a moment, full of curiosity and expectation.

When the iron cage emerged from the darkness into the light again, Yu Luo's curious face suddenly changed, and his heart couldn't help but tighten!
"How could it be a child?!"

Before Yu Luo could say anything in surprise, Tao Ming, who had never seen the world before her, had already turned ugly, looking at the iron cage with sympathy in his eyes, and sighed.

As soon as Tao Ming finished speaking, Ye Lu, who had just seen through Yu Luo's daughter, glanced sideways at Tao Ming, who looked like a country bumpkin, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but sarcastic at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, why are you surprised? Isn't it normal for a bidder at an auction? Besides, he's just a child."

Yes, the buying and selling of people in ancient times was legal, let alone a place like Fengcheng where people were auctioned?
It's just that the child is skinny and small, his limbs are tied with iron chains, and he is tied in a ladder cage. His eyes are blocked by a black cloth. It is basically impossible to see the child's face clearly, but he can still vaguely tell that this child should be a man. child.

The child's body was stretched into a large shape because of the iron chain, but his stubbornness through gritted teeth could still be faintly seen.

Hearing Ye Lu's words, Tao Ming looked embarrassed, but the sympathy in his eyes remained undiminished, and he looked at the man he had disturbed with a stupid and apologetic look.

"First time here?"

Ye Lu's voice sounded faintly, and Tao Ming's Yu Luo immediately frowned.

She glanced sideways at Ye Lu, and coincidentally, Ye Lu also looked sideways at her at the same time.

Yu Luo was not polite and glared back at Ye Lu, "You don't care if it's the first time for my guard to come here, don't talk to me!"

Yu Luo pretended to be fierce and said, wanting to completely cut off this man's intention to pry, and then withdrew his cold eyes.

Tao Ming, who was caught in the middle, hurriedly closed his mouth that he almost opened, and obediently stared at the high platform in front of him.


Ye Lu didn't expect that Yu Luo was a little pepper.

She didn't allow him to even talk to her guards, but this vigilance was still good. But she was lucky today. She met him and not someone else, otherwise this kick would have been fatal. Gotta kick it to the iron plate.

"It's interesting."

Yelu said to himself, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, looking like he was in a good mood.

Tao Ming no longer dared to move at all, and Yu Luo no longer took another look, his eyes continued to stay in the middle of the high platform.

The little boy was pushed onto the high platform. Not only Yu Luo was curious, but also everyone else present.

"Mr. Chi, what is so good about this kid that he can make the lockdown so grand and be promoted to the stage in the first scene?"

Someone couldn't restrain their curiosity and shouted at the top of their lungs.

Chi Qiu smiled, raised his hand, and someone immediately removed the black cloth from the boy's face.

Perhaps because he had been blindfolded for too long, the boy subconsciously closed his eyes tightly, frowned, and desperately tried to break free of the chains that bound him.

(End of this chapter)

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