Chapter 202 He called me sister

But the iron chain could only sway and jingle as he struggled, but his small body was still firmly locked inside.

When everyone saw the little boy opening his eyes, they couldn't help but sigh and gasped!
The only person in the audience, Yu Luo, immediately stiffened and remained motionless!
"Why is he?!"

Yu Luo's low murmur was very small, but Zhang Hu and Tao Ming heard it, including Ye Lu, who actually paid a lot of attention to her.

"Master knows him?"

Zhang Hu's cold brows frowned slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. After all, he couldn't hold back and asked.

Yu Luo closed her lips tightly and said nothing, but when her dark eyes fell on the boy in the iron cage, there was obviously a hint of worry.

Ye Lu, who remained silent, quietly retracted her gaze from Yu Luo's face, and her eyes also focused on the boy's face along with everyone else's.

"What a beautiful little boy. How beautiful will this boy be when he grows up?"

Some people couldn't help but marvel at the little boy's appearance.

The originally quiet scene became noisy again after the black cloth was removed from the little boy's face.

When using "beautiful" to describe a boy, Yu Luo suddenly remembered what someone had said before. If that boy fell into the hands of rich people, he would definitely become a toy for their amusement.

Thinking of his ending, Yu Luo became even more worried!

"Oh, just a face makes everyone so excited, but you know, this child is not only good-looking with his face, but also his eyes."

After Chi Qiu finished speaking, he stretched his arm directly into the iron cage and pinched the boy's chin fiercely!
The nobility all over his body gradually turned into a kind of ruthlessness and coldness under his rude actions.

Perhaps because he couldn't bear the pain of Chi Qiu pinching his chin, the boy's head was pushed over with difficulty and he slowly opened his eyes!

And the moment the boy opened his eyes, a pair of deep purple eyes once again made everyone gasp!
"It's a purple pupil, it's actually a purple pupil! Oh my God! The purple pupil, which has disappeared for 300 years, has appeared again! Mr. Chi, please make an offer, I want this child!"

When everyone saw the boy's eyes clearly, the boiling sound sounded again!

And some people couldn't wait any longer, so they started shouting for Chi Qiu to start!
"Who do you think you want it? It depends on who pays the highest price!"

In an instant, the originally harmonious scene gradually became a bit more violent due to the appearance of this purple-eyed boy.

Seeing that the scene was getting out of control, Chi Qiu let go of the boy's chin and turned to look at the audience seats around the high platform.

"Since everyone is looking forward to it, let's start the first auction today."

After Chi Qiu finished speaking, the man in strong clothes standing next to the bronze drum hit the big drum heavily with his drumstick. The noisy scene suddenly became quiet because of the sound of this drum!

"The starting price for the boy with purple pupil is 1000 taels. Each time the price increases, it will not be less than 100 taels!"

The man in strong clothes who was playing the drum paused with his drum stick in his hand, and shouted with strong inner strength, which instantly spread throughout the venue.

Yu Luo was about to speak, but when she saw so many people around her who were eager to try, she finally endured it.

No matter how lively the shouting is now, someone has to add it, so it is better to wait until the end.

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

"Oh, one thousand, six hundred taels!"

As soon as the man in Jinyi finished speaking, someone was immediately on the scene. He raised the sign next to him and shouted loudly!

Hearing this amount, Tao Ming opened his eyes wide again!
"Why is it just a child? Is it worth more just because it has a pair of purple eyes? But I have to say that this child is really good-looking. I have never seen such a good-looking child." "Oh, purple eyes, you Do you know what it means?"

Tao Ming said to himself, but Ye Lu next to him found an opportunity again and struck up a conversation with Tao Ming.

Hearing Ye Lu's voice, Tao Ming came back to his senses instantly. He thought of his lady's reaction just now, and immediately sat up straight, not daring to take another look at Ye Lu. Even now, he was extremely curious!
"Purple pupils can practice the art of charm, and this art of charm has been lost for 300 years. Not only that, when such a man grows up, he will definitely be the most powerful person in the country. If the person who photographed him has the art of charm, If you let this child practice the Kung Fu, you can imagine the future..."

Seeing Tao Ming's tense body, Ye Lu didn't care at all and just said in a low voice as he was minding his own business.

When Yu Luo heard this, he glanced at Ye Lu in disbelief.

"Are you serious? But what if I say that this purple pupil was clearly black before?"

"Have you seen him? Ha, that's no wonder."

Ye Lu's meaningful words once again made Yu Luo frown slightly and stopped asking.

But if she didn't ask, it didn't mean that the familiar Ye Lu couldn't hold back and continued talking to herself.

"Purple eyes are natural, but the last time a man with purple eyes showed purple eyes, he was already 16 years old. It wouldn't be surprising if this boy had black eyes before."

Yu Luo...

During this period, the starting price was raised from 1000 taels to 5000 taels.

Those men who were eager to try at the beginning suddenly lost [-]%.

At this time, the bidding was still in full swing.

From the beginning of adding hundreds of taels to hundreds of taels, now, one by one has started to add 1000 taels and 1000 taels. When there are only three people left, the boy has been bid up to 1 taels!

Hearing this number, Yu Luo instantly felt a chill in his heart!
She really couldn't bear to spend 1 taels to save such a child whom she had only met once.

After all, there are so many poor people in the world. If she is really bad-hearted, the little wealth she got from robbery will not be enough to spend.

"Won't you take a photo of him?

I seem to have seen him looking towards you several times. You must know him. "

Seeing that the bidding price had reached 5000 taels, the three people at the scene had turned into a competition between two people. Ye Lu looked at Yu Luo with interest and said unhurriedly.

When Yu Luo heard this, he glanced sideways at Ye Xi!
It’s not like she doesn’t have eyes. How could she not see them?

However, this dead man was so sure that the little boy was really looking at her?
"He called me sister, but it was just lip-speech, and you don't even understand it."


"2 taels!"

Ye Lu's words directly broke Yu Luo's heart!
How could she not know?She knew lip reading. The little boy was really looking at her and calling her sister using lip reading...

Yu Luo's inner strong defense was finally defeated by the noisy Ye Lu!

This "2 taels" suddenly blurted out, and in an instant, countless pairs of eyes in the audience were all looking at her, and she finally woke up!

(End of this chapter)

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