Liu Lan, who had taken the money, immediately turned her face when she heard what Yu Luo said!

"You scourge, stop sowing discord here. You are really bad. No wonder my uncle and aunt hate your family so much. A scourge like you will bring misfortune to every family you visit. Now you are still here. You provoked my daughter-in-law."

"Clap clap clap."

Yu Luo smiled and looked at Luo Yi beside him. With just one look, Luo Yi understood instantly.

She dodged, stepped forward and grabbed Liu Lan's collar, and slapped her four times on Liu Lan's mouth like a cattail fan. She didn't care about Liu Lan at all. She was just a woman, and there was no trace of mercy in her ruthless attacks. .

The scolding voice finally stopped the moment the slap fell. Liu Lan felt her ears buzzing, her cheeks burning, circles around her eyes blackened, and a few light spots flickering from time to time. Her teeth felt loose and salty in her mouth. The smell of blood filled his lips and teeth.

When Luoyi let go of her collar, she fell to the ground instantly as if her bones had been shaken.

No one in the second room of the Yu family had time to react, it all happened so quickly.


Yu Chunmu stepped forward and tried to help Liu Lan, who was lying on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lan was so angry and ashamed that she pushed her son to the ground. She lay on the ground and started crying.

Yu Shanhai's face didn't look much better either. He could hit his wife by himself, but if someone else hit him, it would still be his face that would be hit.

Although Liu Lan's mouth really deserved to be slapped, Yu Shanhai still felt a little angry when he saw Liu Lan acting like this.

But he still said nothing, with a livid face, looking coldly at everything in the cave, and silently clenched his fists.

"You can make trouble unreasonably, but if you call me disaster star, you will touch my reverse scale. Today is just a few slaps. If you want to be like Yu Yingying, you can continue to curse more harshly next time."

After saying that, Yu Luo turned around and left the cave.

The heavy rain for more than ten days seemed to have made the air in the wilderness a lot moister. Seeing the poplar trees that suddenly sprouted many green buds and the dots of green on the ground, Yu Luo planned to go back directly.

Just as he was preparing to leave with Ye Jiamei and the others, Yu Zhengqing's cave heard the sad cries of Yu Xiaoran and Yu Xiaoyun, as well as the sound of stopping them.

Yu Luo was not interested in watching the liveliness of the descendants, but she still wanted to know where Chen died.

"Mom and Dad, do we want to go take a look?"

"Okay, their cave must be very lively now. You can see that the entrance of the cave is already full of people."

Ye Jiamei's eyes glowed, eager to try.

As she finished speaking, she suddenly felt her clothes being pulled by someone. Looking back, Ye Jiamei had a smile on her face.

"The second sister will take me there, the second sister will take me there."

"Xiaoluo, who is this? I was curious just now, and now I hear her calling you second sister, could it be that she is your uncle? But his kung fu is really powerful, even Yu Zhengqing is no match for him! "Liu Mingxia's wife, Zhao Qiuyue, looked at the man Yu Luo brought back from the closed city auction. She looked a little silly when she opened her mouth, her eyes full of curiosity, and some unconcealable gossip.

Yu Luo smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's my uncle."

As soon as he finished speaking, another cry was heard in the cave of Yu Zhengqing's house. This time it was Yu Meiyao's, and the faint cry for mercy was still heard.

In an instant, Yu Luo lost his mood to watch the excitement.

"Mom and dad, why don't you go and see her? By the way, I want to ask you where Ms. Chen is. I suspect that if Ms. Chen is not dead, she may not be hiding. I'm going to take a look at the surrounding terrain to see if there is any damage caused by the rain. Change."

"Okay, let's go."

After Ye Jiamei finished speaking, she told Yu Junjie to take the silly man with him and hurried to the cave of Yu Zhengqing's house, while Yu Luo took a few guards and headed to the place where they opened up wasteland.

There were a lot of stones piled up around the wasteland that had been opened up. Through the efforts of those people, many reservoirs were dug out in a short period of time.

Before, she was worried that the reservoirs would not be able to store water and would slowly soak through, but now Yu Luo looked at the water full of water and was filled with surprise and surprise.

"It's strange to say that Fengcheng is only a few hundred miles away from here. Why doesn't this land feel like the legendary wilderness? I have never heard of such a heavy rain in the wilderness. For more than ten days at a time, there are puddles and lakes everywhere. If we open up wasteland here, we won’t have to worry about survival."

Luo Er looked at the huge reservoirs, one after another, and the wasteland that had been sorted out. They were flat and neat. Some of the fields were directly filled with water. With a little tidying up, they could be used as paddy fields to plant rice seedlings. He was very curious. , I felt like I was back in my hometown, instead of living in this wild land.

After hearing Luo Er's words, Yu Luo recovered from his shock, "A long drought will inevitably lead to heavy rain. Maybe it's time for rain. That's fine. I'm worried about the water source. This rain will completely change this landform." Changed, then we have to seize the time to sort out the wasteland first, plant corn, and sweet potatoes, there is endless work, but there are too few manpower."

"Miss, do all these wastelands belong to our family?"

Luo San was not polite and directly used the word "our family". In his opinion, he was from Yu Luo anyway, so there was no sense of violation in using this word.

"Well, our family spends labor money to hire them to help us open up wasteland. When the wasteland is cleared in the future, we will probably hire them as long-term workers to help us farm the land. Otherwise, we will not be able to farm such a large piece of land."

"This is a good idea. These people have no source of income. It would be good if they could earn some money from the lady. In their spare time, they can also open up some wasteland and grow some food. Although life is a little more difficult, they will be busy for at least a year. Come down, and the money you save should be able to buy some things you need in Fengcheng."

After Luo San finished speaking, Yu Luo looked sideways at the guards around him.

"My goal for that city is to turn it into the same existence as Fengcheng in the future."


Shocked faces appeared on the faces of several guards!
The incredulous expression left several people speechless behind Yu Luo, and they remained silent for a long time without any reaction.

The sun came out today, not as bright as in the past, but compared to the cold and wet weather that had rained for more than ten days in a row, the warm sun was shining on my body, which made me feel very comfortable.

"That city was built by my uncles for my family, so I went to Fengcheng to buy you. Although I know that if we want to turn our city into an existence like Fengcheng, it won't be possible in just a few decades. , but I want to build all the houses around the streets of the city within three years first.

Even if we don’t become a charlatan like the city is closed, we can still turn our city into an existence that uses various businesses to attract money. "(End of chapter)

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