Chapter 221
Facing Yu Zhengqing like this, Chang Huilan dared to say anything more?
Feeling guilty, he lowered his eyes directly and did not dare to look directly into Yu Zhengqing's eyes.

Seeing this, Yu Yingying, who was sitting on the floor and had difficulty moving, had her eyes red.

"It's Yu Haojie, Yu Luo and the others!"

Yu Zhengqing!
Looking at his daughter's angry eyes, Yu Zhengqing couldn't believe it.

"How is that possible? If they wanted to deal with your grandmother, your second uncle and Xiaoluo would have taken action long ago and would not wait until now."

Subconsciously, Yu Zhengqing retorted directly, not believing his daughter's words at all.

Seeing how Yu Zhengqing was still protecting Yu Luo's family until now, the hatred in Yu Yingying's heart slowly filled up.

"Oh, father, are you still protecting them now? Have you forgotten that when Yu Luo was dealing with the bandits, he deliberately fired an arrow at my grandmother?"

"That was not intentional. The situation was so chaotic at that time. How could Xiaoluo have time to seek revenge on her grandmother? Yingying, eldest brother knows that you are in this situation and thinks about things very extreme, but you have to be more sensible. Now everyone is living a better life. Why would Ershu and Xiaoluo still find trouble with their grandmother when they are living a peaceful life? If they do, they will have plenty of opportunities on their way to exile."

Not to mention Yu Zhengqing, Yu Xiaoran didn't believe it either.

Seeing Yu Yingying whose reason was completely shrouded in hatred, Yu Xiaoran couldn't believe it anyway. They had only been away for two days and it had become like this.

"Oh, now the facts are before our eyes. Mother's grave is in the vegetable field. Do you want me to dig it out for you and confirm it?"

Seeing that her husband and son were still helping Yu Junjie and Yu Luo, Chang Huilan, who was still a little guilty, also got angry.

This was the person closest to their mother and daughter, but they didn't expect that they didn't even want to believe what they said as a mother and wife.

When she thought of her daughter's lost leg, Chang Huilan became angry and lost her former gentleness.

As soon as Chang Huilan said these words, Yu Zhengqing turned around and ran out of the cave!
He didn't believe that his mother passed away after only two days.

He was obviously fine before he left, so how could he leave just now?

Yu Zhengqing rushed out of the cave in the rain, and went straight to the vegetable field under the cave with a quick move.

At this time, the vegetable field and the seeds sown have already turned into a green field. As long as the rain stops, the originally barbaric land with no life will have the smell of fireworks.

But with all this happening now, where is there any trace of yearning for Yu Zhengqing?

The fact that his father is alive and dead has become a knot in his heart. But now that her mother is leaving at the drop of a hat, how can he accept it?
Yu Xiaoran followed closely behind, and when he came to the small dirt bun, his whole body felt bad.

The cold rain washed over the faces of the father and son. At this time, they completely forgot to use their internal strength to ward off the cold.

The chill all over their bodies was not as cold as the sadness in their hearts.

Yu Zhengqing looked at the short tomb, which didn't even have a stone tablet. He immediately knelt on the ground and burst into tears!
At the entrance of the cave, Yu Xiaoxuan looked at the sad looks of his father and eldest brother, and his eyes were filled with tangles.

When Yu Luo returned home, everyone was back safely.

Yu Haojie and his wife, who had never seen their daughter return home, didn't care about the people Tao Ming and the others had brought back, and immediately waited eagerly at the door of the mansion.Seeing Yu Luo coming towards the door quickly from the rain, the couple finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm finally back. You're such a big-hearted girl. Why did you come back alone? Is it dangerous to seal the city?"

The couple was busy helping Yu Luo take off his bamboo hat and raincoat. Ye Jiamei couldn't help but started talking about it. Even though she was watching Yu Luo return safely, her worried heart seemed to never let go.

"I can't say it's dangerous, but it's really complicated there, and there are people from all over the place. And it was a coincidence this time. When I went there yesterday, I happened to catch up with the monthly auction held during the lockdown, and more people came. Yes, I accidentally showed my face at the auction and bought the little thing tomorrow night. I was afraid of being noticed by others, so I had an extra thought and asked everyone to work separately to avoid being noticed. , we are just afraid that our place will be discovered soon."

While talking, Yu Luo took the dry face towel prepared by Yu Junjie, wiped the rain off his body, and talked to his parents about what happened yesterday.

"It seems that you are going by yourself, but you are worrying too much. How can you be so careful?"

, I am more thoughtful than your mother and I, and we have been worrying in vain. "

"What are you talking about? Our daughter is out here, shouldn't we be worried?"

Yu Junjie was immediately dissatisfied and rarely complained to his wife.

Seeing that her husband was still angry, Ye Jiamei gave him a rare gesture and nodded repeatedly even though she was wrong.

"Mom, let's not talk about this for now. The man I bought at the auction, please do a check-up on him first. The system says that he went crazy while practicing martial arts, which caused him to become confused and a little irritable."

"We already have people like this, so why did we buy them back? What if we go crazy and slaughter our whole family?"

Zhang Hu also mentioned the situation of the man just now. At that time, Ye Jiamei was worried about Yu Luo's safety, but did not delve into it. Now that she saw Yu Luo returning safely, she suddenly had the energy to think about it.

"I'm not afraid. It's mainly because I want him to gain advantage and because of his good kung fu. The system said that after it rests, it will help solve the man's situation. If we can recover such a master, it will be a good thing for us."

Seeing that Yu Luo had already said this, why did Ye Jiamei have any objections?

After agreeing readily, the family of three closed the door and headed to the main hall.

Before reaching the front hall, as soon as she arrived at the sedan hall, Yu Luo saw the ten people she bought from the black market, as well as Ming Ye and Tao Ming.

"Miss, my subordinates brought all ten of them back safely. Miss, can you see if there are any mistakes?"

Not to mention, Yu Luo bought them without even seeing their true faces clearly. Now if she was asked to recognize them, she wouldn't be able to recognize them at all.

However, when they heard Tao Ming's words and looked at Yu Luo's face, all ten people were surprised!

"No, didn't a young master buy us? What did Guard Tao mean by what he just said?"

One of the men looked at Tao Ming blankly, and then looked Yu Luo up and down. Full of doubts, he couldn't help but ask?
"Haha, it was just Miss Qiaozhuang. In a place like Fengcheng, it is naturally more appropriate for Miss to wear men's clothes."

Upon hearing Tao Ming's words, the ten people's eyes looked even more surprised when they looked at Yu Luo!
"I really didn't expect that the ten of us would meet such a resourceful master. Even though the master is a woman, she is also brave and resourceful. She even dared to go to the place where the city was closed."

(End of this chapter)

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