How come Chapter 220 is gone?
Seeing Yu Luo suddenly soften his tone and pretend to be innocent, Ye Lu was immediately happy.

"Young man, are you still pretending to me? You gave me laxatives and made me run to the toilet all night, and then you made me stop lifting? Haha, what if I really do this all my life? No way, believe it or not, I will marry you directly as my wife? Will you be left a widow? "


"Oh, the young master won't do it!"

Yu Luo, who was speechless, suddenly lowered his voice, then immediately raised the tone and shouted loudly.

And her suddenness was completely unexpected by Ye Lu!
Yu Luo howled so loudly that everyone around them immediately looked in their direction.

They all looked with sneers and sympathy, staring directly at Ye Lu's face.

No matter how thick-skinned Ye Lu was, he still felt uncomfortable being treated like this by Yu Luo.

He immediately grabbed Yu Luo and rushed out of the closed city gate.

As soon as he came out, Yu Luo kicked Ye Luo's crotch, so frightened that Ye Luo hurriedly threw away her wrist and looked at Yu Luo in front of her fiercely.

"It's really yours. Do you believe it or not? If I call you, you are a woman?"

"You shouted, believe it or not, I will make you never do it again in this life!"

Not to be outdone, Yu Luo immediately lowered his voice and warned.

Ye Lu nodded. He couldn't deny that the little guy in front of him was really proficient in drugging. He believed that Yu Luo could definitely do it.

"Okay, okay, we don't know each other until we fight. Let's get to know each other. My name is Yelu, what's yours?"

The conversation suddenly changed, and Ye Lu suddenly put on a warm and jade-like smile. The smiling eyes made Yu Luo feel even chills!

Yu Luo rolled her eyes at Ye Lu and turned to look outside the city gate. It was still the same place as yesterday. There were many people who wanted to enter the city but couldn't afford the entrance fee. They were lingering here, but there was nothing she was looking for. figure.

Thinking about the time when Tao Ming came out, Yu Luo guessed that they had already left, and then he tapped his toes to the ground, and with a single Qinggong, he was caught off guard and out of Ye Lu's expectant sight.

Night wisp!

"What does this woman mean? I've already forgotten all the blame, but she still doesn't give me any face?"

Ye Lu looked at Yu Luo who rolled his eyes at her, turned his head and left without saying a word, and immediately became angry and happy!
Hearing his master's complaints, the guard beside him, Azan, didn't know how to comfort him.

"Master, why don't we go back first."

"Go back? Why are you going back? Why don't you chase me?!"

How could Yelu go back like this?If he hadn't gotten medical attention early last night, he would have never lifted a muscle again in his life.

He really didn't realize that a woman would do such a cruel thing to such a handsome young man like him just because of a few quarrels!

He must find this woman...

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lu used a light skill and chased in the direction Yu Luo left.

Outside the gate of Fengcheng City, there are many poplar trees and white birch trees.

The woods were dense, and Yu Luo's figure disappeared in the woods in the blink of an eye.

After chasing for a while, when Ye Lu realized that he had lost the person, he angrily punched a nearby birch tree with his fist.The buds that had just sprouted on the birch tree were also shaken by his fist.

"Master, it seems that this woman's skills are quite good."

"Yes, I have underestimated her! Just like the monkey spirit, she was accompanied by two subordinates last night, but when she came out today, she was alone. This woman is too cautious."

Seeing the disappointed look on his master's face, Azan hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke to console him: "Master, since we have lost him, let's go back to Dongfeng as soon as possible, right?"

Azan finished speaking, and the angry Yelu didn't answer for a long time.

Looking at the desolation in the woods, Ye Lu knew that it would be difficult to find this little girl in this wild place.

"That's all, let's go back. I don't know if I can see her again. It's a pity that she is in Qiao Zhuang. I haven't even seen her true face clearly."

"If we meet her next time, I can identify her by her voice."

Hearing what Azan said, Yelu's restless mood was slightly comforted, "Okay, then you have to help me remember her voice. I don't know that this woman can even go to the city to be closed. Will she?" Will she go to our Dongfeng one day? If she does, I will definitely make her look good."

Hehe, you obviously just like her and don't want to let her go, but you still want her to look good?
Azan silently glanced at his master's angry profile, silently mourned for his master for a second in his heart, and stopped talking.

Yu Luo took a breath and returned to the long wall. When he came here, the heavy rain was still continuing. In other words, it had been raining for five or six days.

However, the rainfall was much less than when she left, but the once desolate places had long been soaked by the rain, forming many small lakes.

Walking to the long wall and seeing that only his bamboo hat and coir raincoat were left, Yu Luo became more sure that Tao Ming and the others had already been here and took away their bamboo hat and coir raincoat.

The reason why she was the only one left behind may be because he wanted to tell her that they had returned safely.

After putting the raincoat and raincoat into the system, Yu Luo changed into a new dry raincoat and raincoat, then boosted his energy again and hurried towards home.

But here, Yu Zhengqing went to the closed city and returned to the cave, only to realize that there was chaos in the cave.

"Father, you are finally back!"

Looking at Yu Yingying who wanted to pounce on him, Yu Zhengqing felt bad. He was soaked all over. Before he could change out of his wet clothes, he was blocked at the entrance of the cave by the women and children at home. Yu Zhengqing felt bad. .

"Grandma, grandma is gone!"

Yu Zhengqing!
Yu Yingying's words caused Yu Zhengqing to stumble. Yu Xiaoran behind him held him up, preventing him from falling directly.

This time, Yu Xiaoxuan was originally asked to go with him, but Mrs. Chen forced her to let Yu Xiaoran go.

As for the father and son who had just returned, they never expected that such a thing would happen at home just two days after leaving.

Yu Xiaoran quickly helped Yu Zhengqing into the cave. With sad faces, Lan and Chang Huilan found dry clothes for the father and son to change into.

But at this time, Yu Zhengqing, who was immersed in this bad news, could not care about his wet clothes?
His angry eyes were filled with deep sadness, and he didn't know why God would play such a joke on him.

They had a month at most before they could go back, but why did his mother pass away so suddenly?
"What on earth is going on? Wasn't my mother well before I left?"

Yu Zhengqing's red eyes were staring straight at Chang Huilan, and his voice was filled with infinite anger!

(End of this chapter)

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