Looking at Yu Liang like this, a sneer appeared at the corner of Yu Luo's mouth.

During this journey of exile, she, Yu Luo, had somewhat understood some of the temperaments of the more than 100 people here. She knew that the second-bedroom members of the Yu family would not disagree.

But Yu Xiangxiang, who wanted to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart when she really saw herself turned into an object and being bargained and traded by her grandfather and mother.

"Why are you selling your sister? There are not many sisters in our family who have to eat alone. Grandpa, mother, don't sell your sister. I will work more in the future and I will earn back dozens of taels of silver for you soon."

Yu Chunmu looked at the pain in Yu Xiangxiang's eyes and burst into tears.

He immediately knelt on one knee beside Yu Liang, and reached out to grab Yu Liang's hands, his eyes full of sincerity.

On the side, Yu Chunmu's wife Huang Xiaoju, holding a baby who was only a few months old, also had red eyes. She also wanted to plead for her sister-in-law, but she knew that in this family, she had no say at all, especially in her family. After giving birth to a daughter, the whole family did not want to see her.

"Chunmu, don't ruin your sister's good deeds. Your sister is disfigured. Even if this wild land lacks women as wives, with a face like your sister's, which man will have a good life if he marries her? Why don't you deserve to be disliked and beaten and scolded? Although you are working as a maid with Xiaoluo, Xiaoluo is our surname after all, so she will treat your sister well."

"No, I'm not afraid that Xiaoluo won't treat my sister well, but my sister will have nothing to do with us in the future. Grandpa, please don't be so cruel, okay? No matter what, the whole family is together, what's wrong?"

Yu Chunmu naturally knew that Yu Luo's family was not one to treat others harshly, but the pain in his sister's eyes hurt his heart.

Who would want to live with a good family and have no freedom?
Seeing that Yu Chunmu still blamed himself for being cruel, Yu Liang immediately lost his good temper and kicked Yu Chunmu, who was half-kneeling next to him, to the ground.

Although he didn't use much effort, he obviously lost his patience and was very unhappy with Yu Chunmu's lack of interest.

"Oh, a girl will get married sooner or later. If this change does not happen at home, she will get married at home. Just treat her as a married woman! Get out of here and don't delay us from signing the contract with Xiaoluo. If you delay any longer, I will sell your daughter as well!"

"Brother, please stop begging. I won't have a good life in this family. Just let me go."

Seeing her eldest brother begging for her sake, Yu Xiangxiang finally toughened up, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and pulled Yu Chunmu up, who was still sitting on the ground.

"But Xiangxiang, you are no longer free from now on. Don't go. Although Xiaoluo's family is fine, my eldest brother knows that you are suffering in your heart. Stay at home and your eldest brother will find a good family for you. You can still marry in the future. People can still have children and have children, but if you sell yourself, you may not really have to be an old girl for the rest of your life."

"Brother, it's okay. I don't want to get married with my appearance. Rather than being disgusted by others, it's better to follow Xiaoluo and my second uncle and second aunt. They are all good people."

Looking at the crying brother and sister, Liu Lan became impatient. She looked directly at Yu Luo and spread her palms, "Give me some money and take her away as soon as possible. I've had enough of her sad face. Look, After a long time, everything goes wrong at home."


"You are really weird! After all, she is your daughter. Even if she has to leave, you can't say a few nice words to comfort her. Liu Lan, you are so good."

Seeing Yu Xiangxiang behaving like this, Yu Luo couldn't hold back anymore and mocked Liu Lan. Then he went to Bai You, borrowed paper and pen, wrote a deed of betrayal, and asked Liu Lan and his family to fingerprint it.Liu Lan collected the money with a cheerful face, not caring about Yu Luo's ridicule. Yu Xiangxiang knelt down to Yu Shanhai, whose eyes were red from crying, and kowtowed three times in a row.

"Mom and dad, I have repaid the debt of childbirth. From now on, I, Yu Xiangxiang, am no longer the second wife of the Yu family. After this goodbye, there will be no more family ties at all."

After finishing her words, Yu Xiangxiang's eyes fell on Yu Shanhai who turned away and was still wiping tears, "Dad, don't work too hard. Your daughter is not here, so you have to take care of yourself."

Yu Shanhai wiped the tears from his face and helped Yu Xiangxiang up from the ground. His throat was choked and he couldn't say a word.

When Huang Xiaoju saw this, she was about to help Yu Xiangxiang pack her clothes. She knew that she could not influence the family's decision, so she could only pray silently in her heart, praying that her miserable sister-in-law could live a better life after she escaped from this sea of ​​suffering. Good days.

"What are you doing? In this wild land, don't you know the importance of clothing? In winter, if we have an extra cotton coat to keep out the cold, we will have an extra layer of protection. That damn girl went to Yu Luo's place, is she still missing something to wear? No? Let me put it down, don’t take anything away!"

The sarcastic Liu Lan, even now, would not even let her daughter take away any of her old clothes. In front of Yu Luo and a crowd of onlookers, she scolded Huang Xiaoju mercilessly and severely. He tore off the old clothes that Huang Xiaoju had packed for Yu Xiangxiang.

Yu Xiangxiang bit her lip, and the light in her eyes completely disappeared from Liu Lan's meanness. She turned around and looked at Huang Xiaoju, whose eyes were red and full of grievances after being scolded.

"Sister-in-law, from now on, you can tolerate this family as long as you can. If you can't bear it, let my eldest brother separate the family and live alone. You can take care of yourself and your children when I leave."

Ever since Huang Xiaoju gave birth to a daughter, except for Yu Shanhai and Yu Chunmu, not to mention Liu Lan, even Yu Liang, the grandfather, did not want to see her as his grandson-in-law.

Thinking about the torture that Huang Xiaoju suffered during this period of time, she realized that what Yu Xiangxiang was most worried about was her kind sister-in-law.


Huang Xiaoju's voice was choked with sobs, and the tears rolling in her eyes finally couldn't be held back and fell down.

In fact, she was quite happy, at least her sister-in-law would no longer be beaten, scolded, hungry, cold, and had to do endless dirty work.

But at this moment, she was still a little reluctant, and she felt even more confused.

Yu Xiangxiang can sell herself as a maid, but what about her?
She has been in this family her entire life and will never want to leave.

"Just live it if you can. If you can't live it, split up with Brother Chunmu and live alone. If you don't split up, it's not impossible for Sister Xiaoju to make peace with her. Xiangxiang, don't worry. In this barbaric land, if they leave the family The daughter-in-law is in a hurry. It depends on where their son will find a wife, just wait for Sister Xiaoju to leave the queen, and Brother Chunmu will be a bachelor for the rest of his life!"

Yu Luo understood the confusion and pain in Huang Xiaoju's eyes. She didn't care about her status as an outsider. She reminded Huang Xiaoju in front of the second roommate of the Yu family. (End of chapter)

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