Chapter 222 The relationship between men and Fengcheng
This sudden discovery really shocked the ten men!
They thought that the young master from which family would follow them in the future, whether they went to the Lanyue Dynasty, Dongfeng, Ximo or the Northern Kingdom, then at least life would return to the past.

Until Tao Ming brought them to this brand new house in the wilderness, they had not come back to their senses.

They don't know how such a magnificent house was built in a wilderness?
They also don’t know why it rains so heavily in spring in a wilderness that has always been dry.

And why was it that the scene that was still barren and dry at the boundary of the closed city turned into a scene of lakes everywhere once we passed the long wall?
They haven't figured out all this yet, and now they find out that the young man who bought them has suddenly turned into such a young woman!
That's a city lockdown!

Haha, and the future master in front of me is so bold, he disguises himself as a man and goes in like that?

Just go and buy ten of their grown men back...
The more they thought about it, the more unbelievable it became. Even though Yu Luo was wearing rags, she was not wearing a mask, and her face, which was deliberately concealed by makeup, was washed away by the rain.

Looking at this face again, it turned out to be so young and beautiful. The ten people were so shocked that they couldn't calm down for a long time.

With such beauty, what would it be like if those people saw her in Fengcheng?
But their master went there. Not to mention that he also participated in the auction and even bought two people at the auction...

Seeing the dirty faces of the ten people showing shock, Yu Luo smiled faintly, "I'm a girl, didn't you even notice? Well, I know you are a little surprised, but I It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman. Anyway, you will be our family's bodyguards from now on. Seeing how you look, you'd better go wash up and shave your beard first. I'll ask Tao Ming to give you some new clothes later. Take off your clothes."

These ten people were still wet all over, and the unpleasant smell in the air was getting stronger and stronger.

Yu Luo didn't dislike them, he simply wanted them to feel comfortable. The wet clothes, the body that hadn't been washed for several months, and the rain all over him must have made him feel uncomfortable.

Looking at Ming Ye's shivering look, how could Yu Luo have time to talk to them too much?
Yu Luo finished speaking and looked at Tao Ming, "Go to the warehouse and get ten sets of clothes for them, both inside and outside, as well as Ming Ye's wet clothes. He has no internal strength, and you are not afraid of the cold?"

"Yes, my subordinate will take them there right now."

After all ten people and Ming Ye left, Yu Luo's family of three came to the side courtyard where the man was placed.

Zhang Hu stayed in the house, not even having time to change out of his wet clothes.

The man was still asleep because he had taken sleeping pills, but his hands and feet were still bound by the iron chains that sealed the city. It was obvious that even Zhang Hu was afraid of this man.

"Miss, Master and Madam!"

When Zhang Hu saw the three people appearing, he immediately stood up and saluted them with cupped fists.

"Zhang Hu, why are you still wearing wet clothes? Don't you have internal power? Can you use your internal power to dry the moisture on your body?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

As soon as he heard his mother's words, Yu Luo knew that her mother had watched too many TV series in her previous life, and this was how she acted in the TV series.

Her mother must have become very curious about people with kung fu skills, and wanted to know whether the things in the TV series really existed.

While Zhang Hu was looking confused, Yu Luo hurriedly interrupted Ye Jiamei.

Seeing Yu Luo like this, Ye Jiamei smiled naively, knowing that she had indeed been poisoned by the TV series.

It seems that the use of internal force to dry moisture from the body does not exist at all in this era.

She thought that people with inner strength were awesome! "Zhang Hu, when you went to the auction to pick up this man, did the people who sealed the city say anything?"

"Reporting to Miss, the people who sealed the city told him that this man has great kung fu and it is best not to remove the chains from his body easily, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

Yu Luo...

"Oh, the people who sealed the city are really sincere. If this is the case, why would they put this person up for auction?"

Having said this, Yu Luo suddenly seemed to react, and his eyes immediately fell on the sleeping man on the bed.

At the auction site, Yu Luo actually didn't see what this man looked like at all.

Looking at it now, this man is almost 30 years old.

He has a good appearance and a strong sense of chivalry between his brows. Although the clothes on his body are tattered, it is not difficult to see that the fabrics are made of high-quality brocade.

Although this man was still in a coma, the aura he exuded inadvertently was beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"It seems that this man is Fengcheng's mortal enemy."

Yu Luo said in a low voice, his expression also tinged with solemnity.

Hearing this, Zhang Hu raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Yu Luo.

"No wonder, at the auction, his price was so low. Is this Fengcheng deliberately humiliating him?"

Yu Luo nodded, "Maybe that black iron sword belongs to this man."

Hearing what Yu Luo said, Zhang Hu looked slightly shocked again!

"The young lady is right. If this man can be restrained like this, he must be very strong in kung fu, and swords are usually paired with strong men. Now the more my subordinates look at it, the more they feel that the sword belongs to this man.

It’s just that the subordinates don’t understand why the people who sealed the city caught this man. Since there was a festival, why didn’t they kill him directly and put him up for auction?Aren't they afraid that this man will seek revenge on them again?Even if you humiliate someone, it's better than causing trouble for yourself, right? "

"He is obsessed and confused. How can he still remember who his enemy is? Maybe he doesn't even know who he is?"

After saying this, Yu Luo sighed, and the solemn look on his face gradually turned melancholy.

"Sometimes when you hate a person, letting him die is not the best revenge. If Fengcheng can do something that humiliates this person's dignity, then this person must have been a person before, and his dignity may be higher than his Life is still important, right?

Coupled with the fact that he was obsessed, they were even more unscrupulous, thinking that this man would be like this for the rest of his life, so why kill him again? "

It's over, the system actually asked her to come back with such a hot potato.

I wonder if after this person was cured by the system, if the people who sealed the city knew about it, would they also take revenge on her like crazy?
The more he thought about it, the more frightened Yu Luo became, and the more fortunate he became that Zhang Hu deliberately concealed it from others when he led the people away today.

(End of this chapter)

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